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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Warzones for 50s are shutting down


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Is there an ETA on server transfers? I need a full server to populate my tiny server. Or I need to be combined with another light server.


I read a forum from an employee saying they were working on it

Edited by jwalton
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It's 8:30am EST and I been sitting in the Q now for about 30 minutes and NO Warzone at level 50. Just lame, did you not think this would happen when you bracketed just 50s together, I sure did.


Not enough people are in them at times and they just shut down way early.


Should not have made the bracket for just 50s, there just is not enough people doing them all the time now.


Lower the Bracket to 40-50 so we can do them and have enough wanting to.


I have nothing to do and I am close to CANCELING.


I am done with Daily's on Ilum and Belsavis and raids are only 2 nights a week, PvP is all that's left and the way you have it with just 50s can't even do that some of the time. Either Qs are to long or when we do get in one it shuts down.


And no HM FPs do not interest me, why do I want to go through that for crappy loot or worse a repair bill of 20-60k from a bad PUG.


This game is going to be loosing people in droves soon which is to bad cause I like it, just nothing to do and no sense in continuing to sub when nothing to do.


Oh and I am not making another toon when I already know what awaits me at 50 as of right now, which is more boredom.


the reason your not getting many 50 que's is either one of the following


1. on at the wrong time due to every having diffrent time zones

2. everyone has rerroled a Bounty hunter or trooper

3. alot of lvl 50's trying out new class's on there alts and joins with the 2nd

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Nope, not a single one. Zero. Zilch. Nadda.




Ilum? Ghost town. Enemies? None. Fun? Not happening.


Re-roll on another server? LAWLZ (**** and gdiaf)



*** Cross Server lvl 50 WZ for the win!


*** Server merge for light population servers highly desirable.




Don't take too long to implement something that works and you may just save your

subscriber base. Don't bother to flame my post because I won't bother coming back here to see what anyone said. I've said what I had to say.

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On the other end of the problem...with no 50's in warzones we seem to have more people with no clue how to play. huttball yesterday was mostly awful with at least one person each match carrying the ball into our endzone, standing there until they get crushed- basically giving a free score to the other guys.


in voidstar and civil war the republic side seems to have somehow kept it's unity and cooperation. Imperial side...not so much. I prefer close fights and have had some very fun, edge of your seat, anyone can win right up to the end, kind of match. don't much like the steamrolls in either direction- no excitement, challenge, or fun.


it's not so much the low levels...it's the high levels that have no clue. level 46 with a valor level of 3 for example....no clue in huttball...no idea to hold objectives in civil war....can't hit people to prevent them from setting bombs....or disarming them.


expertise isn't the problem it's brainsssszzzz. zombies would starve if all they had were some of the people I'm seeing in pvp :(

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It's pretty obvious that a lot of people really don't understand the issue. A majority of people below 50 seem to believe ALL level 50s enjoy trouncing lowbies, which would be like assuming all lowbies suck at the game. I personally don't care about who I play with I just want to play the game. In the past 2 days I have had 2 warzone games each ending after 120 seconds. I can literally sit there leave my character afk for about 4 hours while I do homework and still not get into a warzone that's how bad the current system is. No, rolling an alt does not fix the problem and neither does going to another server. The easiest fix to the problem is have warzones be cross server PvP.


That is the downside of outleveling the playerbase.

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If you want even Champion grade PVP gear, you have no choice but to PVP a lot, all day, every day...or plink away at it and maybe get a gear piece or two by next year.


You trying to assemble even a few decent pieces of Champion gear? How do you do that? HMM!


1-3 Centurion commendations out of each purple bag. Each purple champion bag costs 200 merc comms and 200 wz comms (800 wz comms, in function).


If you are god in PVP and get lots of medals and win every time, you can walk away from a WZ match with over 100 WZ commendations. In reality, you'll probably walk away with 40-70 if you get a few medals and win, or 30-60ish if you get a few medals and lose.


Champion bags, anymore, have an apparently small chance of giving a token with which you can get a champion gear piece. And they give 1-3 Centurion commendations until you're Valor rank 60+, whereafter which they drop Battlemaster comms (I think, I could be wrong on that. If so, someone correct me as I have no Battlemasters. This is just what guildies have told me on this one).



No matter if I'm wrong or right about the battlemaster comms, it is one BLEEPING BLEEP of a grind if you want to see even a modest amount of that gear. You will spend days; many of them; doing WZ after WZ after WZ after WZ, or you will not see piece number one of ANY of that gear until sometime in early 2013 if you are not doing them a lot, and by a lot, I mean 10-20 matches a day.



So yeah, there are people that want to do them a lot because they want the fricken gear.


You wanna yell at us like we suck for it? Yell at Bioware for making making us do, in a perfect and hugely improbable scenerio, 8-9 warzones per bag, and only then if you're a master at maximizing your medals and on teams that consistently win.


Hence, premades. Love 'em or hate 'em, they don't want their time wasted, they want that gear and they'd vastly prefer to run 8-9 warzones rather than 30-40 to get the same lottery chance with a gorram bag.


Heck, I've gotten my dude that I PVP on to Valor 37 and I feel like I'm perma-sick of Huttball and am only keeping on with it on that one toon so I can FINALLY get a BLEEPING PURPLE LIGHTSABER.


So pike off. Making alts does exactly nothing to help anybody get anything on any toon in PVP. Make a zillion alts and every bloody one of them will be at the bottom of a very, very tall hill where PVP gear is concerned.


Crafting? Stuff crafting up your wazoo; you can't craft anything that holds a candle to most of the Champion gear, none of the Centurion, and Battlemaster looks through a magnifying lens in order to see that crafting yields gear at all and not just vendor trash.


No, it's not supposed to be an overnight-suddenly-Battlemaster system; that's fine. I think every day finds more and more of us wanting to set someone on fire for the gambling fixation Bioware's devs are obsessed with.


I dunno, maybe they all need to hit some Gambler's Anonymous meetings or something; doesn't matter, it is what it is, and people want that gear.


They aren't, in any way, going to be helped in getting that gear by crafting, or roleplaying, or rolling alts, or dawdling along examining the scenery.


Crafting's garbage in almost all ways at almost all times if it isn't Biochem; roleplaying is a fine thing to do if that turns your crank, but it's not going to help you mechanically in any way, shape or form. Admiring the scenery is something you can only do so much before you've seen it already, well and truly. There it is, being scenery.


So, yeah. That's that.

Edited by Uruare
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I applaud Bioware for putting 50s in their own brackets. You must now earn the gear instead of face rolling lower levels.


For all of you saying we must earn gear instead of face rolling lower levels. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 50 VS 50'S its all about the wait time for Q's! I love the fact 50's have their own bracket I was tiered of getting a group with a bunch of lowbies and not having a chance to win .


I just hate how long it takes to get a warzone. Maybe until there are more 50's the 50 brackets should have cross server Q's.

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It'll get worse cause as a fresh level 50 as of last night, I can tell you that I have not won a single game yet cause all I've encountered are premades with fully geared people. And I admit, I kinda regret hitting 50 now.


Its no fun, so I stopped queueing. I'd rather just go back to leveling an alt and play in the 10-49 warzones where its actually pretty fun. And when the alt is 50 and if its still not fun...then its time to move on to another game.


I accept that it is what it is. I still raid in another game, so this was going to be my casual game since i'm not committing alot of time to play 2 games. But it looks like this is a game where you need to be in premades to pvp so its probably not for me. And I'm guessing others will find this out too when they hit 50.

Edited by Seurot
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For all of you saying we must earn gear instead of face rolling lower levels. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 50 VS 50'S its all about the wait time for Q's! I love the fact 50's have their own bracket I was tiered of getting a group with a bunch of lowbies and not having a chance to win .


I just hate how long it takes to get a warzone. Maybe until there are more 50's the 50 brackets should have cross server Q's.


I agree I hated getting lowbies on my team as a level 50 who were terrible. I love the 50s bracket but hate the queue time, but what can you do.


I bet all the republics want to have level locking so they can stay at 49 to pwn level 10s and not have to face level 50s.

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There didn't seem to be this problem of lacking 50's for PVP before they actually had to compete with other 50s. I guess it isn't as fun when you can't just roll everyone anymore. Seems not a shortage of 50s, just a shortage of 50's who actually want competition.
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Again I have nothing to do and your so wrong.


I have every datacron in the game including the +10s.


Companion Affection has been maxed out for weeks.


I am crafting and whats so interesting about that. I am max crafting skill I have so many Purple reciepes it's funny and can hardly sell them for some reason.


I do not buy a MMO to Roleplay, gimmie a break.


And I already answered why I am not rolling another toon.


Sounds to me you should find something else to do outside of this game if you have so much free time to do whatever you want.

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It is a very odd problem. Seems like feast or famine. On Port Nowhere, we either have unlimited queues or a half hour plus wait, which also depends on whether queuing solo or organized.


Part of the problem is Ilum since 50s run off there for an hour or more looking for kills. But there is definitely something more sluggish about the system since the 50 bracket.

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Are you really complaining about a 30 minute que time? I have to wait 3 hours for a warzone that ends early at peak times of the day...hell right now i have been in que for an hour and a half and pretty sure i'll log before one even pops
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its not there are no lv50s to PvP the problem is they have more fun killing lowies than their own level brackets, and now they just sit in the city and moan that PvP is broken :p


i bet they miss the days of killing lv10s and feel immortals :rolleyes:


Where is this coming from, I played a bunch of matches on my lvl 12 sniper the other day, and I was having no problem blowing up folks in any level range, and that includes lvl 40-49s. That is only one level of difference from 49 to 50 and even those get blown up just fine. The bolster buff works great. I can understand if they want to bracket out folks with Expertise versus not, but if 10-49 is fine, 10-50 without Expertise would be fine.

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Q times are getting longer. 50 PvP is not balanced. People are noticing thats. there is no deserter buff so people just jump ship on their teams. And a lack of rewards Past 60 valor. No rewards to pvp anymore. So people are canceling subs. Expect even longer Qs
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