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STOP copying WoW and start copying DAoC


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Daoc pvp was a mess. Stop holding it up as something awesome. 100k people played a game where at one point a single player could lock down an opposing army.


Anyone proclaiming daocs greatness just exposes themselves as living in the pvp dark ages.


^^ Troll - Either you weren't very good, or have never played the game.

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Another aspec of PvP that is annoying in WoW clones is the endless button mashing, zero skill, "heal through the mechanics" , zero brains kind of dynamics. In DAOC, a fight can be decided in 5 seconds, its like a turbo mode chess game in which one well thought move from 1 of the players in the group can decide the battle. The casting interrupt system is a true gem, a caster or healer is forced to be skilled in positioning , kiting/cc'ing, and using the quickcast (non-interruptible casting) cooldowns wisely as to succeed, for every time they receive considerable damage they are interrupted.


This sounds terrible. Why would anyone but a masochist want to play a healer in a game like that?


You said wow takes "zero skill", and in the next sentence said DAoC fights took 5 seconds. Assuming it had any sort of concept of a global cooldown that is a true two button game.


You aren't making a very good case for why DAoC was worth using as a model for anything.

Edited by Kolbenito
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Daoc pvp was a mess. Stop holding it up as something awesome. 100k people played a game where at one point a single player could lock down an opposing army.


Anyone proclaiming daocs greatness just exposes themselves as living in the pvp dark ages.


What? lol... what kind of moronic statement is that? Back it up with facts please? Oh wait, but you can´t , cuzz you are clueless about what you're talking about. Either you are a total pvp fail, or just ... nevermind. :)

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This sounds terrible. Why would anyone but a masochist want to play a healer in a game like that?


You said wow takes "zero skill", and in the next sentence said DAoC fights took 5 seconds. You aren't making a very good case for why DAoC was worth using as a model for anything.


You have to play it for realizing it. WoW clones are terribly button mashing based. The interrupted system was wonderful and inteligent. No surprise you cant entertain how it was, since WoW is your mmo reference. <shrug>


In daoc you had to have great anticipation skills and act right away, quickly and wisely, or the enemy would do that to you and you would lose. Simple as that, if you can't encompass that, i think the joke is on you.


Masochism on the other hand is to mash buttons so hard that makes your hand hurt. Using brains to decide things faster is way better. Not all the fights were decided in 5 secs tho, but usually most of the 8v8 fights were, which is the true gem of its pvp. A quick instant mezz from a bard, or a successfull assist melee train to get down a key target (lets say the healer) was all that it was about, and it had to be done fast. It was marvelous.


A duel , for example, between two skilled, gear and high RR players tho, could last minutes but its all about tactics not button mashing healthrough.

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WoW's PvP mechanics are what every game should strive for.


Diminishing Returns > Resolve

Combat is fast and responsive.


In regards to the BGs...yea ill give ya that. It is fun..responsive...fast paced.


Balanced??? Not sure about that.


...oh and Arenas....really??? Virtually ruined PvP for a spell.



Wow is great fun but it still has issues.

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If you played a Healer, you relied on the rest of your group. On my Cleric, if I had a Melee on me, I would often call in group. Then depending on the group setup, a variety of things could happen. I could have a class with Bodyguard come and protect me from Melee DPS, one of the Caster's could Root/Snare/Mez the target off me, a melee of my group could use a Snare style to slow him down giving me time to escape.


There is just so much depth to it, but it to be competative you had to work as a team. If you've never played it you probably won't understand anything about it.


On my Cleric, I had 2 insta heals on a 7 minute re-use. But I had single target heals, group heals, spreadheals etc. Through my Realm abilities, I could spec things which dispelled negative effects, improve group absorbtion.... It's just the depth of the game like I said before, 45 classes, atleast 3 spec options each, with item/gear charges, realm abilities gained from realm ranks, champion abilities, master level abilities......

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If you played a Healer, you relied on the rest of your group. On my Cleric, if I had a Melee on me, I would often call in group. Then depending on the group setup, a variety of things could happen. I could have a class with Bodyguard come and protect me from Melee DPS, one of the Caster's could Root/Snare/Mez the target off me, a melee of my group could use a Snare style to slow him down giving me time to escape.


There is just so much depth to it, but it to be competative you had to work as a team. If you've never played it you probably won't understand anything about it.


On my Cleric, I had 2 insta heals on a 7 minute re-use. But I had single target heals, group heals, spreadheals etc. Through my Realm abilities, I could spec things which dispelled negative effects, improve group absorbtion.... It's just the depth of the game like I said before, 45 classes, atleast 3 spec options each, with item/gear charges, realm abilities gained from realm ranks, champion abilities, master level abilities......


45 classes, and not one of them was a "mirror" nuff said... swtor = lazy *** class designers

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Well, mauler was a "mirror", but that's still only 1 out of 45 classes. Still 44 other unique's.


classes had resemblences to others... but yes other then mauler everything had its own seperate abilities. And within those 45 classes were the spec's you could choose which changed the class completely as well. Cave Shammy vs Aug Shammy, and so on

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classes had resemblences to others... but yes other then mauler everything had its own seperate abilities. And within those 45 classes were the spec's you could choose which changed the class completely as well. Cave Shammy vs Aug Shammy, and so on


Yeah, there were resemblences, in that you had healers, melee, casters. But then you had everything in between, melee/healer hybrids, melee/caster hybrids, caster/healer hybrids.

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I'd play daoc again even with its ancient graphics rather than ever give another dime to blizzard EVER again. WoW bores me to death.


Ditto. From what I read, RvR is still going strong in that game. You still have to deal with the botting and such but if you roll with a guild group, you'll hit and run in Emain Macha all night long.

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I actually thought Darkfall was the best pvp game ever. Unfortunately, the company couldnt handle management of the game, protection from hacking, and had no idea how to balance melee/magic and offer alternative advancement. However Darkfall 2.0...


I am holding out hope that the money SW:TOR has generated will translate into some competent "PVP dedicated" devs non-stop working on things other than instanced arena/BG PVP.

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Ditto. From what I read, RvR is still going strong in that game. You still have to deal with the botting and such but if you roll with a guild group, you'll hit and run in Emain Macha all night long.


No botting on classic servers! i Miss when those first came out, brought me back to the game for quite awhile.

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I don't think that today's gamer would tolerate DAoC style gameplay. Look at Ilum. It became a race to find a way to shortcut the system rather than an opportunity to enjoy some combat. In DAoC Mid was almost always the low pop realm and we competed just fine. We used the terrain and opportunity to make our strikes. We didn't look for ways to exploit the gaining of rp's and then whine on the forums about pop imbalance.


Yes, I'm old. GET OFF MY LAWN!

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Well, mauler was a "mirror", but that's still only 1 out of 45 classes. Still 44 other unique's.


my point! i didnt even remind of the mauler, and they were one of my least favorite (matter of opinion). I had to edit it because i remembered it was mirrored but all the other 44 were incredibly unique.

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I actually thought Darkfall was the best pvp game ever. Unfortunately, the company couldnt handle management of the game, protection from hacking, and had no idea how to balance melee/magic and offer alternative advancement. However Darkfall 2.0...


I am holding out hope that the money SW:TOR has generated will translate into some competent "PVP dedicated" devs non-stop working on things other than instanced arena/BG PVP.


interesting i hear a lot of the darkfall pvp as being good as well, not as much as i hear/read other ppl say about daoc's, but unfortunately never tried it.

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Can honestly see todays gamers playing something as diverse an in-depth as DAOC ? HAHHAHA man they would quit in the first day!. The second they lost even 1 exp because they got stupid an died, or the instant they were killed by a class that can so many things they cant do, not to mention the fact having 47 classes with ZERO cross overs, would just confuse them.


It's sad to say it, but the days of true MMO's are dead, it's all about "MMO-lite" now....

Give em shallow empty hand holding an shiny grabbing quota's for the day, an they will run round like scrabbling children after lollies on floor.... :(


In saying that, at least GW2 is "trying" to bring back the good old days, with an MMO that is centered around pvp an diversity, as they used to be.

Edited by BegaTasty
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