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More playable species!


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Anyone else wann play other species? And, I'm talking aliens! I'd love to play as a Duros, a Quarren, a Rodian, or an Ithorian. Is this possible? Anyone else want to? What other species would people want to play? I ask because all the current species are too human-like--even the Mirialan, Twi'lek, and Sith pureblood.


Dare I ask: Is playing as a wookie or even as a one of Yoda's species possible? That would be awesome!


Also, it would be awesome to create your own species! Is that a possibility?

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Well, we can always hope that Bioware will turn their back on different colored humans. Aliens are a must-have in such a diverse galaxy.


However for those who want to play wookies and jawas. I'd just rather they didnt add them. Seeing wookies with lightsabers and Republic trooper armor would just be wierd. And force sensitive jawas were mentioned on Tatooine, but the customization would be impossible.

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Well, we can always hope that Bioware will turn their back on different colored humans. Aliens are a must-have in such a diverse galaxy.


However for those who want to play wookies and jawas. I'd just rather they didnt add them. Seeing wookies with lightsabers and Republic trooper armor would just be wierd. And force sensitive jawas were mentioned on Tatooine, but the customization would be impossible.

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I think ive seen this thread about a million times. They dont have all the other species bc it conflicts with the story, romance, cinematics, etc. Technically it can conflict with weighting, armor, animations, etc - especially if its a different proportioned char.


If I were BW, I would focus less on story, romance, cinematics, and focus more on getting these other species into play so other ppl can be more attracted to them.


Thats what makes SW universe so cool - there is such a rich variety of species. When you limit that to the players, then it eliminates that whole aspect.

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Does anyone have a list of all the different races ALREADY included in the game? this way we can see which races are more human like (Duros for example) and those are likely to be included in the game soon enough (I think bioware said they would first concentrate on the races already in the game to be included in the legacy system) Edited by RedFox
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Does anyone have a list of all the different races ALREADY included in the game? this way we can see which races are more human like (Duros for example) and those are likely to be included in the game soon enough (I think bioware said they would first concentrate on the races already in the game to be included in the legacy system)




There, found the list



Edited by RedFox
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I know I've seen Duros, Rodians, Torgrutas, Cathars, Niktos, Ithorians, Mon Calamari, Trandoshans, Wookies, Jawa, Yoda's species, Hutts, Bith, Nautolans, Kel'Dors, Gamorrean, and a few other species whose names I do not know. And, I've only played as a Jedi consular...can anyone add to the list?
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Dare I ask: Is playing as a wookie or even as a one of Yoda's species possible? That would be awesome!


While I would love to play as a Wookiee eventually, I'm glad I'm not the voice actor responsible for recording grunts, howls and growls for every cutscene in the game. That's gotta hurt after a while.

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At the moment we got:


humans with a electronic device tattoo

humans with blue skin

humans with grey skin and tattoos

humans with colorful skin and towel wraps on the back of their head

humans with horns and red skin


Do you see a trend there?

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At the moment we got:


humans with a electronic device tattoo

humans with blue skin

humans with grey skin and tattoos

humans with colorful skin and towel wraps on the back of their head

humans with horns and red skin


Do you see a trend there?


lmao -its not even touching the variety of SW species that could be playable. Not to mention that none of the Sith even look like actual Sith. I havent seen too many 50 Sith with actual hoods/cloaks - u know the trademark of a SITH. :eek:

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Good list not sure what the level is but does show all the species already in the Game.


I do wonder if DE regrets says "If you can't imagine it kissing Leia it wont be in the game" guess it was his second worst comment after "No one cares about species lets just stick in a bunch of painted humans and everyone will be happy".

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Races don't matter one bit in this game.


In That Other MMO, you start in an area dictated by your race. You learn about the history of your race, find out about the politics of how your particular race became part of the faction that it's in, and why it has the classes that it does.

Race also dictates a few different in-game abilities that actually affect the performance of certain class/race combinations.


In SWTOR, race means getting a silly social action. That's it. All that matters is your class. Nobody ever mentions what race you are, no special race-related quests... just class.


What's the point of more races when the races already don't matter one bit?

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Races don't matter one bit in this game.


In That Other MMO, you start in an area dictated by your race. You learn about the history of your race, find out about the politics of how your particular race became part of the faction that it's in, and why it has the classes that it does.

Race also dictates a few different in-game abilities that actually affect the performance of certain class/race combinations.


In SWTOR, race means getting a silly social action. That's it. All that matters is your class. Nobody ever mentions what race you are, no special race-related quests... just class.


What's the point of more races when the races already don't matter one bit?


I think they do matter... Since I stare at my character the entire time I play this game.......

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Well, we can always hope that Bioware will turn their back on different colored humans. Aliens are a must-have in such a diverse galaxy.


However for those who want to play wookies and jawas. I'd just rather they didnt add them. Seeing wookies with lightsabers and Republic trooper armor would just be wierd. And force sensitive jawas were mentioned on Tatooine, but the customization would be impossible.


I think Lucas may have said no more expanded universe Wookies Jedi. so I think we will be safe from that:)

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Any race that's added will have to speak basic (English). They've stated this before, and for good reason. The voiceovers are class specific, not race specific, so any race added to a given class has to be believable when hearing the voiceover come out of their mouth.
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I think ive seen this thread about a million times. They dont have all the other species bc it conflicts with the story, romance, cinematics, etc. Technically it can conflict with weighting, armor, animations, etc - especially if its a different proportioned char.



Almost all of the races listed are already in game, and dont conflict with gear or cinematics. Duros, Rodians, Arcona, Nikto are all just head swaps, and are capable of speaking basic.

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