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Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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Sorry that bollocks, you'll never have software that is bug free.;)


This is wholly incorrect. Software is a product in so far as you buy a CD/DVD whatever and load it onto a system it was 'designed' for.


Additionally, software is creating by the coding process, which is followed to allow said software to work on a specific known minimum. Whether that be an OS or a hardware profile.


It is wrong to state it will never be bug free. I can write a program I can guarantee will be bug free.

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Like look here everyone made my point ''its a new game'' every single time, it is people like you that make the companies think it is ok to launch in these states. And without people like you they would take notice and actually get the game to the gameplay (6 months after launch ususally bring) at launch.


Says the guy who bought the game at launch. :rolleyes:


Want the industry to take notice? It won't happen by complaining on the forums of a game you've already paid for at launch. As long as people keep buying them, where's the incentive to change? Let's ignore how unrealistic it is to expect these games, which are very massive and complex pieces of software, that have to run on countless different hardware configurations, to launch bug and problem free and think about that, why would things change when everyone keeps buying them as is?

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I haven't said you wanted the software bug free, I have said you want it relitively bug free as thats what your posting about, the amount of bugs and that people are excepting this as standard. "by the way, no not an engineers, just self taut from buying my first pc 20+ years ago" But you also have to take into account the amount of different graphic cards and the amount of different drivers people use from one to another and also this game is cpu intensive.


Not forgetting you have to take into accoun the OS which some may have more updates installed than others, the speed of peoples hardrives and weather or not people have defragged them in the last month or speed purposes, and the amount of diffents memory speeds, so it's not just the graphic cards you have to take into account, there are just to many variations in software and hardware to expect games to work perfectly at any time.


I always quote and post above, thats a habbit of mine;)


See a lot of this is false.. They dont take into account "differant drivers" they state what driver levels are compatible. They also state what OS is compatible. OS patches dont matter either, unless it is something required for the game, and then it is mandatory, so no consideration there.


Speed of hard drives dont matter to the game, that is just minor performance issue.


Really they dont have to take into account very much, just a small subset of video cards is it.

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No MMO is bug free, fact.


No MMO will ever be bug free, another fact.


This launch was great, fact.


I have no major issues, I play just fine.


Having ability delay on the odd occasion is not game breaking, fact.


Bad players like to complain, true fact.


People unhappy with their life, complain on forums about anything, fact.


If you don't like the game leave and come back in a few months.


I'm sorry chat bubbles is a crippling feature for you.


This game had a great and smooth launch, the game is super smooth for me, I am sorry you cannot afford a good PC :(


I've played most, if not all MMO launches, this is by far the best, by a long shot, with Rift second, by a clear mile. Don't let your memory fool you.

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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Sorry that bollocks, you'll never have software that is bug free.;)


You know nothing about software development. I've been developing since 1979, if you want to debate this without profanity, and with some modicum of authority on the subject, I'll be happy to engage.

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No MMO is bug free, fact.


No MMO will ever be bug free, another fact.

ok, facts

This launch was great, fact.



I have no major issues, I play just fine.


Having ability delay on the odd occasion is not game breaking, fact.


Bad players like to complain, true fact.


People unhappy with their life, complain on forums about anything, fact.


If you don't like the game leave and come back in a few months.


I'm sorry chat bubbles is a crippling feature for you.


This game had a great and smooth launch, the game is super smooth for me, I am sorry you cannot afford a good PC :(


I like how many system are crashing to desktop frequently, guess that means they are bad players?


You really need to read up on what a fact is, what an opinion is and what fallacies are.


And PS my issues have nothing to do with my water cooled machine, which I guarantee is better then yours 8)

Edited by Lormif
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Well what i keep reading in these threads is mostly people making excuses for MMO's at launch, In my understanding MMO means Massivly Multiplayer Online. Soo why do people make excuses for MMO's at launch?


When we buy an MMO game, we do not buy it for constant bugs and things not working as they should. People make too many excuses for these companies and developers of these games.


Does not matter what excuses are going to be said in this thread. I bought this game for fun and it should not matter if i buy this game at launch, or 6 months after launch i should get the same experiance there is no excuse for that.


What is the point of BETA for soo long if launch is not going to be perfect (or atleast close)


People giving theses companies the excuse of ''ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH'' is not the answer. Giving them this excuse lets them bring out MMO's before they are actually ready giving profit from a game that is still in BETA stages.




I have read muliple threads about BW not fixing bugs that were reported in BETA and the bugs are still in game, I blame mostly the '' ALL MMO'S ARE THE SAME AT LAUNCH EXCUSES'' without these the companies and developers would work harder to get the MMO up to scratch before launch.


Ok soo i know i am going to get people hating my opinions and soo on but who agrees with me and why ????????


Thanks for your time and patiance this was bigger than i thought i would have been :)


may the force be with u all :)


While I understand what you're saying and in a perfect world, everything would work perfect, but its not a perfect world. MMOs will never be bug free, they will always have issues because its a living organism. Its impossible for developers, engineers, etc. to know how things are going to work in a live environment. Especially, when things are developed independent of one another and then integrated and delivered. There are only a finite of QA reps that will catch so many things, where as a gaming community, comprised of thousands, can catch just about anything. People aren't making excuses, they're trying to get the, "give me what I want and give it to me now," playerbase understand. If people expect perfection out of the box with an MMO, then this is not the genre for them.

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ok, facts






I like how many system are crashing to desktop frequently, guess that means they are bad players?


You really need to read up on what a fact is, what an opinion is and what fallacies are.


Good point. We should all take some forum posts as evidence that "many" of that event are happening.


What were you saying about fallacies again?

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As much as I'm enjoying this game I will say that it probably should have been delayed 3 - 4 months. If they had of done that they could have:



- Launched the game in Australia and New Zealand at the same time as America and most of Europe.


- Possibly launched the game in more European countries.


- Launched with the Legacy system fully implemented


- Launched with other features they couldn't get in with the current launch such as guild banks.


- Launched with a couple more endgame flashpoints and operations as well as maybe another warzone.


- Got rid of the worst of the bugs encountered in the game.

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No MMO is bug free, fact.


No MMO will ever be bug free, another fact.


This launch was great, fact.


I have no major issues, I play just fine.


Having ability delay on the odd occasion is not game breaking, fact.


Bad players like to complain, true fact.


People unhappy with their life, complain on forums about anything, fact.


If you don't like the game leave and come back in a few months.


I'm sorry chat bubbles is a crippling feature for you.


This game had a great and smooth launch, the game is super smooth for me, I am sorry you cannot afford a good PC :(


I've played most, if not all MMO launches, this is by far the best, by a long shot, with Rift second, by a clear mile. Don't let your memory fool you.


You need to separator fact from opinion, then post again with facts to backup your claims if you want to be taken with any amount of credibility.

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Because quite simply they are thinking about money before anything else.


I would say i agree but i would put as their parent company (E.A. corp) is more for the blame they are most likely the ones that pushed them to get it out before most of the bugs where sorted out!!

Edited by NicanRecola
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ok, facts






I like how many system are crashing to desktop frequently, guess that means they are bad players?


You really need to read up on what a fact is, what an opinion is and what fallacies are.


And PS my issues have nothing to do with my water cooled machine, which I guarantee is better then yours 8)


Yeah it's amazing how many people there is who can't look after their systems. If the game is crashing to desktop it is a problem with your system, Fact.


It either can't handle it or you watch too much dodgy **** and have viruses.


I play the game on full and have never crashed, but I know how to look after my PC.


PCs need some love to operate correctly, don't treat them like a console :)

Edited by Tekkoclarky
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Good point. We should all take some forum posts as evidence that "many" of that event are happening.


What were you saying about fallacies again?



A large number of:


I know that it happens a lot on my server, it happens to me 2 or 3 times a day. It is not a fallacy. There is a memory issue. Memory spikes to over the process limit for a 32 bit application and the client crashes. I watch it constantly. It is easy to spot if you have an high end machine with more then 4G of memory and multiple monitors ( I have 3 monitors and 16G of memory).

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You know as well as I do that most complaints about bugs are based on the fact that people don't play the game on standard drivers or up to date software and still complain it's bugs. I spent the first week with swtor crashing every 5 mins, did I complain? No I posted the problem and got help, turned out it was my bios needed updating, everything else was up to date, I just forgot to make sure my bios was. Since then I've had NO problems what so ever...


But alot of people wouldn't even think it was the bios, it is always the game. And every aspect of your pc can make or break weather the software works in my experiance.


And yes as you said yourself defragging your hard drive is more a performance issue, but people think it's bug related. See what I'm getting at, it's not always the game at fault. And some so called bugs are down to the users. And some are game related. Now I've had no problems since updating my bios, but others still do have problems. So that in it's self goes to show that one persons machine can have no sign of bugs and another can have nothing but problems. Doesn't mean it's all game related.


See a lot of this is false.. They dont take into account "differant drivers" they state what driver levels are compatible. They also state what OS is compatible. OS patches dont matter either, unless it is something required for the game, and then it is mandatory, so no consideration there.


Speed of hard drives dont matter to the game, that is just minor performance issue.


Really they dont have to take into account very much, just a small subset of video cards is it.

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Yeah it's amazing how many people there is who can't look after their systems. If the game is crashing to desktop it is a problem with your system, Fact.


It either can't handle it or you watch too much dodgy **** and have viruses.


I play the game on full and have never crashed, but I know how to look after my PC.


Ok, I must relegate you to troll.. You obviously have no clue about computers, software, or even logic....


I work on systems for a living I know how to manage one 8)


Just because YOU dont crash DOES NOT mean it doesn't to others.

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Newsflash: Every MMO every created launches with bugs. It's part of the genre. The scope of MMOs is so much bigger than any other game genre it's impossible to launch bug free and every single feature in existence. MMORPGs are never finished, they evolve. Edited by Merex
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You know as well as I do that most complaints about bugs are based on the fact that people don't play the game on standard drivers or up to date software and still complain it's bugs. I spent the first week with swtor crashing every 5 mins, did I complain? No I posted the problem and got help, turned out it was my bios needed updating, everything else was up to date, I just forgot to make sure my bios was. Since then I've had NO problems what so ever...


But alot of people wouldn't even think it was the bios, it is always the game. And every aspect of your pc can make or break weather the software works in my experiance.


And yes as you said yourself defragging your hard drive is more a performance issue, but people think it's bug related. See what I'm getting at, it's not always the game at fault. And some so called bugs are down to the users. And some are game related. Now I've had no problems since updating my bios, but others still do have problems. So that in it's self goes to show that one persons machine can have no sign of bugs and another can have nothing but problems. Doesn't mean it's all game related.


See with me I dont have that issue. I have a regular update schedule, and if I have an issue I immediately check for updates before I do anything else.


It also goes to show that the other people may be doing something in game you are not...Like when there was a problems with groups in ships, some people never went to their ship in a group so never saw that bug so would always yell at us who reported it.

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I agree, People make far too many excuses for game companies that put out PC games now a days period.


It's like the companies simply go:


"oh, well we can just patch that 3, 6, even 12 months down the road! no worries!" and they slap a QA sticker on it and shove it out the door ready to be shipped.


In no other industry on the planet can the same be said!


You wouldn't buy a car that was missing 3 tires and half the engine block

Nor would you buy a house with no walls


or any other completely ridiculous analogy you care to pose.


Yet, time and time again people blindly accept PC game companies practice of releasing horribly flawed titles to the public, and it has only gotten worse with time.




Now, after having said all that - MMO's are always growing. This is accepted as fact. I am not disputing content - only how what content that is shipped with the original product functions.



Games need far more rigorous testing phases. Less of this "sign up for a free testing key and maybe if your feeling nice tell us what is horribly broken in our game" and more ...


"here is a few bucks an hour to come and test our product and tell us what is wrong with it"



I think if more companies opened up paid testing for their products - the games would be vastly improved at launch.



In any case, that is neither here nor there, since this game is launched already and we are stuck with it.



What people SHOULD be ************ about is BW's patch schedule!



They need to be rolling out bug fixes / patches far faster than they currently are. Even their first major patch was missing LOADS of stuff that should have been fixed ages ago, and had very little in the way of new content.


It truly makes me fear what lies ahead if these are the kind of patches we have to look forward to.

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