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Is anyone else tired of Bioware pissing on Sentinels?


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Hizoka do you flame everyone that complains? Geez say something constructive for a change.


Anyway if you just turned 50, you will get owned in any WZ or Ilum, due to the fact your gear has little to no expertise and every other player is significantly better geared than you. No matter how well you play you will get owned majority of the time. Give it some time and gear up, you will find it gets better.


he said dailies, first. Second if you expect for any class to fresh ding 50 then be a warzone hero then you need to go back to wow because you are far too dumb to be here.




Keep in mind this a PvE game that has PvP in it not a PvP game. PvP requires 0 effort to get teh gear its just a grind you never earn anything. So QQing about PvP is nothing more then a little kid crying that someone spent more time in a WZ then he did and is out geared.





Sentinels are not weak they are not underpowered, they mearly reflect the skill of the person at the keyboard. If you wqant a class that makes a bad player seem good go play a sage or a trooper as you can put some catnip on a keybard and a kitten can top meters in a WZ.

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I am sick and tired of dying all the friggen time. I finally finished my class quests, by having to bring other people with me, and now am dying all the time on the first few dailies on Ilum. This is ridiculous! The daily where youre in the tunnel where you have to destroy the deep miner is crazy; the imperials in there slaughter me. How is this supposed to be fun? I'm paying $15 a month to die all the friggen time?!?!


On a More constructive note, as a Combat (Apparently Gimped) Sentinel, Illum is a Cake walk, and other than two key end of chapter instances the Class quests were well balanced to represent a challenging learning experience without being broken.

So How is Illum a cake walk?

Look at the first Daily out of the gate, If you pick the big set of mobs in the middle you are an idiot and deserve to die. You can take them but 4+ standards and 2+ Strongs is not worth the effort when you can take on 2 standards and a strong or 5 standard in every other pull in the environment.

So… How does it go down? For me it is much more efficient than I am going to describe because I now have mostly L50 Raid Gear but when I first hit illum it went a little like this.

First Group. Disable Droid Switch targets to the standard, Force Leap, Opportune Strike, Zealous Strike (Mob Dies), Swap to Strong Blade Rush, Precision Strike, Blade Storm Pommel Strike, Strike, Dispatch (Mob Dies). Walk Back to Where Doc has been healing you from Force Leap, Opportune Strike, Zealous Strike. Loot! If your Gear was poor you will have gone down to about 75% health and by the time you have looted you will be closer to 90%.


Next set of mobs 5 Standard mobs Disable Droid Switch targets to the first standard, Force Leap, Opportune Strike, Zealous Strike (Mob Dies), Force Sweep, Pommel Strike Blade Rush Cyclone Slash (Mob Dies) Change to next mob Blade Rush, Blade Storm (Mob Dies) One mob will have run to Doc Force Leap, Opportune Strike, Zealous Strike (Mob Dies), Walk Back to Droid Zealous Strike, Blade Rush Blade Storm, Hit him with a feather and (You Guessed it (Mob Dies)) You are now around 75% Health and will be at 90 when you have finished looting and 100 By the time you get to the next set of mobs.


Now I can keep going through this, but really it is tedious, the upshot is, if you are having issues on Illum… L2P And what I have written up here is a good start to that. Note also I have only used about 6 skills, and I haven’t used any defensive cooldowns which are also open to you In all of what I have outlined above you will have used both Rebuke and Zen if you are worried, and if that isn’t enough Sabre ward is open to you and Pacify on the strong. Each battle is taking a little over 25 seconds if you are taking your time. So this puts pay to the “Oh We are broken” cry, as well as the “Oh you have to bind every key on your keyboard” cry.


Enough of the Damned Crying Just put some attention into learning how to play the Sentinel

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he said dailies, first. Second if you expect for any class to fresh ding 50 then be a warzone hero then you need to go back to wow because you are far too dumb to be here.




Keep in mind this a PvE game that has PvP in it not a PvP game. PvP requires 0 effort to get teh gear its just a grind you never earn anything. So QQing about PvP is nothing more then a little kid crying that someone spent more time in a WZ then he did and is out geared.





Sentinels are not weak they are not underpowered, they mearly reflect the skill of the person at the keyboard. If you wqant a class that makes a bad player seem good go play a sage or a trooper as you can put some catnip on a keybard and a kitten can top meters in a WZ.


Here is an example of destructive criticism boys and girls. Call people dumb and tell them to go back to WOW.


Sorry Lord Hizoka, I have seen the error of my ways, yes I am a dumb *** cuz I want to PVP in this game.

Sorry for advising the guy to get some champion gear to pvp, I am sooo dumb. I didn't say sentinels were weak or underpowered but I guess since you mentioned it I must have thought it in some way, I apologize for offending your elitist brain.

I guess I missed the part where you get all the gear you need the second you want to pvp, my bad, my noob behind thought you had to earn commendations.


Sorry some of us aren't born with the leet skillz on the keyboard. Some of us have had to learn our way and have had some frustration along the way. Your right, everyone that comes on these forums looking for some help or expressing frustration should go back to WOW, they are little cry babies... damn noobs.

Edited by Egnyte
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Here is an example of destructive criticism boys and girls. Call people dumb and tell them to go back to WOW.


Sorry Lord Hizoka, I have seen the error of my ways, yes I am a dumb *** cuz I want to PVP in this game.

Sorry for advising the guy to get some champion gear to pvp, I am sooo dumb. I didn't say sentinels were weak or underpowered but I guess since you mentioned it I must have thought it in some way, I apologize for offending your elitist brain.

I guess I missed the part where you get all the gear you need the second you walk into a WZ, my bad, my noob behind thought you had to earn commendations.


Sorry some of us aren't born with the leet skillz on the keyboard. Some of us have had to learn our way and have had some frustration along the way. Your right, everyone that comes on these forums looking for some help or expressing frustration should go back to WOW, they are little cry babies... damn noobs.

look at the threat title... he is not looking for help, hes crying that he sucks at the game and blames the class because hes bad at it.


Bioware is not "pissing" on sents they are a very well built class. If half these crying little nothing played beta then they would of seen how the class was when it actually was under powered. Thse QQ threads are getting old, if you think the class sucks then roll something else or go back to wow where everything can be played with a dippy bird.


The class is fine, many many many people make it work very very well. If you can't its not the class's fault its yours for being lazy.

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Combat does seem to be noticeably weaker than the other two specs even playing it as intended. Even lining up cd's just right the damage just doesn't seem to compare, although without meters it's really difficult to tell by how much exactly.


As far as dying over and over again, the person that said "pick your battles" pretty much summed it up. Without CC we are gimped slightly in comparison but have far more interrupts and defensive cd's than any other dps class. So choosing to leap into the middle of 2 strong mobs and 4 normals might not be the best choice without having your "game face" on.

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Sentinels are not weak they are not underpowered, they mearly reflect the skill of the person at the keyboard. If you wqant a class that makes a bad player seem good go play a sage or a trooper as you can put some catnip on a keybard and a kitten can top meters in a WZ.


So its sents that are right, but all the other classes op'ed? You sound like your arguing with yourself. I hope you realize that those classes making a bad player look good IS indeed a form of unbalance?

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So its sents that are right, but all the other classes op'ed? You sound like your arguing with yourself. I hope you realize that those classes making a bad player look good IS indeed a form of unbalance?


only int he mind of a simple person. Not ever class should be playable by a drunk money on acid.


Just because a class takes less skill to play does not make it imbalanced and if you are not capable of seeing that then there is no point in talking with you because you are not smart enough to deal with.

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only int he mind of a simple person. Not ever class should be playable by a drunk money on acid.


Just because a class takes less skill to play does not make it imbalanced and if you are not capable of seeing that then there is no point in talking with you because you are not smart enough to deal with.


You are making some great points arnt you? The best defense is an ad hominem attack..by the way what is your defense of my question? You talked in a circle about the easy to play classes vs the more challenging sent and irrationally flame in response. I see you flame every single person youve responded too, but never really say anything other then a miserable 2nd grade snarkey quip.


Sent is supposed to be pure dps. When dps is relatively equal, as bio wants, you have to look at the mitigating factors. Sents have a few cute tools in their toolbox. However when you have to go up against a ranged, they have an immediate advantage. So given equal gear and equal skill lvl, advantage ranged. When said ranged has healing the advantage grows..the minor hot's sents can have do not make the difference in in the heat of combat. Now couple the heals with several stuns ala sorc/sage and you have imbalance. Now add some additional pvp centered abilities like a pull and all your dps is mitigated. If you dont have a target to hit as they were pulled away your dps is meaningless. If sents have to be "more skilled" to play...then the "more skilled" players with classes that take less skill to play HAVE an advantage.

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Sorry to say, but Hizoka is right.


He may be saying it in a blunt, maybe dickish way - but sometimes you need to be that way to get your point across.


I was like the OP for A LOT of time. Now that I have been playing Sentinel PvP exclusively (mostly besides Class Quests) since lvl 15-33, I have improved my Sent game 10x fold.


I know I'm not 50 yet and I still have even MORE to learn about the class, but I can reach 250k damage and 10 medals without breaking a sweat. It merely comes down to understanding who to hit with what, when. Once you get those basics down, it's all about getting in and out, making yourself an unknown threat picking off the outer skirts of the group fights.


Once I got Force Camoflauge @ 30, it made my life SOOO easier. Because lets be honest, you WILL BE FOCUSED ASAP. This allows you to be more of an independent fighter and not always waiting for the initiation.


So as I agree it's MUCH harder to get the same results out of Sents then most other classes, it merely comes down to how well you are executing the class at that time.


tldr: I was a believer in the sent qq, but after playing PvP for weeks on end, it's more or less what Hizoka said. Learn the class better, change binds so they are easier to access, grind PvP over and over and over. You will notice yourself getting better.


Plus Sentinel is the most fun and diverse class evar mirite brahs? :w_tongue:

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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Sorry to say, but Hizuka is right.


He may be saying it a blunt, may be dickish way - but sometimes you need to be that way to get your point across.


I was like the OP for A LOT of time. Now that I have been playing Sentinel PvP exclusively (mostly besides Class Quests) since lvl 15-33, I have improved my Sent game 10x fold.


I know I'm not 50 yet and I still have even MORE to learn about the class, but I can reach 250k damage and 10 medals without breaking a sweat. It merely comes down to understanding who to hit with what, when. Once you get those basics down, it's all about getting in and out, making yourself an unknown threat picking off the outer skirts of the group fights.


Once I got Force Camoflauge @ 30, it made my life SOOO easier. Because lets be honest, you WILL BE FOCUSED ASAP. This allows you to be more of an independent fighter and not always waiting for the initiation.


So as I agree it's MUCH harder to get the same results out of Sents then most other classes, it merely comes down to how well you are executing the class at that time.


tldr: I was a believer in the sent qq, but after playing PvP for weeks on end, it's more or less what Hizuka said. Learn the class better, change binds so they are easier to access, grind PvP over and over and over. You will notice yourself getting better.


Plus Sentinel is the most fun and diverse class evar mirite brahs? :w_tongue:


Well at least your civil! But that still doesnt answer my reply to Hizuka. Force camo is indeed a great ability, but in talking about the skill lvl other playes know our limits, which in this case is 4 sec. They focus fire is rightback on you and youve blown a defensive cool down. Been playing my Sent since 4 days before release...I DO know my class in spite of Hizuka's comments, so its not fair to make that assumption. Most of that time I was trying to make combat work and simply couldnt, so I was forced into watchmen. With little exp in that tree my dps increased by a sizable amount. That alone is testiment to some of the problems with sent, one tree is not usable.

Far as your comment on the sent being the most diverse class..um..we are straight dps. We do not tank, and we do not heal...we dps plain and simple. That is part of the problem..other classes have enough elements in them of tank and/or healing with dps that you take a straight dps class that has none of these elements and it makes for homogenious class that has less tools in their toolbox to work with..

I get the feeling Bio started with JK/SW and wanted other classes to be "viable" against them or we would have nothing but JK/SW running around...understandable...however when they went to design the other classes they made them with a spear aimed directly at the heart of JK/SW.

Operatives with their "stun-shiv stun-shiv" and massive massive melee dps confuses me both in terms of balance and lore..how does a shiv hit harder then a lightsaber? Something for them to stun and get away I understand, but a damned operative should not have the ability to go toe to toe with a JK in melee, gear or not, thats insane and unbalanced

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You are making some great points arnt you? The best defense is an ad hominem attack..by the way what is your defense of my question? You talked in a circle about the easy to play classes vs the more challenging sent and irrationally flame in response. I see you flame every single person youve responded too, but never really say anything other then a miserable 2nd grade snarkey quip.


Sent is supposed to be pure dps. When dps is relatively equal, as bio wants, you have to look at the mitigating factors. Sents have a few cute tools in their toolbox. However when you have to go up against a ranged, they have an immediate advantage. So given equal gear and equal skill lvl, advantage ranged. When said ranged has healing the advantage grows..the minor hot's sents can have do not make the difference in in the heat of combat. Now couple the heals with several stuns ala sorc/sage and you have imbalance. Now add some additional pvp centered abilities like a pull and all your dps is mitigated. If you dont have a target to hit as they were pulled away your dps is meaningless. If sents have to be "more skilled" to play...then the "more skilled" players with classes that take less skill to play HAVE an advantage.

simple classes are simple. Sentinels simply have more tools... Take a Merc BH no matter how goot hey are all you have to do is interrut tracer missle and they are cluess what to do, because the class is a simple button mashing class everything is built around tracer missle interrupt that and their energy regen is craped out and nothing else they do does enough damage to be a threat and everything but tracer is on atleast a 15 second cooldown.



ANY dumb player can play a merc BH/ commando trooper, but anyone can also shut the class down if they have half a brain, it is IMPOSSIBLE to shut down a sentinel it is impossible to kite a sentinel, if you play a sentinel right there is no-one who can beat you typically even 2 people on you at once cannot beat you.

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Well at least your civil! But that still doesnt answer my reply to Hizuka. Force camo is indeed a great ability, but in talking about the skill lvl other playes know our limits, which in this case is 4 sec. They focus fire is rightback on you and youve blown a defensive cool down. Been playing my Sent since 4 days before release...I DO know my class in spite of Hizuka's comments, so its not fair to make that assumption. Most of that time I was trying to make combat work and simply couldnt, so I was forced into watchmen. With little exp in that tree my dps increased by a sizable amount. That alone is testiment to some of the problems with sent, one tree is not usable.

Far as your comment on the sent being the most diverse class..um..we are straight dps. We do not tank, and we do not heal...we dps plain and simple. That is part of the problem..other classes have enough elements in them of tank and/or healing with dps that you take a straight dps class that has none of these elements and it makes for homogenious class that has less tools in their toolbox to work with..

I get the feeling Bio started with JK/SW and wanted other classes to be "viable" against them or we would have nothing but JK/SW running around...understandable...however when they went to design the other classes they made them with a spear aimed directly at the heart of JK/SW.

Operatives with their "stun-shiv stun-shiv" and massive massive melee dps confuses me both in terms of balance and lore..how does a shiv hit harder then a lightsaber? Something for them to stun and get away I understand, but a damned operative should not have the ability to go toe to toe with a JK in melee, gear or not, thats insane and unbalanced


Bolded for truthiness. This is one of my main peevs about PvP.


I'm 32 and got owned by an 18 Operative. I unloaded everything, including Crippling Throw and both defensive buffs. Stunned to death after using CC break and bursted like what.


I can tell you know what you're talkin about, so I will agree with you.


I mean, you are right - how the hell does a shiv hit harder than a lightsaber in lore or balance???? :confused:

Edited by rakuenCallisto
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wow... bioware just needs to delete this kinda of thread, its nothiung but cry babies talking about how the game sucks because they fail at it


so true.......


how people can actually complain about anything in this game is hilarious


my main is a sentinel, absolutely dominate, often times i can take on up to 4 people depending how inept they are........


and honestly every single alt i play on i dominate also....you gotta know every classes str and weaknesses, you cant just do what YOU want to do

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simple classes are simple. Sentinels simply have more tools... Take a Merc BH no matter how goot hey are all you have to do is interrut tracer missle and they are cluess what to do, because the class is a simple button mashing class everything is built around tracer missle interrupt that and their energy regen is craped out and nothing else they do does enough damage to be a threat and everything but tracer is on atleast a 15 second cooldown.



ANY dumb player can play a merc BH/ commando trooper, but anyone can also shut the class down if they have half a brain, it is IMPOSSIBLE to shut down a sentinel it is impossible to kite a sentinel, if you play a sentinel right there is no-one who can beat you typically even 2 people on you at once cannot beat you.


Well...thats not all a BH can do (but Im sort of with you on that point) however stealth Operative is taylor made to face a sent

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wow... bioware just needs to delete this kinda of thread, its nothiung but cry babies talking about how the game sucks because they fail at it


You actually started to sound magnanimous in one post, then came crashing back to flaming fail...so sorry.

If the game sucked I wouldnt bother posting. Some may think it does, I do not


Vegathegreat: Your post is little more then bluster..er wait you must be great, all I have to do is ask you!

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simple classes are simple. Sentinels simply have more tools... Take a Merc BH no matter how goot hey are all you have to do is interrut tracer missle and they are cluess what to do, because the class is a simple button mashing class everything is built around tracer missle interrupt that and their energy regen is craped out and nothing else they do does enough damage to be a threat and everything but tracer is on atleast a 15 second cooldown.



ANY dumb player can play a merc BH/ commando trooper, but anyone can also shut the class down if they have half a brain, it is IMPOSSIBLE to shut down a sentinel it is impossible to kite a sentinel, if you play a sentinel right there is no-one who can beat you typically even 2 people on you at once cannot beat you.


This. After about a month of PvP exclusively, I achieved my first REAL 1v2 last night and won.

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You can shut down a sent with stun locks (yes everyone is susceptible to this), knockbacks and pulls. Target has to be with in striking range, which is why I said in an earlier post...all other things being equal, range has an advantage over melee
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You can shut down a sent with stun locks (yes everyone is susceptible to this), knockbacks and pulls. Target has to be with in striking range, which is why I said in an earlier post...all other things being equal, range has an advantage over melee


you cannot kite a good sentinel.

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Every action an opposing player has we have a way to counter it. As a sentinel you are doing nothing but juggling your CD's.


Uh, no we don't.


Knockback with the 100% snare on it? So sorry Sentinel, you aren't Combat specced? You are shut off for about 6 seconds.


Oh, you waited the 6 seconds and jumped on me? So sorry. Root, now I will casually walk away.


Oh you waited 5 seconds and got on me again? Long term mez... And I walk away...


Oh you jumped on me again? Here we go again... Knockback with 100% snare!


There are tons of ways of kiting a good Sentinel.

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Every action an opposing player has we have a way to counter it. As a sentinel you are doing nothing but juggling your CD's.


Pin down (massive dps hit) followed by jarring strike another massive dps hit) from an operative..you get 1 resolute..and over half your health gone before you even see them...go ahead and take it from here..whats the counter? Ive seen operative ambush a well geared tank on ilum and have him dead before he got off his speeder

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Hizoka, you can so easily kite a sent with some other class's its rediculous. I love all these people claiming they Can kill up to 4 people at a time cause they are sooooo leeet. Those must be the dumbest imps in PvP and you should write down their names so you can chase after them to rack up the kills every time you see them.

Any half decent Imp team of 2 or more can **** a Sentinel of any spec in under 30 Seconds, if they have half a brain. Stun , then slow, knockback, Awe, Harpoon or any similar combination and you are sent back to respawn. Also are you expecting them to just let you maintain LOS , the best Imp players are constantly working to be out of a Sents LOS when they are fighting. Forget about cool downs, you are trying to figure out what skill you could even get off period. Players adapt to strong opponents, they learn new tactics, and they learn to hurt you. If the Imps on your server have the IQ of an Ant I am glad for you. On my server they just lick their chops and Say Fresh meat , er I mean sentinel Inc.

It has less and less to do with the skill of a player when the opposing Team knows your weakness and how to prey upon them to the Max, and starts to be about , maybe a little love for the class would Help.

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