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  1. How do your health points increase? Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I've seen a few players with ridiculous health points.
  2. Rodian, Yoda's race, Ithorian, Duros, Weequay, Bith, Nikto, Jawa, Quarren
  3. yeah, I like the idea of horizontal expansion: perhaps a few new worlds (Kashyyyk, Rodia, Bothawui) or alterntive story lines within the same class? Maybe add a few new species in to the mix, like Bith, Rodian, Cathar, Duros? Also, why not add more customizations to existing species? Yet, there is something to increasing the level cap and adding more challenging herioc areas, flashpoints, etc.--in short, expanding the game vertically as well.
  4. Thats pretty cool, which would you recommend?
  5. I agree! The consular story is cool. I love the companions and the look. And I just plain enjoy being a Jedi--being evil can be so one-dimensional!
  6. some ideas for new classes: Jedi mystic or monk—healer/damage focusing on dedication to the Mystery of the Force and becoming one with it, meditation. The story could feature quests looking for ancient Jedi wisdom and artifacts that could cause great destruction if in the hands of the Sith. I realize this may be close to the consular, but it could take a different direction in terms of the story. Jedi archon or crusader—dedicated to eradicating the Sith, perhaps a storyline built on making choices that could tip you to the dark side? Sith fanatic—seeks power at everyone’s expense, focuses on Sith alchemy, spells, rituals to induce fear.
  7. I know I've seen Duros, Rodians, Torgrutas, Cathars, Niktos, Ithorians, Mon Calamari, Trandoshans, Wookies, Jawa, Yoda's species, Hutts, Bith, Nautolans, Kel'Dors, Gamorrean, and a few other species whose names I do not know. And, I've only played as a Jedi consular...can anyone add to the list?
  8. I agree! Maybe they could even give us more options regarding color for the Mirialans or Mirakula...space black, gray, purple! And why not remove the eye wraps from the Mirakula? That would look cool. But, I would absolutely love to play: Ithorian: Jedi consular, Jedi knight, Bounty Hunter Rodian: Jedi knight, Jedi consular, Smuggler, Trooper Duros: Jedi knight, Jedi consular, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Trooper Yoda's species: Jedi knight, Jedi consular Yeah, all these species are already in the game and I believe they can all speak basic (maybe not Ithorians)--but I would still them! Maybe these and other races will come out along with new classes and story lines? That might solve the romance issue--as in they take into account that some alien species won't look the same in romance scenes as humanoids would.
  9. Anyone else wann play other species? And, I'm talking aliens! I'd love to play as a Duros, a Quarren, a Rodian, or an Ithorian. Is this possible? Anyone else want to? What other species would people want to play? I ask because all the current species are too human-like--even the Mirialan, Twi'lek, and Sith pureblood. Dare I ask: Is playing as a wookie or even as a one of Yoda's species possible? That would be awesome! Also, it would be awesome to create your own species! Is that a possibility?
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