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STOP copying WoW and start copying DAoC


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Yes it's another post from yet another outraged player, QUIT building on to the worst failure that ever was an mmorpg, when will you learn to LISTEN to what the better players are saying rather than to listen to the worst players?!,



Fact 1: WOW PvP Sucked from day 1 till now.... it was a mass grind fight with no organisation, you qued with random crap players and it featured the same battlegrounds over and over again... IT WASNT FUN IT WASNT CHALLENGING, yet you are copying this?!? The worst parts of WoW is what you decided to copy?. You want to catch peoples eyes? then create something new!? don't copy what was horrible from another game?



Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.



The Warning: DO NOT Get complacent by thinking we're playing this game because it has more to offer than WoW because quite frankly it's the same and WoW is more populated people might aswell return under these circumstances, so dont rest your feet till you're done walking, you have the game you have the technology you have the brains to figure out what the eliteists are saying may hold some truths to it , now ACT accordingly and fix it please =)

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First off let me state that I'm a huge fan of daoc and played it for years.


To call WoW a failure is just plain stupid. My favorite part is the people like you who call is the worse MMO in history probably played it for years before quitting.


WoW changed MMO's for the better despite what 99% of the people on these forums say otherwise.

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Yes it's another post from yet another outraged player, QUIT building on to the worst failure that ever was an mmorpg, when will you learn to LISTEN to what the better players are saying rather than to listen to the worst players?!,



Fact 1: WOW PvP Sucked from day 1 till now.... it was a mass grind fight with no organisation, you qued with random crap players and it featured the same battlegrounds over and over again... IT WASNT FUN IT WASNT CHALLENGING, yet you are copying this?!? The worst parts of WoW is what you decided to copy?. You want to catch peoples eyes? then create something new!? don't copy what was horrible from another game?



Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.



The Warning: DO NOT Get complacent by thinking we're playing this game because it has more to offer than WoW because quite frankly it's the same and WoW is more populated people might aswell return under these circumstances, so dont rest your feet till you're done walking, you have the game you have the technology you have the brains to figure out what the eliteists are saying may hold some truths to it , now ACT accordingly and fix it please =)


Mythic really blew it with WAR, the game never picked up. Is SWTOR offering us the worst of WAR with the worst of WoW?


Where is meaningful world PvP? What is the deal with the worthless, no-fun stun mechanics? Why the emphasis on anonymous warzone zerg? Are we gonna see AoE stuns next?


It´s fun for some now because it´s new, but it´s getting old real quick.

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Sadly DAoC is more than ten years old but it certainly was the greatest PvP MMO I ever played. The greatest thing about it was the three factions all having great pride in their realm and always defending their lands and attacking the other lands because having control actually mattered.


Having the greatest portion of control opened up the best dungeon available (Darkness Falls).


DAoC was amazing. Even when I was stuck at level 12 for days because I was just that much of a noob and the game was seriously that hard.

Edited by etean
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Yes it's another post from yet another outraged player, QUIT building on to the worst failure that ever was an mmorpg, when will you learn to LISTEN to what the better players are saying rather than to listen to the worst players?!,



Fact 1: WOW PvP Sucked from day 1 till now.... it was a mass grind fight with no organisation, you qued with random crap players and it featured the same battlegrounds over and over again... IT WASNT FUN IT WASNT CHALLENGING, yet you are copying this?!? The worst parts of WoW is what you decided to copy?. You want to catch peoples eyes? then create something new!? don't copy what was horrible from another game?



Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.



The Warning: DO NOT Get complacent by thinking we're playing this game because it has more to offer than WoW because quite frankly it's the same and WoW is more populated people might aswell return under these circumstances, so dont rest your feet till you're done walking, you have the game you have the technology you have the brains to figure out what the eliteists are saying may hold some truths to it , now ACT accordingly and fix it please =)



While I liked DAoC, Mythic would have never nerfed Operatives or Scoundrels. I was OP on my Scout from day 1. We don't need 3 factions either.


What I'd really like to see is some original meaningful PvP. Make it 2-3 Worlds with 5-6 areas that can be conquered. Make the rewards a GALAXY WIDE BUFF and make each world provide a different one. DO NOT MAKE IT GEAR. GEAR = GAY.

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While I liked DAoC, Mythic would have never nerfed Operatives or Scoundrels. I was OP on my Scout from day 1.


Whaaaaat. They nerfed the crap out of Scouts, rangers and whatever the 3rd version was called. The first 10 game updates all significantly altered the game play of those classes.

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Sadly DAoC is more than ten years old but it certainly was the greatest PvP MMO I ever played. The greatest thing about it was the three factions all having great pride in their realm and always defending their lands and attacking the other lands because having control actually mattered.


Having the greatest portion of control opened up the best dungeon available (Darkness Falls).


DAoC was amazing. Even when I was stuck at level 12 for days because I was just that much of a noob and the game was seriously that hard.


the key words in this post are "was" times have changed. if DAoC was all everyone says it is more people would be playing it.

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12 million players = worst mmo ever...........wat wat wat!!!!


wasnt 5-6 million of those people Gold Farmers? doesnt count DAoC was by far the best MMO around that had a hardcore PvP focus as well as the core RP, PvE. Granted most MMO players are PvE based/oriented, A lot of us are hardcore PvP'ers as well. I would love to see something like frontiers (Planet control, main base takeovers).

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Yes it's another post from yet another outraged player, QUIT building on to the worst failure that ever was an mmorpg, when will you learn to LISTEN to what the better players are saying rather than to listen to the worst players?!,



Fact 1: WOW PvP Sucked from day 1 till now.... it was a mass grind fight with no organisation, you qued with random crap players and it featured the same battlegrounds over and over again... IT WASNT FUN IT WASNT CHALLENGING, yet you are copying this?!? The worst parts of WoW is what you decided to copy?. You want to catch peoples eyes? then create something new!? don't copy what was horrible from another game?



Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.



The Warning: DO NOT Get complacent by thinking we're playing this game because it has more to offer than WoW because quite frankly it's the same and WoW is more populated people might aswell return under these circumstances, so dont rest your feet till you're done walking, you have the game you have the technology you have the brains to figure out what the eliteists are saying may hold some truths to it , now ACT accordingly and fix it please =)


Profit margins disagree.


There were plenty of things that were great about DAOC but plenty bad things as well that are being pushed to the side by your nostalgia. There are aspects of DAOC to copy to be sure but there is a reason WoW is number 1, and has been for so long.


That said, I think the right blend of the two could be a powerhouse.

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Whaaaaat. They nerfed the crap out of Scouts, rangers and whatever the 3rd version was called. The first 10 game updates all significantly altered the game play of those classes.


Rangers were OP as hell. Melee rangers, played 1 for the longest time.

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wasnt 5-6 million of those people Gold Farmers? doesnt count DAoC was by far the best MMO around that had a hardcore PvP focus as well as the core RP, PvE. Granted most MMO players are PvE based/oriented, A lot of us are hardcore PvP'ers as well. I would love to see something like frontiers (Planet control, main base takeovers).


I've been meaning to ask someone, does it hurt to pull numbers out of your ***?

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First off let me state that I'm a huge fan of daoc and played it for years.


To call WoW a failure is just plain stupid. My favorite part is the people like you who call is the worse MMO in history probably played it for years before quitting.


WoW changed MMO's for the better despite what 99% of the people on these forums say otherwise.


I stopped playing wow because of how easy it has become but it isn't the worst mmorpg in history. To say that has to be the dumbest thing you can do. It holds the record of being the best and it has the players to prove it. Since there was wow everyone has been trying to copy it and there are games which have been very successful because it was a clone such as Rift. Wow was fine until WOTLK but after that it was just simple as hell. The pvp from day one was fine and I have no idea what has you so pissed off about it. Did you really play vanilla wow or are you just going off things you've heard from people who claim to have played vanilla?

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Yes it's another post from yet another outraged player, QUIT building on to the worst failure that ever was an mmorpg, when will you learn to LISTEN to what the better players are saying rather than to listen to the worst players?!,



Fact 1: WOW PvP Sucked from day 1 till now.... it was a mass grind fight with no organisation, you qued with random crap players and it featured the same battlegrounds over and over again... IT WASNT FUN IT WASNT CHALLENGING, yet you are copying this?!? The worst parts of WoW is what you decided to copy?. You want to catch peoples eyes? then create something new!? don't copy what was horrible from another game?



Fact 2: DAoC was freaking great and has been deemed by the pvp society online as the best pvp game of ALL Times yet you dont cooporate with your OWN collegaues at Mythic who has infinitely more experience creating MMORPG games? That's silly learn from their mistakes by and learn from the things they created that was awesome.....pvp objective based war areas such as the frontiers, and create PERMANENT battlegrounds for the level brackets to enjoy.



The Warning: DO NOT Get complacent by thinking we're playing this game because it has more to offer than WoW because quite frankly it's the same and WoW is more populated people might aswell return under these circumstances, so dont rest your feet till you're done walking, you have the game you have the technology you have the brains to figure out what the eliteists are saying may hold some truths to it , now ACT accordingly and fix it please =)


FACT 1 is WRONG get over yourself, WOW PVP when it first came out was awesome fun, on par with UO. Anyone who played when WOW first came out and didn't enjoy the MC fights at the mountain or TM/SS is someone who doesn't like PVP or just sucks at it.


The rest of your points I didn't bother to read since you discredited yourself after your first failed fact.

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DAOC is still a very great game, I dropped my sub there to play this game. Am I unhappy with this game? No im not. Can it be much better? Yes if given the time and input for the devs to do thier jobs.

My friend and I actually talked about how they could incorperate things to make it better since its all about gear ATM. Take Expertise out of the gear and make all gear obtainable with mod slots. Buff crafters items up so they can be placed on gear to improve and play as you wish. Valor levels should be used as a rank system each level of valor should give a point to put in a seperate tree or system to give you better abilities... more str or int or aim what have you and rank 1 be 1% that costs 1 point or 1 level of valor... rank 2 would be 3% and cost 2 more ranks and so on however they planned then each AC would have a class specific ability once they hit say valor rank 35ish to help them in PVP. Also have things like a type of Ignore Pain that hase a 5-10-15min cooldown that gives 25-50-75% health they could copy alot from DAOC and place it in this game.

As for the warzones, planets with brackets of strictly pvp would be sweet, Ilum in a way but not quite... control points and player bases yes but put some sort of incentive to play there


Sorry just my 2 cents and sorry for the WALL... Loving this game ATM but can see so much potential ill stick it out.

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Anyone who played when WOW first came out and didn't enjoy the MC fights at the mountain or TM/SS is someone who doesn't like PVP or just sucks at it.


Ok, lets be honest here, nostalgia might suggest otherwise, but there really wasn't anything fun about the Southshore Shuffle. Just shuffling back and forth between the towns with no resolution or point because both factions graveyards were right there anyway.

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