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Why can't people see the good side of this game?


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No other MMO forces every class in the game to be a 'pet' class. WoW has a few...Rift came close after nerfing a few of their solo capable specs, but certainly not to this degree. I do agree that the AI of the pets in this game are so far beyond that in other games it isn't even funny. .


Do you honestly believe that is going to change. And it was advertised as such.

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Cause most people are spoiled brats really.

They compare it to a game that has had 7 years of perfecting (and still fails) things.

and they also tend to forget that this game is brand new, and is still in a semi developing phase. But somethins will just never be good enough for some people

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Oh ya? Well please don't unsubscribe, we've got just the thing you've always wanted... a title that says Founder!!! You thought you were already a founder by buying the game, but we've made a shiny new title just to prove it!

Edited by Taurusaud
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Cause most people are spoiled brats really.

They compare it to a game that has had 7 years of perfecting (and still fails) things.

and they also tend to forget that this game is brand new, and is still in a semi developing phase. But somethins will just never be good enough for some people


WoW had /roll at the start... :(

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Because while there are certainly things this game does well, there are also a ridiculous amount of things that were done poorly. This includes many obvious things that its hard to believe how any of the decision makers at bioware made the choices they did in the first place.
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Personally...I think if you take SWTOR for what it is and not what you wish it would be, you'd realize how awesome a game it actually is.


Unfortunately most people do nothing but compare to x y and z mmo's that they became accustomed to. This generation of gamers is really just a bunch of whiny brats.


If an mmo has any similarities to World of Warcraft it's called a WOW CLONE. On the other hand...If an mmo is missing any features that World of Warcraft has then it's immediately said that it's not enough like WOW. I really feel sorry for developers with the current playerbase in this genre. They are basically pigeon holed into a lose lose situation by all the cry babies.


It really makes me wonder what people actually want in a "next gen mmo". Like what are they expecting developers to do? To me it seems people dont even know what they want. They say they want something different, then when they get something different it's nowhere near being different enough.

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Seriously. All anyone has to bring up is the features that TOR lacks while ignoring some of the awesome things it brought to the table.


The voice acting is top notch, and the storyline elements that it adds makes questing more than just being about completing the objective and getting the rewards. It adds a human element to the table, and I find that I actually care about my characters as people in the world, as opposed to being an avatar with stats which is what I got from other MMO's.


The companion system is amazing. No other MMO has a "pet" system that is close to being as useful and dynamic as this. You can let your companion act on it's own, which it usually does fairly well. If you want more control, you can manually control the companion on your own. They are quite smart on their own as well, going as far as not breaking CC on enemies.


The crafting system has another element added. Disassembling items to improve upon the schematics is very rewarding.


Flashpoints, which are basically the same as dungeons. However now there is actually a story to care about.


The class system is role-bending to say the least. Healers do not get killed in one to two hits by a boss. Every role is challenging, and being successful requires a fair bit of teamwork.


Dark side/Light side alignment, while simple in nature, adds another enjoyable layer of depth to the game.




On a final note: I pointed a gun at a child's head to force a woman to give back some medicine she stole. Name one other MMO that gives you an option to do that during a quest. This game may lack certain features of MMO's you are used to, but it has much to offer in exchange. Not only that, but the features will be added in due time, and bugs will get fixed. Enjoy what the game offers. If you are not interested in what it offers, leave.


OP if you think that pointing a gun at a child's head is a plus for this game then that is pretty sad. I have not seen a quest like that during my play sessions, but if i had i would have been disgusted with it. Some things just should not be put into games when it comes to children. If you had your own kid you would understand, otherwise i guess its a losing argument.

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Because the good side of this game ends as soon as you hit 50. The story, quests, and voiceovers pretty much disappear! Listening to the dude at the start of every Alderaan WZ or Huttball or Satele at the beginning of voidstar gets old after a while. Watching the ship get attacked at the start of EV EVERY TIME YOU ENTER THE INSTANCE is pretty annoying, actually. Listening to Soa's dialogue every time you pull him also gets old; I really don't care that Korriban was your crown and cradle dude, you've told me like fifty times already. Most of the flashpoints that I've done have been pretty story light.


Companions aren't usable in raids or PvP or full 4 man groups so no one gives a damn about them. Congrats, they're useful for all those times you actually leave the fleet and go back to leveling planets by yourself, which is pretty much never!


Crafting is still pretty fisher price in this game, it's certainly not the most complex or innovative crafting to ever appear in an MMO, nothing to get that excited about.


So basically the good parts of this game end up being pretty much worthless after a point. The leveling was cool and all, but that only lasts so long: Specifically, until you hit 50. Which really isn't that hard, so this notion that people "rushed" to 50 when the game has been out for 5 weeks is pretty ridiculous. In a modern day MMO leveling tends to be incredibly quick and easy, it's not like this is EQ1 or Jedi in pre-CU SWG.

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OP if you think that pointing a gun at a child's head is a plus for this game then that is pretty sad. I have not seen a quest like that during my play sessions, but if i had i would have been disgusted with it. Some things just should not be put into games when it comes to children. If you had your own kid you would understand, otherwise i guess its a losing argument.


I guess you are one of those people blaming games,movies and rap/metal when a kid commits suicide. It's a GAME ffs.

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It really makes me wonder what people actually want in a "next gen mmo". Like what are they expecting developers to do?


for the industry to do the best with the technology available.


to temper thought with inspiration.


to free creativity from economic bondage.


to separate the success metric ego from the game-manifest id.

Edited by justamemory
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Plenty of people (dare I venture to say a huge majority of the playerbase) see the good side of the game, they just don't post about it. Typically what one sees in General forums like this are people who get some hair up their bums so decide to gripe about it; it's called a vocal minority.


Now, that's not to say that there are legitimate concerns about the game and that people do post about them constructively, but sadly those posts tend to get buried in the noise. I really believe that General forums are simpy a medium for trolls to have a place to do their thing and for the whingers to get it out of their systems.


If one to to gauge the game by the posts in this forum, one could draw the conclusion that the SWTOR playerbase consists almost exclusively of computer specialists, engineers, and programmers, all uber-versed in mulithreaded, network-based programming.

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People will whine. It is the nature of the Human race. Everyone will not always be happy.



For me, I am happy with the game. Room for improvement, room for expansion, a lot of promise. There are gltiches, bugs, and issues.


All in all, it is an MMO. It is what I expected when I signed up, because it is what I have gotten from every other MMO I've played.



As a BW game, the stories are great. To be expected. As an MMO, the stories are refreshing and very much wanted.

Edited by GoggleBoi
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The voice acting is interesting for awhile but at some point you realize that unless it's part of the main series on a planet or a class quest it really isn't worth listening to. NPC states some problem they're having, I inquire, they introduce themselves and elaborate, then I say "How do I fit in?" and I'm off to kill some droids or something. It gets tedious to listen to everything and once you've run a flashpoint once people skip all the dialogue in hard modes as well.


The crafting isn't something I'd laud as being terribly good either. It's a lottery and a grind. I say this having learned many of the epic 49 implants - many of which were utterly worthless. We're talking hours and hours of farming mats and companions crafting blues. There also isn't much demand for the ones that are actually useful either because most people just save up their daily commendations or get implants from hard modes.


The good side of the game was the leveling. It's a good single player game but once the class stuff is over and you're level 50 it relies on the MMO elements and that's where it falls apart.

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the voiced side quests are like commercials and the planet/character plots are the tv shows. except you spend 45 min watching the commercials and 15 minutes watching the reason you've even tuned into the channel for. Edited by justamemory
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The voice acting is interesting for awhile but at some point you realize that unless it's part of the main series on a planet or a class quest it really isn't worth listening to. NPC states some problem they're having, I inquire, they introduce themselves and elaborate, then I say "How do I fit in?" and I'm off to kill some droids or something. It gets tedious to listen to everything and once you've run a flashpoint once people skip all the dialogue in hard modes as well.


The crafting isn't something I'd laud as being terribly good either. It's a lottery and a grind. I say this having learned many of the epic 49 implants - many of which were utterly worthless. We're talking hours and hours of farming mats and companions crafting blues. There also isn't much demand for the ones that are actually useful either because most people just save up their daily commendations or get implants from hard modes.


The good side of the game was the leveling. It's a good single player game but once the class stuff is over and you're level 50 it relies on the MMO elements and that's where it falls apart.


You explained exactly what I feel about this game myself.

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I wouldn't take forum whining to heart. A tiny minority of the active players actually take the time to post here (or even know about the forums). Forums for MMOs are always this way. Look at WoW, which is supposedly the pinnacle of MMO gaming, from what you hear about here.. and yet, if you read their forum, it's typically an angsty mix of trolling, complaining, and talking about how dead the game is. Nothing different than here.
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