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Warzones for 50s are shutting down


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I'm sorry. I don't mean to call anyone out here, but we're trying to make a point here in these forums with the problem we're having regarding PvP. I'm happy for you that your server has no downtime wait like our servers are having, but that doesn't mean you can tell us to stop whining or whatever. Have the damn common respect for us as we do for you and stop whining over our "whining."


Grow up.

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Sorry guys you just have to deal with it. If you think PvP geared 50's fighting low level opponents was in anyway fair to THEM you're delusional. A 50's bracket had to be done; it is as simple as that. I'm sorry that your server cannot sustain instant queues 24/7 right now, but there are lots of folks levels 1-49 who can now have fun, competitive matches because of this very necessary change.


The bracketing is working real well for a lot of people on a lot of servers.

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If bioware was smart (lol), they would have made warzones 10-39, and 40-50. Then put some expertise on the level 40 PvP gear.



On a heavy populated server, I went from instant to 2 min warzone queue times all the way up to 15-30 minute queue times... Only to get paired up with derp allies against a premade.


Ilum is also impossible with 2-5 empire PER capture point, and only 15 in ilum for republic, mostly doing pve.


As someone who spent most of their time doing PvP, this patch killed it for me. I am on day 3 just trying to get the ilum daily done. The only reason I am even still trying is because I only need 5 more kills. I also can no longer get the warzone dailies done once a day.


And I hate to mention class balance, but now that it is all level 50s, I really notice how much my sentinel gets focused. I pop my defensive cooldowns and still die in under 10 seconds. I also feel like i am swinging around 2 wet noodles and not lightsabers. But I am good at locking down healers... If I can survive long enough.

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I spent 2 hours today on Ilum and got 1000 valor, that is not faster then WZs.


YES IT IS, get your tags on the enemies I went from 50 to 52 in around 40 minutes thats in excess of 25k valour aka faster then Wzs you just have to get there as the dailys reset in the middle of the gold rush.


And more to the point, Lord Calypho is an awesome server with fast queues and a large number of Republics, come join in on the fun.

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It's 8:30am EST and I been sitting in the Q now for about 30 minutes and NO Warzone at level 50. Just lame, did you not think this would happen when you bracketed just 50s together, I sure did.


Not enough people are in them at times and they just shut down way early.


Should not have made the bracket for just 50s, there just is not enough people doing them all the time now.


Lower the Bracket to 40-50 so we can do them and have enough wanting to.


I have nothing to do and I am close to CANCELING.


I am done with Daily's on Ilum and Belsavis and raids are only 2 nights a week, PvP is all that's left and the way you have it with just 50s can't even do that some of the time. Either Qs are to long or when we do get in one it shuts down.


And no HM FPs do not interest me, why do I want to go through that for crappy loot or worse a repair bill of 20-60k from a bad PUG.


This game is going to be loosing people in droves soon which is to bad cause I like it, just nothing to do and no sense in continuing to sub when nothing to do.


Oh and I am not making another toon when I already know what awaits me at 50 as of right now, which is more boredom.


I did 5 in a row today, around the time you posted this thread, average wait time was about 1 minute.


Maybe once more player hit level 50 (the majority have not yet) you won't have to wait so long.

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There is also another problem, the new 50s know that they are going to be destroyed by those already with the gear and stop at 49, possibly starting a new toon and pvp'ing on the "lower 10-49 bracket"


I know that's what I intend to do. In fact I've stopped doing quests to level at all and just run crew missions and play the GTN between warzones because I don't want to get to 50 because of the gear imbalance.

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I know that's what I intend to do. In fact I've stopped doing quests to level at all and just run crew missions and play the GTN between warzones because I don't want to get to 50 because of the gear imbalance.


Same, I don't mind playing with people who have a few more abilities than me but expertise is silly. Gonna hit 50 then move to another character.

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Switched from a EU server to a busy US one, also rolled Republic.

My server is empty, I sat in Ilum for an hour and not a single enemy player was there at prime time. Level 50 pvp is not popping except for Hutball and our teams are not full, a week ago this was a full server.

All games lose a lot of players after the first month, however, I have not had to switch servers this soon in any mmo before and I have played them since U.O. 1997.


I will continue subs until GW2 arrives, will just keep playing in the 1-49 bracket.

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The problem was never the 50's it was the expertise stat in pvp gear that is available to only level 50's that gave the advantage in warzones.


I am not a fan of pve or pvp restrictive stats and think that everything should just be custom gear that you create based on your own playstyle, but i dont work for EA games.

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I applaud Bioware for putting 50s in their own brackets. You must now earn the gear instead of face rolling lower levels.


Earn their gear how exactly if they can play 2-3 WZs in one evening? Better question is - why are there still people who are not 50 on their first char.

Edited by ScartStorm
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They should have just followed the Guild Wars pvp model from the start. Seriously, why base your pvp on the worst pvp game ever (i.e. WoW). they had the chance to combine the popular pve formula from wow, do it one better with fully voiced quests, and then add an actual pvp system that worked.



In guild wars 2, they will have


1. cross server pvp matches

2. Seperate casual warzones and tournaments. The casual warzones do not have premades and the tournmanets are done with teams only, having them fight elimination rounds until there is one victor.

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They should have just followed the Guild Wars pvp model from the start. Seriously, why base your pvp on the worst pvp game ever (i.e. WoW). they had the chance to combine the popular pve formula from wow, do it one better with fully voiced quests, and then add an actual pvp system that worked.



In guild wars 2, they will have


1. cross server pvp matches

2. Seperate casual warzones and tournaments. The casual warzones do not have premades and the tournmanets are done with teams only, having them fight elimination rounds until there is one victor.


sounds like a good idea

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Earn their gear how exactly if they can play 2-3 WZs in one evening? Better question is - why are there still people who are not 50 on their first char.


Well, I had early access and I'm only lv37 on my main.


You know why? I have a life. I went for a holiday, I spent christmas with family a long drive from home.


And in addition to that, I have no desire to rush to 50. I want to get to 50, yes, but I don't feel the need to level any faster than I want to.



And in that statement lies your problem: people aren't 50 yet, and many of those who are have rolled new characters to try out other classes. People don't just have a prophetic vision of the class they will enjoy the most, they have to play them and try them out. Come back in 2 or 3 months, if you still have queue issues, then ask for cross server.

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The second 50 exclusive Warzones were created BW should've implemented some sort of server transfer system. On the more populated servers there is more than enough 50's to warrant a separate bracket, but on the lower populated servers people who reach 50 are penalized with absurdly long queue times because there simply isn't enough high level players to consistently run Warzones.
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