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To Bioware: >>Pazaak<< : Possible ideas thread!


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I came up with this idea too, in my thread here:




Another thing would be to have swoop bike races that you can take part in and bet on as a spectator and also holo-chess!


The game kind of feels empty at the moment because you never really see any more than one player in the same area as you at any one time. I think it would be cool to have a single area for players to congregate, chat, arrange group questing and just have a laugh.


I've been dying to show off my dancing moves to someone!

Edited by ExoDan
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  • 4 weeks later...



I would absolutely love this, pazaak was so fun in Knights of the old republic! It would be cool if it was in every cantina, but then there was a cross faction tournament on nar shadda! Can you imagine! A huge number of players would sign up for the tournament say 1000 credits or so, than they'd meet up in the cantina for the tournament, and to the winner goes the spoils with 15% or so going to the cantina (credit sink)! This sounds so fun. I'm also interested in any other form of minigame, maybe even a futuristic version of chess!

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  • 5 months later...
I agree lets have Pazaak in game. Not too mention the other good ideas such as Swoop Bike racing and so forth. Too many MMO's get caught up in the end game gear grind. People also like to socialize and games like Pazaak are a great way to break the ice and help socialize. A great hook brings one to a game but it can be the little touches that keeps a person in for the long haul. So /Sign for this idea.
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I'll start this fail thread then with a




reason your thread not picking up steam is you could have posted in the other 1000000 threads asking for pazzaak that started far back as day one of forums opening!


Not a new idea

Not a original idea

has been asked for more then anything else!


EAs official reply to this is


"While its a neat concept we have no plans of adding it in the immediate future. Some time down the road might be possible but no date can be given"


Sorry but a topic search would save you from constantly bumping your own thread (which is against TOS btw)

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E.G The imperial/republic fleet have pazaak tables for pazaak levels 1-10 and 91-100. You can duel players within your rank brackets on the selected tables in the fleets cantina.


In between 10 - 90 there are brackets, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, 51-60, 61-70, 71-80, 81-90.

Each brackets has a specific cantina. E.G 11-20 would be the cantina on coruscant and so forth all the way up to the final cantina then back to the fleet.


The reason why I suggest the brackets is so there is more use for the cantina's all over the star wars universe. There is a wider range of social hubs etc.


This is frickin' brilliant. Love it.


Also, I am not a raider, but I would totally raid to get a rare card as a drop. Also, there could be a special card available to each valor rank in PvP. The awesome thing about these types of rewards is you still can only have 10 cards in your deck, so having more isn't necessarily an advantage if you have a set way you play. This means that will minimize people griping about one card or another only being available to raiders or PvP'ers.


Great post, let's hope they do this.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 9 months later...
I like the idea of adding Pazaak too. I would suggest allowing players to buy random card packs with credits or CC. Obviously, the CC packs would have better rares to incentivize their purchase. Maybe if it were a Cartel Market item, Bioware would be more apt to work on it.
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  • 1 year later...
I've been waiting for four years for pazaak. Seriously, pazaak would be a godsend for the downtime between instances, especially if it's handled as a game that you can queue up on the fly (i.e, not needing to be in a specific building).
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