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Suggestion: pvp match quiters


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Controlling nodes on OPPOSITE sides of the *********** map is much harder than controlling mid and one side. Use your brains and think about it for a second.


East and west are far, far easier to defend than the middle node.


It amazes me that so many people haven't realized this yet.

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to encourage folks to 'be a man' and stick it out.


Can we just be honest with each other for a minute, you and I?


Sometimes you get a team of morons. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it. I don't mean noobs. I mean TOTAL FRIGGIN' MORONS.


There's no force, in heaven or in hell, that would make me stay for 15 mins in a match with these people. Even if quitting a match resulted in my character being deleted, I've seen people so stupid that I would have left anyway.


I think that Bioware should implement a debuff on anyone that quits mid match (for any reason OTHER than a disconect). Perahaps a 50% debuff to all skills/valor awards/legand points for 10 mins.


Sure. Make it 100% debuff for 10 hrs. I'll still quit and play my alt. I have 8 alts. Means I can quit a match 8 times a day.


Or better yet? I'll just go semi-AFK! Yay! Chat with the guild, do some crafting. Is that better? Does that make you happy? Bioware already said AFKing as long as you're not actually leaving the computer, not participating in fighting is A-OK.


Any input?


Yes. Go away.

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Just posting this to see what the masses opinion is:


I've seen waaaaay too many PVP matches where someone rage quits because the grp is losing. The irony being that SOMETIMES (not always) the grp can rally and win in the end. When folks come in late (to fill in a quitters spot) they get piddly amount of valor and usually come into a losing game.




to encourage folks to 'be a man' and stick it out. I think that Bioware should implement a debuff on anyone that quits mid match (for any reason OTHER than a disconect). Perahaps a 50% debuff to all skills/valor awards/legand points for 10 mins.


I mean if you're going to quit and leave in the middle of a Pvp match....maybe you just need a time out :)


Any input?


Disagree. Part of not having xserver was to develop a PVP community. Well we have that now and there are members of my community I don't want to play with. On top of that I can't choose what WZ I get and I really hate civil war, it's a really bad version of arathi basin.


My reasons for leaving have nothing to do with winning/losing as I don't actually mind losing if we are getting outplayed.

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I was being sarcastic. My point was that one person saying it's ok to leave at 5-0 means someone else can say it's ok to leave at 4-0 and another ....1-0.


It is never "OK" to quit. You kill the match for the 15 other people. I don't care about playing against premades or if your teammates stink, it's pure selfishness. This thread will be full of "reasons" why it's ok. Premades,imbalance, their gear is better etc




You forgot to use the <sarcasm> tag in your post and some were confused. Those of us who like sarcasm recognized it right off the bat though :)

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It is never "OK" to quit. You kill the match for the 15 other people. I don't care about playing against premades or if your teammates stink, it's pure selfishness. This thread will be full of "reasons" why it's ok. Premades,imbalance, their gear is better etc






This sounds cool.


My Da always said, "Youse pays your money youse take your chances, but when ya give your word ya keep it."


I am not sure it is the same about the game and stuff, but I think its about commitment?


I love my Da. :)





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like ive stated plenty of times before, ill take a quitters buff when you take a losers buff. if i cant queue for x amount of mins you shouldnt be able to play more than x amount of matches in a day


You're creating a false equivalency between quitters and team players.

Edited by raelimar
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Just put a 15min Lockout timer on ANYONE who drops, dont care if your net went out, or your wife/husband/parent just unplugged the router or if you just rolfcopterfail and ragequit.


A team with 1 (or more) lost player/s is a team already at a huge disadvantage.

Edited by Yllaan
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I quit sometimes if i notice early in the match that its one of those premades that has solid heals and im also with a team of undergeared players to where i would be lucky to even get a 10 kill medal. In that scenario i quit.


But if i invest any amount of time over 3 mins into the match, i might as well stay, especially if i can still get kills. I mean i pvp to enjoy killing players, to get comms and valor. The difference between me getting 7 medals in a loss and getting 7 medals in a win is maybe what? 100 valor and 15 comms? It's usually worth sticking it out. I never understood why people leave a WZ thats half way over. Might as well finish it out and collect the valor and comms.


Hell i love when i get in a WZ that has just 1 minute left even if they getting slaughtered. 400 valor and 40 comms for 60 seconds of my time? good investment.

Edited by KilllerRock
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Quite the opposite I wish they would add some sort of gap/time before you are replaced in a WZ.


Can say how many times my group was winning 4-0, or owning a Voidstar/Alderaan, I had 6+ medals and I had some random DC/game crash out of nowhere.....you log back in less than a minute and see yourself standing next to one of the fleet shops....

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They are leaving because the 2 sides are so imbalanced its lambs to the slaughter. Fix the PvP system to match team fairly and you wont see this happen as much.




Just posting this to see what the masses opinion is:


I've seen waaaaay too many PVP matches where someone rage quits because the grp is losing. The irony being that SOMETIMES (not always) the grp can rally and win in the end. When folks come in late (to fill in a quitters spot) they get piddly amount of valor and usually come into a losing game.




to encourage folks to 'be a man' and stick it out. I think that Bioware should implement a debuff on anyone that quits mid match (for any reason OTHER than a disconect). Perahaps a 50% debuff to all skills/valor awards/legand points for 10 mins.


I mean if you're going to quit and leave in the middle of a Pvp match....maybe you just need a time out :)


Any input?

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The ONLY reason for quitting is that you don't want to lose. You can whine, gripe, and complain about what is or isn't fair all you'd like but, the bottom line is: you quit because you didn't want to lose.


I have never seen someone quit my team because we had an unfair advantage.

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I quit ALL Hutball matches as soon as I enter. In approximately 50ish played from level 10 to level 30, I have won TWO TIMES as Republic. The numbers speak for themselves. There is no reason to play it.


I do agree though, there should be some form of penalty. I also think all WZs should follow the hutball model of Emp vs Emp and Repub vs Repub to help with queue times if necessary. They could easily come up with a story of why the factions would be fighting amongst themselves to justify it.

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I quit if I am down 1-0. I respect your PoV and you should respect mine. Generally after I quit being down 1-0 the team loses more people and the replacement comes in and quits because he is a replacement. This causes them to lose more.


The good news is that this happens on the other side too. So if I go up 1-0 I will generally win 6-0. People who quit, like me, have much more valor/commendations. Me and Nocorras just differ on when to quit.


Thank God everyone is not as smart as me because if everyone quit there would be no PvP.


^ Carebear spotted

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Just posting this to see what the masses opinion is:


I've seen waaaaay too many PVP matches where someone rage quits because the grp is losing. The irony being that SOMETIMES (not always) the grp can rally and win in the end. When folks come in late (to fill in a quitters spot) they get piddly amount of valor and usually come into a losing game.




to encourage folks to 'be a man' and stick it out. I think that Bioware should implement a debuff on anyone that quits mid match (for any reason OTHER than a disconect). Perahaps a 50% debuff to all skills/valor awards/legand points for 10 mins.


I mean if you're going to quit and leave in the middle of a Pvp match....maybe you just need a time out :)


Any input?


The flip side to this is beef up the replacements valor/awards. No reason that we should get dumped into a losing WZ for little gain and if we decide to bail be penalized as well.

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The ONLY reason for quitting is that you don't want to lose. You can whine, gripe, and complain about what is or isn't fair all you'd like but, the bottom line is: you quit because you didn't want to lose.


I have never seen someone quit my team because we had an unfair advantage.


Not entirely true. I have been in losing games of huttball down 5-0 with plenty of time left where the other team is farming medals. That is BS. If they can win they should win. I will always play the game all the way through and I do not have a problem losing. But when I see this happening I will quit. I don't appreciate having my time wasted.

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I'd rather it be an hour and 100%, but I'm with you on the concept.


To those that quit pvp matches when you lose, congrats on being a pansy in a video game


I don't blame anyone for quitting hutball upon entry, I don't but I despise that map. An option to que for all except huttball really needs to come about.

Edited by BacklashEH
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Leave it as it is. Those that are playing to get their daily wins get to move on to a team that has a better chance of winning; the medal farmers can stay and farm medals.


The key is in knowing which WZs are winnable and which ones are not. Most AFKers don't have a clue.

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I'd rather it be an hour and 100%, but I'm with you on the concept.


To those that quit pvp matches when you lose, congrats on being a pansy in a video game


For those who make us lose before we start, congrats on being incapable in a video game. Goes both ways. If it's so simple, and not real, why get so offended that we don't want to waste our time losing because of you? Get good and people won't bail because of you.

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