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Warzones for 50s are shutting down


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Love how 50s only spammed WZs when they could faceroll low levels on some servers. Roll a new toon and you'll find fun, more even WZs.


Rerolling isnt a solution to the problem. There will ALWAYS be long queues for lvl 50 players with this system.

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You need to stop whining about 1-49s not being in 50s brackets and INSTEAD start lobbying to bioware to remove expertise entirely, and to be added in at a later date when most people are at 50


Cause untill then most of the real pvpers are just going to stick in the 1-49 pvp because its more fun/fair and balanced for all therfore making the game more skill based instead of "whoever exploited illum the most wins"

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Your quiting because


You choose a lower population server.

You choose to level to 50 as fast as possible.

You choose to dominate lower level people in pvp.


You havent once expressed any insight, logic, or understanding outside of a exaggerated self-centered view point you present.


Then blame Bioware as the problem and quit.



Good Riddance, we need more people who are willing to work on the problem instead of enable it.


1) He most likely had no idea the server population would be bad when he rolled, non of us had any idea on how populated they would be.


2) If he started during early access, it's now been 6 weeks since release, not exactly speed leveling


3) Just because we was a 50 in a zone against level 10s doesn't mean that's why we played it. If you notice he asks to expand it to 40, not level 10. Right now some servers have no WZ action. Such as mine, I only ever get Huttball and even if I'm lucky enough to fight something non-Huttball we end up with at least 2 AFK players.


Thank fully I don't mind PvE so I have gone back to tank spec and decided to reinstall Guild Wars for my PvP. However once I have done the PvE content a few times I don't see myself resubbing unless they keep releasing top quality content as I am a PvP player at heart.

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Zero Warzones on ICE Breaker since 1.1 patch. Not a single one.


I do believe BW will implement cross-server warzones pretty soon. ITs the only way to stop lvl 50 people from unsubbing.


There is also another problem, the new 50s know that they are going to be destroyed by those already with the gear and stop at 49, possibly starting a new toon and pvp'ing on the "lower 10-49 bracket"

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Why are people suggesting a fix of lowering the bracket to 40 - 50? That seems really counter intuitive.


You realize *most* pvp games of this nature, have cross realm pvp queues to combat this very problem.



Seems to make the most sense to me.

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Server Rogue Moon.


Wait Times nearly always incredibly long now.

Half the time you dont have a full team or they dont have a full team.

Wz Shutdown happens alot even during peak hour's.


just rather **** tbh.

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Sunday mornings are by far the lowest played time periods of the week for all mmogs. It is not even close.


Choosing to play during the hands down lowest play time of the week and complaining nobody else is playing Is bad form.


Try back in 3-4 hours when people start logging on in Sunday's.

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I've had a WZ pop every 10 minutes at least on Krayiss Obelisk on Empire side. It's probably your server.


Also I do believe Bioware will probably come out with Server clusters to PvP with to pick up the queues.


People need to give them time to work this stuff out.


WoW and Rift went through this when they had low PvP queues, now Bioware will probably do the same as well.


Just don't expect it to be over night.

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I am done with Daily's on Ilum and Belsavis and raids are only 2 nights a week, PvP is all that's left and the way you have it with just 50s can't even do that some of the time.


So you're telling us that, because PvP is broken then you're gonna throw away raiding and all the rest because you wanna quit the game? how emo are you?

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Sunday mornings are by far the lowest played time periods of the week for all mmogs. It is not even close.


Choosing to play during the hands down lowest play time of the week and complaining nobody else is playing Is bad form.


Try back in 3-4 hours when people start logging on in Sunday's.


Not to mention it's Championship Sunday!

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This is all so shameful and obvious :)


We have a "I was here first" club that got all of their gains easily.


Now, they hold onto the top of the hill.


Expertise in and of itself may not be so bad, but in the hands of an expert min/maxer with

tactics and organization it makes a situation utterly hopeless. It also makes people think everything will be ok if they get some expertise.


I watch as gaining equal ground becomes harder and harder since launch. I realize what's going on. People will try to better themselves when they got stomped. Make the goal farther and farther away.


Call me when new servers open. This is a financial scam template applied to an online game. :)

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Sunday mornings are by far the lowest played time periods of the week for all mmogs. It is not even close.


Choosing to play during the hands down lowest play time of the week and complaining nobody else is playing Is bad form.


Try back in 3-4 hours when people start logging on in Sunday's.


It doesnt matter. On prime time my server is standard and there is ZERO warzones spawning for lvl 50.

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50 Trooper here Kathol Rift. I dont want to fight <50s end of story, so how do we make it so the following experience doesn't happen again.


This past thursday: 2:50 mintue wait in queue. 2 games nearly back to back. 30 minute queue wait ( premature ended game due to lack of participation). 2:20 minute queue wait.


Friday night - prime time 9:30pm+ in three hours I got to PLAY in 3 games.



Halp!??!?!?!?!?!? I wants to pvp.

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Roll an alt..


Look for datacrons..


Max out your companions affection..


Do some crafting..


Do some RP..


There is so much to do, complaining you have nothing to do is bizarre.


Maybe mmo's are not for you?


(I'm being sarcastic, but its impossible to convey...)


We want to PvP on our PvP server. Crazy, I know.

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It's pretty obvious that a lot of people really don't understand the issue. A majority of people below 50 seem to believe ALL level 50s enjoy trouncing lowbies, which would be like assuming all lowbies suck at the game. I personally don't care about who I play with I just want to play the game. In the past 2 days I have had 2 warzone games each ending after 120 seconds. I can literally sit there leave my character afk for about 4 hours while I do homework and still not get into a warzone that's how bad the current system is. No, rolling an alt does not fix the problem and neither does going to another server. The easiest fix to the problem is have warzones be cross server PvP. Edited by vAAlienz
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I'd love to zerg on Ilum for valor, but sadly there is nobody on right now for my server, which is Master something.......Can't really remember. When there is republic people on, they always outmatch me 7:1 because there are hardly any imperial players on when I am that are also 50....Besides a few good friends who would rather just level another character.


Sadly, this is what I decided to do as well. I'm stuck at 30 valor with no way to obtain anymore unless by some miracle I have someone roll on Ilum and try to 1v1 me. Warzone for me is practically non-existant. Hell even my brother plays this game and doesn't get hardly any warzones to happen in the peak hours of our server, and when it finally does it ends in 120 seconds.


I regret ever going to a PvE server now, but I will not re-level just because I thought it'd be much better to level in a PvE enviroment without having people hounding me like a bounty. I don't wish for server merger's to fix this problem, just maybe converge PvP Warzone's into a multi-server connection to avoid having nobody in some server's having to wait 3 days to participate for one win on their daily mission.


I don't know whoever mentioned this stupid 50 bracket thing....But holy hell BioWare should've known this problem would arise because it takes time to sustain a minimal population with level 50 characters only. Idiots should've only implemented this patch on certain servers that wouldn't notice the difference.

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Sunday mornings are by far the lowest played time periods of the week for all mmogs. It is not even close.


Choosing to play during the hands down lowest play time of the week and complaining nobody else is playing Is bad form.


Try back in 3-4 hours when people start logging on in Sunday's.


Been like this everday since update for me :p

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It's 8:30am EST and I been sitting in the Q now for about 30 minutes and NO Warzone at level 50. Just lame, did you not think this would happen when you bracketed just 50s together, I sure did.


Not enough people are in them at times and they just shut down way early.


Should not have made the bracket for just 50s, there just is not enough people doing them all the time now.


Lower the Bracket to 40-50 so we can do them and have enough wanting to.


I have nothing to do and I am close to CANCELING.


I am done with Daily's on Ilum and Belsavis and raids are only 2 nights a week, PvP is all that's left and the way you have it with just 50s can't even do that some of the time. Either Qs are to long or when we do get in one it shuts down.


And no HM FPs do not interest me, why do I want to go through that for crappy loot or worse a repair bill of 20-60k from a bad PUG.


This game is going to be loosing people in droves soon which is to bad cause I like it, just nothing to do and no sense in continuing to sub when nothing to do.


Oh and I am not making another toon when I already know what awaits me at 50 as of right now, which is more boredom.


Your problem playing so much and having nothing to do, nevertheless you can create a toon you know and find a new *to do list* until casual players reach 50 too!

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