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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warzones for 50s are shutting down


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I'd definitely support the idea of cross-server warzones and adding expertise to the lv 40 PVP gear...

Well, I don't even really log into the game anymore - If I feel like playing I just go on teamspeak and ask if any warzones have started only to get an "not in the last few hours" answer. Well, not really surprising considering that /who for lvl 50 people lists usually around 30 player.

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Roll an alt..


Look for datacrons..


Max out your companions affection..


Do some crafting..


Do some RP..


There is so much to do, complaining you have nothing to do is bizarre.


Maybe mmo's are not for you?


(I'm being sarcastic, but its impossible to convey...)


hey mister troll. guess what: that's what many people are doing. and it's making guilds fall apart because people is all day long on better servers instead on the low pop server on their mains.


how about you come to Goluud Corridor, level up to 50 and THEN come back and troll here if you dare.


a mate just got super happy in guildchat because he finally got his new pvp saber. he was at 71/72 commendations FOR A WEEK.


it took him a whole week to get one freaking WZ match to gain the commendation he was needing.


most of our lvl50 players have everything maxxed. companions, crafting, datacrons, etc.

OPs and HM are cleared, dailies are done and what's left? pvp... oh wait, NO, there is no pvp on this server.


i am getting whispers from republic players BEGGING me to come to ilum or to join WZ queues too (i am already in queue) because their guilds are suffering the same.


so, how about you get a clue before trolling here with nonsense, hum?



BIOWARE: lvl41-50 brackets. NOW!

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On my server you couldn't ENTER a war-zone without being targeted for being "told" to drop group, go away and don't come back, blamed for them not being able to complete THEIR daily, and on and on if you weren't at least 42-44+ in level.


I was one of the brave few from launch on all my alts that always began PvP at 10 and did it every day, no matter what they said. I rarely saw others very often return regularly under level-30 in the face of that blistering abuse.


So came the day that Bioware said that a 50-bracket was coming, and then that's all the 50's talked about in PvP when they would see myself or others under 50 to DARE to enter THEIR war-zones. Then, finally that day came...


2 things happened. One I saw coming a mile away and that the 50's were apparently blind to. The second I should have seen coming, but because I didn't it was a very pleasant surprise.


One was that almost immediately 'general chat' was bombarded by (guess who) the 50's all pissing, moaning, and whining about how now that they had their own bracket...PVP sucked. There was a great gnashing of teeth and I couldn't stop laughing at them for it. Remember, be careful what you wish for.


The second was that slowly...I began to see level-10-20's appear in greater and greater numbers in the war-zones and cue times lowered. More Republic v Imperial matches occurred. Pretty soon the level-range from 10-49 was pretty well represented across the board in PvP. I get killed often now by a level-10-14 (insert class here) and it makes me smile. (while I curse, hehehe)




So...I'd like to take this moment and say to the 50's of venerable Mind Trick server:


"Here's to you." :rolleyes:

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On my server you couldn't ENTER a war-zone without being targeted for being "told" to drop group, go away and don't come back, blamed for them not being able to complete THEIR daily, and on and on if you weren't at least 42-44+ in level.


I was one of the brave few from launch on all my alts that always began PvP at 10 and did it every day, no matter what they said. I rarely saw others very often return regularly under level-30 in the face of that blistering abuse.


So came the day that Bioware said that a 50-bracket was coming, and then that's all the 50's talked about in PvP when they would see myself or others under 50 to DARE to enter THEIR war-zones. Then, finally that day came...


2 things happened. One I saw coming a mile away and that the 50's were apparently blind to. The second I should have seen coming, but because I didn't it was a very pleasant surprise.


One was that almost immediately 'general chat' was bombarded by (guess who) the 50's all pissing, moaning, and whining about how now that they had their own bracket...PVP sucked. There was a great gnashing of teeth and I couldn't stop laughing at them for it. Remember, be careful what you wish for.


The second was that slowly...I began to see level-10-20's appear in greater and greater numbers in the war-zones and cue times lowered. More Republic v Imperial matches occurred. Pretty soon the level-range from 10-49 was pretty well represented across the board in PvP. I get killed often now by a level-10-14 (insert class here) and it makes me smile. (while I curse, hehehe)




So...I'd like to take this moment and say to the 50's of venerable Mind Trick server:


"Here's to you." :rolleyes:

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Q times are getting longer. 50 PvP is not balanced. People are noticing thats. there is no deserter buff so people just jump ship on their teams. And a lack of rewards Past 60 valor. No rewards to pvp anymore. So people are canceling subs. Expect even longer Qs
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Q times are getting longer. 50 PvP is not balanced. People are noticing thats. there is no deserter buff so people just jump ship on their teams. And a lack of rewards Past 60 valor. No rewards to pvp anymore. So people are canceling subs. Expect even longer Qs


^^ This. I had fun queueing warzones from lvl10 all the way up to 49...though the past few weeks before the 50s bracket was kinda touchy there. But from waht I see as a fresh 50 in the new bracket, it is not fun at all. Its been pretty much all premades with geared 50s, and I die faster now than I did as a lvl10. I stopped queueing and jsut play another alt instead.

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Sucks, no level 10s to farm with your invulnerable level 50! What a terrible change :(


Thats pretty much the jist of it.


This dude isn't seriously waiting 30-40 mins in queue, he's just complaining about not being able to farm lowbies

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Let me explain PvP to you all because obviously you dont understand good player versus player protocol. Bioware is currently the owner of a game called Dark Age of Camelot.


DAoC is a good system because they had several different bracketing, and open frontier pvp. You could start pvping at level 1 after the most recent updates... pvp brackets are for example - 20-24, 35-39, etc. At any time or level you could go into the Frontier, but is pretty pointless if not level 50 and geared for PvP. They have PvE mobs out there so it adds a little risk and fun factor to farming for good gear.


making it a random pvp scene and just throwing players into a pit saying fight to the death is too much like WoW, which is why most people in that game HATE end-game. Most people that play MMOs for more than a couple years are primarily in it for the PvP scheme of things.



Rolling multiple 50s is a GOOD thing, like in DAoC, each has their own role to assist players. WHY NOT>? why not roll a healer, a CCer, max damage toon, or melee toon so that you have different roles for raids, etc?


Take this early stage timeframe of the games short life to date to level up all of these things, max out all crafting, etc. While it may be tedious or boring for the time being, I highly suggest doing so. That way, when people ARE done with end game material, and want to get down to mass ques of pvp, you will be ready and can pick and choose whatever you wish to use..

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Earn their gear how exactly if they can play 2-3 WZs in one evening? Better question is - why are there still people who are not 50 on their first char.


See this is the attitude and we're supposed to some how feel for these folks? I'm glad you raced up there for nothing. The awesome part is those folks who didn't race seem to be having fun. Oh well I guess they were to fools... oh never mind irony wasted on these folks.

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hey mister troll. guess what: that's what many people are doing. and it's making guilds fall apart because people is all day long on better servers instead on the low pop server on their mains.


how about you come to Goluud Corridor, level up to 50 and THEN come back and troll here if you dare.


a mate just got super happy in guildchat because he finally got his new pvp saber. he was at 71/72 commendations FOR A WEEK.


it took him a whole week to get one freaking WZ match to gain the commendation he was needing.


most of our lvl50 players have everything maxxed. companions, crafting, datacrons, etc.

OPs and HM are cleared, dailies are done and what's left? pvp... oh wait, NO, there is no pvp on this server.


i am getting whispers from republic players BEGGING me to come to ilum or to join WZ queues too (i am already in queue) because their guilds are suffering the same.


so, how about you get a clue before trolling here with nonsense, hum?



BIOWARE: lvl41-50 brackets. NOW!


Wow typing it big will get attention, some people need their cannon fodder back or they can't be happy. Why not just go back to 10-50 so you can own more people?

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Yeah - the world is ending soon, I can feel it too.


Lucky I have a cool cupboard full of can goods and stuff. Food is nice!;)



But I dont think the 50 stuff is gonna change until the other people level to 50 and get more people in there for queue times. You might get better matchups and stuff with a different sorting type thingy,maybe valor ranks and wz comms, but yeah. Might be a while.


Maybe they could add AI 50s to the wz huh? That would be cool, so even one person could just queue and not qq every again!


AI is cool.


Thats MMO for ya!







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they can lower it to 40-50 when they add expertise to 40 pvp gear. Otherwise you're just asking to put people you can dominate 2-3 at a time back into the warzones with you. Id be more upset if they DID change this back, and im 50. Theres no fun in taking out 3 people at once with minimal effort.


Very well said.

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For all of you saying we must earn gear instead of face rolling lower levels. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 50 VS 50'S its all about the wait time for Q's! I love the fact 50's have their own bracket I was tiered of getting a group with a bunch of lowbies and not having a chance to win .


I just hate how long it takes to get a warzone. Maybe until there are more 50's the 50 brackets should have cross server Q's.


What you don't seem to understand, its lots of 50s stop PVPing when it wasn't a stompfest of the lowbies. Deny it all you want I never saw a shortage of 50s stomping lowbies. Now that it's not EZ mode they suddenly found something else to do.

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The problem is valor in Ilum is easier and much quicker.


For people who already have full champ gear, there's no reason to queue wz's.


I went from insta-queue warzones full of people who actually pvp'ed, to 20 min queue wz's full of absolute nubs.


Then I go to ilum and there's 2+ ops groups hunter sith ...


Stupid move BW.

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If you honestly think that when your lvl 50 in a 10-50 bracket, with your Centurion, Champion or even battlemaster gear pvp was fun and entertaining or even fair then you are simply delusional.


All it did was turn the lvl 10-49s into a farm for you all as we lower players had no chance of defending our selfs or even inflict major damage on the 50s when they had atl east 2+ pieces of actual pvp gear with expertise. The proof was out there when you saw a Full Champion geared or battlemaster geared pvper, beating on 4 buffed up lowbies and didnt even drop below 75%.


So yes, the lvl 50 only bracket was required and should not be changed back. Considering it is way more balanced this way.


not to mention you are all whining as the players that geared up on the old pvp bracket system clearly made a easy advantage for you compared to the new and fresh level 50s.


So in short : No, keep the 10-49 bracket and the 50 bracket as it is now. Its fair, you just have to get used to it.

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Again I have nothing to do and your so wrong.


I have every datacron in the game including the +10s.


Companion Affection has been maxed out for weeks.


I am crafting and whats so interesting about that. I am max crafting skill I have so many Purple reciepes it's funny and can hardly sell them for some reason.


I do not buy a MMO to Roleplay, gimmie a break.


And I already answered why I am not rolling another toon.


well you sir/mam are a... wait i dont need another email from bioware telling me to be nice , so let me try.... you have no life because you say for weeks? the game has been out for a month thats 4 weeks. so you are telling me you completely missed the story grinded day and night as hard as you could just to reach endgame. now why on earth would you do that when you know its been out a month? were you really so stupid compared to others to think that there would be a massive number of lvl 50's to play with that did a grind like you instead of enjoying the game? and dont come at me and say "I did" because anyone can tell its obvious you didnt. if youv been maxxed for weeks and its only been 4 weeks...... heres and idea.. go get a life because its obvious you need one. you should of went slower with the other 99 percent and enjoyed it. because i am assuming you thought it was wow and its been out for 7 years and when u got to endgame asap you would have plenty to do.... guesss what? its a month old get over it or cancel you wont be missed

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Again I have nothing to do and your so wrong.


I have every datacron in the game including the +10s.


Companion Affection has been maxed out for weeks.


I am crafting and whats so interesting about that. I am max crafting skill I have so many Purple reciepes it's funny and can hardly sell them for some reason.


I do not buy a MMO to Roleplay, gimmie a break.


And I already answered why I am not rolling another toon.


People have no reason to PvP. A few lucky folks are geared to the gills and rolling everyone, and there's no sure way to take steps towards being as cool as them.




A system like this will keep high-level, undergeared players in PvP. It'll make lowbies pay more attention to objectives instead of playing Team Deathmatch ********** in the middle of the field somewhere. It'll do a lot of neat things, part social engineering, part solid game design.


It's a Hell of a lot better than the current system, which does not reward participation as much as it rewards making an appearance, playing until you win a game or two a day (which is often done while AFK) and then leaving.

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Again I have nothing to do and your so wrong.


I have every datacron in the game including the +10s.


Companion Affection has been maxed out for weeks.


I am crafting and whats so interesting about that. I am max crafting skill I have so many Purple reciepes it's funny and can hardly sell them for some reason.


I do not buy a MMO to Roleplay, gimmie a break.


And I already answered why I am not rolling another toon.


Its seems you've gone through everything this game had to offer maybe it's time to move to another game.

Perhaps next time you start a new MMO you might concider slowing down your pace...

Newly released MMOs are always light on endgame content, nothing new here.

This applies to your PvP problem aswell, if you hadn't rushed to 50 you'd still be in the 10-49 bracket where all the action is atm.

Edited by Waldorf
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Not on my server.


It was either there was to many lows in there teens or 20s Qing with 50s which made it hard to win or the lows where complaining they was getting slaughtered by 50s


Regardless of the why, the situation is as it is, and as time passes there will be more 50s especially on a massively populated server like yours. Maybe 3 am and 7am are just bad times to try and queue?


I know on my low pop server that queue times are extremely dependent on what time of day it is.

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**** off, it's hard enough for level 50's with non-expertise gear to kill level 50's in full champ/bm gear, level 40-49's would have no chance


imo it should have nothing to do with level, just a 1-50 bracket and a bracket for anyone with more than 100 expertise. But make WZ's cross server if a server's pop is too low to spawn a WZ in either bracket after 10 minutes.


either that or remove expertise.

Edited by Evuke
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See this is the attitude and we're supposed to some how feel for these folks? I'm glad you raced up there for nothing. The awesome part is those folks who didn't race seem to be having fun. Oh well I guess they were to fools... oh never mind irony wasted on these folks.


I "rushed" up there "fast" getting to 50 this past tuesday. I enjoyed the ride..... and now the ride sucks. Like others have post, i want to pvp with other 50s not 1-49. Maybe IMMEDIATE x-realm wzs are needed, but atm for pvp'rs on Kathol Rift 50 is just not fun.

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