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10 Good
  1. Reminds me of the Democratic party. The players are to blame here, specifically those that roll a Sith and go light side That just kills me to see those people in a BG with me, knowing they are contributing to persistent queue of Huttball. Their main argument for doing so? Brown robes.. seriously. As if you couldn't just purchase a black robe off the Nar Shadda exchange.
  2. Thats pretty much the jist of it. This dude isn't seriously waiting 30-40 mins in queue, he's just complaining about not being able to farm lowbies
  3. Suprised to see so many clueless about the concepts of Imperial Army, really to the point that it's become annoying. A trooper wouldn't have to be consigned to "cannon fodder" as so many clueless people put it. They have opportunity to advance much like anyone else within the Empire, or Republic side for that matter. Just taking a look at the Empire side story lines you can easily see officership and commanders that are non sith lineage. Sith at this point are much an aristocracy, but the bulk of command and operations are comprised mostly of non Sith, and there's plently place for a recruit in the Imperial Army to work his way up much like in fashion of a Maximillian Veers http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Maximilian_Veers Learn the lore of the universe before posting on concepts.
  4. Is this only exclusive to CE, or can you access it with VIP? And ***, is there no search function for this forum?
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