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Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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If some of you are so unhappy with bugs in games, why even bother playing them? I play games for fun and to relax and then go out and have fun with friends and relax, if you want to start a campain, there are plenty of other things going on in the world which deserve more attention than a computer game...:rolleyes: The game is playable, the game is fun otherwise I wouldn't be here and can anyone here honnestly say this general forum has inteligent bug reporting, or is it just me seeing posts insulting others and the company instead of just being polite about it.:rolleyes:


this is general, not for bug reporting.. If you want bug reporting go here:



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If some of you are so unhappy with bugs in games, why even bother playing them? I play games for fun and to relax and then go out and have fun with friends and relax, if you want to start a campain, there are plenty of other things going on in the world which deserve more attention than a computer game...:rolleyes: The game is playable, the game is fun otherwise I wouldn't be here and can anyone here honnestly say this general forum has inteligent bug reporting, or is it just me seeing posts insulting others and the company instead of just being polite about it.:rolleyes:


Ah but this is not the bug submission forum.


What we get here are people claiming the game is great and people debating that. We also have people claiming the game sucks and other people debate that.


The odd time we get people who have no idea what the f*** they are talking about and asking for us to be all nice and hug some trees. People just mock those.



Which camp are you in ?

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Here is a challenge to the OP. You go out and make a MMO. Now you have to make it perfect or people will QQ (And there is zero chance you can make it perfect). Even if you make it 100% perfect people will QQ.


Do you know how many programs are 100% bug free over 100k lines of code. ZERO

Edited by Romiz
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Here is a challenge to the OP. You go out and make a MMO. Now you have to make it perfect or people will QQ (And there is zero chance you can make it perfect). Even if you make it 100% perfect people will QQ.


hmm cant remember what fallacy this one lies in, always get the red herring confused with another one.

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Ah but this is not the bug submission forum.


What we get here are people claiming the game is great and people debating that. We also have people claiming the game sucks and other people debate that.


The odd time we get people who have no idea what the f*** they are talking about and asking for us to be all nice and hug some trees. People just mock those.



Which camp are you in ?


I think we get enough dehumanisation from the Empire, for it to have to be here as well.

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Here is a challenge to the OP. You go out and make a MMO. Now you have to make it perfect or people will QQ (And there is zero chance you can make it perfect). Even if you make it 100% perfect people will QQ.


Give me 200$ million dollars and I'll make you an MMO far better than this one, I'll start by hiring a competent lead designer, with experience in making SUCCESFULL MMOs.

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Here is a challenge to the OP. You go out and make a MMO. Now you have to make it perfect or people will QQ (And there is zero chance you can make it perfect). Even if you make it 100% perfect people will QQ.


Do you know how many programs are 100% bug free over 100k lines of code. ZERO


No Barbershop. Game is fail.

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Give me 200$ million dollars and I'll make you an MMO far better than this one, I'll start by hiring a competent lead designer, with experience in making SUCCESFULL MMOs.


Not only this but I wont let my game director says things he is not capable to deliver.

and yes it was his first MMO but I'm praying he is not doing another one.

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"and can anyone here honnestly say this general forum has inteligent bug reporting, or is it just me seeing posts insulting others and the company instead of just being polite about it" Does this comment in anyway say that the general forum is for bug reporting?, NO it says exactly what is happening, i.e. people are using the general forum for reporting bugs and not in a polite manner. I know it's not for bug report personaly, but others don't....



And people like yourself DON@T read posts correctly when stating people here are posting how good the game is and giving the impression they ignore all the bugs, we don't, we just don't find the need to shout and insult to get bugs reported...;)



Ah but this is not the bug submission forum.


What we get here are people claiming the game is great and people debating that. We also have people claiming the game sucks and other people debate that.


The odd time we get people who have no idea what the f*** they are talking about and asking for us to be all nice and hug some trees. People just mock those.



Which camp are you in ?

Edited by Tronics
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I can solve this whole thread easily.


The issues comes from blah blah blah This game is not as complete and bug free as it should be at launch. Opinion.


The strongest argument I have read supporting this is blah blah blah evolution. Argument used being. Grandparents are HS dropouts, paretns HS graduates, you college and then offspring being phd.


The argument above is the same as MMO launches. Most people suggest Rift is a fantastic launch and people also suggest that SWTOR is at that same calibre or better or slightly worse.


This shows WoW, WAR, AoC, Aion. Are grandparents and HS dropouts. I would suggest that Rift and SWTOR and the HS graduates of the mainstream MMO timeline.


To address the the OP. The game release is far from perfect. Yet it is still better than MMO games prior to 2010. Allow a couple of extra generations of MMO releases and you might get what you want. We have a more complete, and more bug free game than what WoW was.


In my opinion that is a reasonable launch.


Oh and btw I am running a system just over min specs 2+ year hardware with dust all through the iside, never defragged HDD and Not had any issues with the game crashing. My drivers are not even up to date.


While playing this game to lvl 31 and 3 others toons between 10-15 I've not yest witnessed andyhting that makes the game broke or unplayable, not experienced anything at all game breaking or even really game hurting.


Maybe thats just me though.

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What world do you live in that the game just launched isn't a reality?


The game, did, in fact, just launch a month ago.


That's reality.


No, you said he need to change excuse with reality. That means the title would be;

"Why make reality For MMO's at launch?"


Now I dont know about you, but I would love to be able to make reality...


As for the world I live in, it is one where I hold people and companies to higher standards then what you hold them to, apparently.. As in I want to buy completed products.


Some bugs are fine, but not like some of the bugs in this game.

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While playing this game to lvl 31 and 3 others toons between 10-15 I've not yest witnessed andyhting that makes the game broke or unplayable, not experienced anything at all game breaking or even really game hurting.


Maybe thats just me though.


Thats just you and every other fanboy in the game you know what all of you have in common? You all haven't hit 50 yet.


So hit 50 see the game for what it really is and come back to us.

Edited by failr
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Thats just you and every other fanboy on the server, you know what all of you have in common? You all haven't hit 50 yet.


So hit 50 see the game for what it really is and come back to us.


I like the part where this is the only thing you managed to come back on.

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"and can anyone here honnestly say this general forum has inteligent bug reporting, or is it just me seeing posts insulting others and the company instead of just being polite about it" Does this comment in anyway say that the general forum is for bug reporting?, NO it says exactly what is happening, i.e. people are using the general forum for reporting bugs and not in a polite manner. I know it's not for bug report personaly, but others don't....


I think you'll find it's more 'bug discussion' with a little bit of hate/fanboi'ism, rivalry, banter and the odd younger poster who comes on to post a one liner, usually ending in 'FACT' or 'period' or 'QQ' or some other useless garbage.


Really, every MMO forums has this. But ToR has enough anal moderators to be able to cope with it by closing posts, deleting posts and handing warnings out like burgers at a MC'Ds.

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This was my point, that different variations in machines, hardware and software does make a difference that some may see bugs that others don't, so saying there are tons of bugs in the game, may not be the case as many are machine and software related by the user that is.



I can solve this whole thread easily.


The issues comes from blah blah blah This game is not as complete and bug free as it should be at launch. Opinion.


The strongest argument I have read supporting this is blah blah blah evolution. Argument used being. Grandparents are HS dropouts, paretns HS graduates, you college and then offspring being phd.


The argument above is the same as MMO launches. Most people suggest Rift is a fantastic launch and people also suggest that SWTOR is at that same calibre or better or slightly worse.


This shows WoW, WAR, AoC, Aion. Are grandparents and HS dropouts. I would suggest that Rift and SWTOR and the HS graduates of the mainstream MMO timeline.


To address the the OP. The game release is far from perfect. Yet it is still better than MMO games prior to 2010. Allow a couple of extra generations of MMO releases and you might get what you want. We have a more complete, and more bug free game than what WoW was.


In my opinion that is a reasonable launch.


Oh and btw I am running a system just over min specs 2+ year hardware with dust all through the iside, never defragged HDD and Not had any issues with the game crashing. My drivers are not even up to date.


While playing this game to lvl 31 and 3 others toons between 10-15 I've not yest witnessed andyhting that makes the game broke or unplayable, not experienced anything at all game breaking or even really game hurting.


Maybe thats just me though.

Edited by Tronics
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I like the part where this is the only thing you managed to come back on.

I can solve this whole thread easily.


The issues comes from blah blah blah This game is not as complete and bug free as it should be at launch. Opinion.


The strongest argument I have read supporting this is blah blah blah evolution. Argument used being. Grandparents are HS dropouts, paretns HS graduates, you college and then offspring being phd.


The argument above is the same as MMO launches. Most people suggest Rift is a fantastic launch and people also suggest that SWTOR is at that same calibre or better or slightly worse.


This shows WoW, WAR, AoC, Aion. Are grandparents and HS dropouts. I would suggest that Rift and SWTOR and the HS graduates of the mainstream MMO timeline.


To address the the OP. The game release is far from perfect. Yet it is still better than MMO games prior to 2010. Allow a couple of extra generations of MMO releases and you might get what you want. We have a more complete, and more bug free game than what WoW was.


In my opinion that is a reasonable launch.


Oh and btw I am running a system just over min specs 2+ year hardware with dust all through the iside, never defragged HDD and Not had any issues with the game crashing. My drivers are not even up to date.


While playing this game to lvl 31 and 3 others toons between 10-15 I've not yest witnessed andyhting that makes the game broke or unplayable, not experienced anything at all game breaking or even really game hurting.


Maybe thats just me though.


The reason I did not respond to your whole post, is because I already covered other parts of it my previous replies.


But Ill repeat myself:


How can any sane person compare a game that came out in 2004 and had to run its servers on pentium 4 hardware to what SWTOR is running on now? How can you fault a game for having crashes and praise SWTOR for not having server crashes, when hardware is a few generations ahead now?


If SWTOR servers were crashing, I wouldn't honestly know what to say, other than that they tried to save a few bucks on server hardware?


People are faulting it for its core design flaws, for a terrible engine choice, for gamebreaking issues, population imbalance, incompetent 1.1 patch that broke pvp, and all the beta bugs still being in the game after being repeatdly pointed out to the devs during BETA.


This is for a game that cost 200$ million dollars, that saved money on QA by outsourcing it to India? ROFL

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The reason I did not respond to your whole post, is because I already covered other parts of it my previous replies.


But Ill repeat myself:


How can any sane person compare a game that came out in 2004 and had to run its servers on pentium 4 hardware to what SWTOR is running on now? How can you fault a game for having crashes and praise SWTOR for not having server crashes, when hardware is a few generations ahead now?


If SWTOR servers were crashing, I wouldn't honestly know what to say, other than that they tried to save a few bucks on server hardware?


People are faulting it for its core design flaws, for a terrible engine choice, for gamebreaking issues, population imbalance, incompetent 1.1 patch that broke pvp, and all the beta bugs still being in the game after being repeatdly pointed out to the devs during BETA.


This is for a game that cost 200$ million dollars, that saved money on QA by outsourcing it to India? ROFL


As opposed to WoW, which was still just as buggy five years after launch?

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How can there be game breaking issues with so many at lvl cap, issues with annoy bugs maybe, but not game breaking.


The reason I did not respond to your whole post, is because I already covered other parts of it my previous replies.


But Ill repeat myself:


How can any sane person compare a game that came out in 2004 and had to run its servers on pentium 4 hardware to what SWTOR is running on now? How can you fault a game for having crashes and praise SWTOR for not having server crashes, when hardware is a few generations ahead now?


If SWTOR servers were crashing, I wouldn't honestly know what to say, other than that they tried to save a few bucks on server hardware?


People are faulting it for its core design flaws, for a terrible engine choice, for gamebreaking issues, population imbalance, incompetent 1.1 patch that broke pvp, and all the beta bugs still being in the game after being repeatdly pointed out to the devs during BETA.


This is for a game that cost 200$ million dollars, that saved money on QA by outsourcing it to India? ROFL

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As opposed to WoW, which was still just as buggy five years after launch?


As opposed to WOW that had no ability delay and a better UI 8 years ago in 2004, compared to SWTOR in 2012?


Are you trying to compare SWTOR 5 years from now and say it ll have less bugs than WOW had 5 years after launch?


I like your optimism, but lets talk "NOW" instead of 5 years into the future, ok?

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I can solve this whole thread easily.


The issues comes from blah blah blah This game is not as complete and bug free as it should be at launch. Opinion.


The strongest argument I have read supporting this is blah blah blah evolution. Argument used being. Grandparents are HS dropouts, paretns HS graduates, you college and then offspring being phd.


The argument above is the same as MMO launches. Most people suggest Rift is a fantastic launch and people also suggest that SWTOR is at that same calibre or better or slightly worse.


This shows WoW, WAR, AoC, Aion. Are grandparents and HS dropouts. I would suggest that Rift and SWTOR and the HS graduates of the mainstream MMO timeline.


To address the the OP. The game release is far from perfect. Yet it is still better than MMO games prior to 2010. Allow a couple of extra generations of MMO releases and you might get what you want. We have a more complete, and more bug free game than what WoW was.


In my opinion that is a reasonable launch.


Oh and btw I am running a system just over min specs 2+ year hardware with dust all through the iside, never defragged HDD and Not had any issues with the game crashing. My drivers are not even up to date.


While playing this game to lvl 31 and 3 others toons between 10-15 I've not yest witnessed andyhting that makes the game broke or unplayable, not experienced anything at all game breaking or even really game hurting.


Maybe thats just me though.


disagree to some agree with some


yes this has been a better launch than wow but remember technology only gets better and wow launched 7 years ago in this day and age SWTOR should have had this game polished and it is not even close. And in my opinion and same for alot more people the game was not ready for launch they should have gave it another maybe 6 months


but nope they wanted the xmas money num num num

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How can there be game breaking issues with so many at lvl cap, issues with annoy bugs maybe, but not game breaking.


Ability delay ?

Uncountable exploits ?

Many people can't even play the game cause of the flicking issue ?

Stupid glitch in thier server that can heat some ppl GUP's and cause the flicking as well


And the list so long, I'm not your enemy I'm just telling you my opinion.



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