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STOP copying WoW and start copying DAoC


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While I liked DAoC, Mythic would have never nerfed Operatives or Scoundrels. I was OP on my Scout from day 1. We don't need 3 factions either.


What I'd really like to see is some original meaningful PvP. Make it 2-3 Worlds with 5-6 areas that can be conquered. Make the rewards a GALAXY WIDE BUFF and make each world provide a different one. DO NOT MAKE IT GEAR. GEAR = GAY.


ROFLMAO, Scouts got NERF after NERF afer NERF after NERR after NERF afrer NERF after NERF!


There was actually a webpage called "Death of a Scout" listing all the damn NERFS.


Also 3 factions was WHY DAOC worked. Every dual faction PvP game since GW1 has failed since then.

Edited by Kheld
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Scouts main nerfs were Crit Shot tweak, so that 2+ archers couldn't insta drop any target (but the second/third etc would do 50% crit damage). Then Slam was reduce in duration.


You forget to remember point blank shot aswell as the various other improvements they recieved. Ranger's buff line for free etc.


Slam was nerfed for everyone, not just scouts.


But Stealthing in DAOC created a "seperate" style, just look at Navreen's Stealth Nation. 30+ Stealther's just obliterating visibles. People dispised stealthers because you couldn't react to them, which is why also that Slam got nerfed.


DAOC as a hole, had some of the best PvP I'd ever played (continued playing from release until present). But we all have different aspirations for the games we play. I loved small manning or 8v8 in DAOC. Running with 2/3 friends and just rolling everything we see, or the epic fights where you'd manage to drop so many more. I remember grouping with Horaiyo on Friar/Paladin battlemaster duo, where we killed about 18 people before we finally died. I think he even fraps'd it.


But sadly, games seem to have progressed where GEAR is more important over skill, which is why I see my MMO career dying shortly. Part of the reason, is it gives you an excuse if you lose "he had better gear so I lost" kinda thing, but most players won't admit that. I may have lost regardless, but it's like you never know. I want to know, that when I beat someone it's because I outplayed them, or they made mistakes, not simply because I spent 12 hours a day getting top tier gear, just to facerolll everyone.


That is why DAOC to me was a great game. I never played WoW besides using a friends account in beta for about 10 hours. But the lack of PvP content at the beginning didn't appeal to me and by the time it was added, I had no interest in trying.


I genuinely don't understand the mindset of people who like to grind, sure I've done it by leveling 3 char's to 50, and leveling a friends toon 80% to 50. (He did first 10/15, I did most after that lol). But it was all in the hopes to get fun PvP.


But the trouble with the gear for example my Sentinel now even in full centurion gear has 577 expertise which isn't bad. But my strength/end are still only around 1100, compared to the full BM players at around 1400+. So for fresh 50's, there's not only the 10% damage reduction/increase that they have to face, it's the huge difference in primary stats also.


Also, the original DAOC creaters I doubt are with Mythic anymore. Sanya is off working on a game called Dominus now, many of the early people are on other games. I remember BardicGoddess the dev went to work on LOTR etc. So wether they could re-create it is another matter.

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the reality of this post is , Note how no one who's actually played DAoC has disagreed only WoW players disagree because they THINK WoW had a good pvp system compared to DAoC , it's humerous to see really
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Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.


While I would have to admit that I miss the greatness that was Darkness Falls, I wouldn't let a Mythic developer touch my game ... EVER.

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WoW changed MMO's for the better despite what 99% of the people on these forums say otherwise.


This is opinion and has no basis in fact. The only thing that can be said for sure about WoW is that it was the most financially successful MMO ever. It is obvious that other companies tried to hop on the bandwagon. This, however, does not mean WoW changed MMO's for the better.


In fact, since most of these games failed, one might deduct that while WoW became a hit, the game mechanics WoW used to keep its sheep subbing could not help other games establish themselves. This reflects poorly on said mechanics.

Edited by justadude
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This is opinion and has no basis in fact. The only thing that can be said for sure about WoW is that it was the most financially successful MMO ever. It is obvious that other companies tried to hop on the bandwagon. This, however, does not mean WoW changed MMO's for the better.


In fact, since most of these games failed, one might deduct that while WoW became a hit, the game mechanics WoW used to keep its sheep subbing could not help other games establish themselves. This reflects poorly on said mechanics.


That's the same thing as saying Call of Duty didn't change the FPS world, just that everyone jumped on the bandwagon to release FPS games that seem like CoD clones *cough*BF3*COUGH*.


Come on man.

Edited by Sookster
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cba reading all the replies but @ the OP.


There is a reason DAoC is FREE TO PLAY, and WoW is the most successful mmo in history .


Ehm since when is DAoC free to play???


And no WoW isnt the most successful mmo in the world thats Farmville but i can see hav you could mix those 2 up.

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Ehm since when is DAoC free to play???


You mean the horrible game is still on life support? didn't it die already?


And no WoW isnt the most successful mmo in the world thats Farmville but i can see hav you could mix those 2 up.


Not only Farmville is not an MMORPG, but was it made into an E-sports event with cash prizes?



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DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times


ahhahaahhahaha, where is this 'pvp society' that said this? Becuase I can sure as hell tell you that all the pvpers on Arenajunkies that play games ranging from WoW to Counterstrike to SC2/LoL don't want gear disparity in their game.


DAoC was fun pvp but it was in NO WAY competitive, which is what people want this day in age.


GW2 is going to disappoint all the gear grinding geeks because you can make a character max level for pvp right away with all the best gear etc instantly.


They get what PVPers want. We want a balanced atmosphere where you can tell who is good and who isn't.


Right now in SWTOR there is no way to tell who is good because you have war heroes who keyboard turn and click but grind warzones 12 hours a day, that isn't a show of skill that's just a show of he has a lot of free time.


The reason games like SC2 and LoL are so successful in e-sports scene is because everyone uses the exact same items and it comes down to who really is the better player.


Like it or not, WoW is probably the closest to an e-sport MMOs have ever gotten and yes, GW2 plans to make their pvp an e-sport.

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E-sports can really only be made in FPS and not an MMO, you dont join an MMO to do 2vs2, 3vs3, 5vs5, 8vs8 and so on, you join an MMO to fight for your realm, your guild, leave the Esports to the multiplayer games out there dont destroy MMOs with that crap.
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E-sports can really only be made in FPS and not an MMO, you dont join an MMO to do 2vs2, 3vs3, 5vs5, 8vs8 and so on, you join an MMO to fight for your realm, your guild, leave the Esports to the multiplayer games out there dont destroy MMOs with that crap.


You mean mmo's should be zerg fests where individual skill is irrelevant and all it matter is sheer numbers, gear difference, and who has the most ranged /aoe classes ? Is "that" the definition of skill?


Naga please.



Also wow would do so much better as an e-sport if it was focused around arena and not pve balancing. And ppl saying its not about 1v1/2v2/3v3/4v4 . The more balanced classes are in small scale pvp the more they will be in large scale pvp.

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DAoC is imagined to be an outdated model by most modern day MMO devs, including the remnants of Mythic themselves. The truth is, building a DAoC system successfully requires more talent and planning to pull off correctly and most devs just don't have the chops anymore. DAoC was a flash in the pan that somehow came out right. The Mythic devs have already shown they are incapable of reproducing that success with WAR so I doubt they have either the desire or ability to pull it off here. I'll be very impressed if GW2 manages to come close to DAoC's RvR system, but it's your best bet today. This game is going to be small group instanced PvP just like early WoW for the foreseeable future due to engine limitations. Edited by CaptainInsano
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please dont make this game anything like DAoC. that game is *****.


Tiered battlegrounds with a goal besides "winning", open RVR with a purpose isn't better than just 3-4 warzones filled with rage quitters and afk'ers?

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E-sports can really only be made in FPS and not an MMO, you dont join an MMO to do 2vs2, 3vs3, 5vs5, 8vs8 and so on, you join an MMO to fight for your realm, your guild, leave the Esports to the multiplayer games out there dont destroy MMOs with that crap.


You're wrong. There is no rule that it can't be an e-sport, no one has just done it successfully. Not every MMO has to be the same gear grind at end game, it's time companies start messing with the mold again.


I play MMOs to have a character and play PVP, you may choose to do something else but that's what I enjoy doing.


GW2 is going to satisfy me in that way, more companies should be trying to bring in the e-sports crowd and separate pve from pvp so it doesn't effect eachother.

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You mean mmo's should be zerg fests where individual skill is irrelevant and all it matter is sheer numbers, gear difference, and who has the most ranged /aoe classes ? Is "that" the definition of skill?


Naga please.



Also wow would do so much better as an e-sport if it was focused around arena and not pve balancing. And ppl saying its not about 1v1/2v2/3v3/4v4 . The more balanced classes are in small scale pvp the more they will be in large scale pvp.


There was alot more skill involved in DAoC than in any game i have played and i can tell you that the good players were alot more wellknown by thier community than they were in any other game ive played.. Roll a warrior in WoW and its an Iwin first price in Arena... ohh really the skill you have is amazing.... theres nothing in WoW that takes skill, arena is certain fotm classes against each other.

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There was alot more skill involved in DAoC than in any game i have played and i can tell you that the good players were alot more wellknown by thier community than they were in any other game ive played.. Roll a warrior in WoW and its an Iwin first price in Arena... ohh really the skill you have is amazing.... theres nothing in WoW that takes skill, arena is certain fotm classes against each other.


DAOC was zerg or be zerged, pointless "pvp"


The only people that consider WoW arena to be fotm classes are the ones stuck in the 1500 bracket blaming their class choice for their failure.


Warriors are one of the weakest classes right now in WoW arena, there is no class in the entire game that is overpowered to the point its an iwin or whatever you're claiming.


WoW arena is very balanced, pve is the problem.



It's just annoying to hear bad players that failed in WoW claim it's run by FOTM comps etc, of course there is good comps, that's how you design pvp to have classes that synergize well with eachother.


I can guarantee you GW2 will have the same 5v5 comps and people that are bad and can't beat good teams, will just blame it on being FOTM and unbalance.

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There was alot more skill involved in DAoC than in any game i have played and i can tell you that the good players were alot more wellknown by thier community than they were in any other game ive played.. Roll a warrior in WoW and its an Iwin first price in Arena... ohh really the skill you have is amazing.... theres nothing in WoW that takes skill, arena is certain fotm classes against each other.


WoW arena has some classes in a better position than others, HOWEVER, unless you were competing for RANK 1, it was not your concern. Just look @ the class numbers how many of that class that set foot in arena are and how many got gladiator. Playing the more advantageous class certainly did not entitle you to anything, ... maybe 200 more rating on average than you would have had playing less favored class in that season.


DAoC is horrible regarding competitive play.

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