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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Thanks for nerfing the most underplayed class


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I can confirm in almost full BM gear that in the 50 bracket WZ's my CRIT's on my opener hardly ever top the 4k range(Many classes can top this OUTSIDE of stealth). The only thing that needed to be fixed was the K.O. duration.


Bioware has now sealed the deal on 70% of their player base rolling Inq/Sage now.


I'll be leaving this game now, and to all of the people saying "Bye" and "Dont let the door hit you on the way out"


Well played.


-Day 1 Scoundrel

Edited by Alwaysthirsty
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I can confirm in almost full BM gear that in the 50 bracket WZ's my CRIT's on my opener hardly ever top the 4k range. The only thing that needed to be fixed was the K.O. duration.


Bioware has now sealed the deal on 70% of their player base rolling Inq/Sage now.


I'll be leaving this game now, and to all of the people saying "Bye" and "Dont let the door hit you on the way out" your turn is coming.


Well played.


-Day 1 Scoundrel


Wahhh wahhhhhhh go reroll or learn to deal with it.

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I can confirm in almost full BM gear that in the 50 bracket WZ's my CRIT's on my opener hardly ever top the 4k range(Many classes can top this OUTSIDE of stealth). The only thing that needed to be fixed was the K.O. duration.


Bioware has now sealed the deal on 70% of their player base rolling Inq/Sage now.


I'll be leaving this game now, and to all of the people saying "Bye" and "Dont let the door hit you on the way out"


Well played.


-Day 1 Scoundrel



enough said... noob

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You realize that opening on someone for 8k AND having that same move knock a person down from stealth was ******** right? I play a shadow and my knock down opener does nearly no damage. Your class was ********, so are sorc/sages get over it.
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You realize that opening on someone for 8k AND having that same move knock a person down from stealth was ******** right? I play a shadow and my knock down opener does nearly no damage. Your class was ********, so are sorc/sages get over it.


Yea, maybe on a level 20, but 8k crits don't happen in the 50 brackets, period.

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Problem is that players AND BW are using information from before the bracket change to decide if the class is OP.... after the bracket change, Agents cant kill like before because now we face lvl 50 people with good gear, not like before when they where lvl 29 with crap gear.


Maybe the nerf on the damage on the burst is okay, but the rest is just too much when you put it all togeather.


In almost all my Warzones they are totally controlled by Sith Sorcerer or Bounty Hunter, and then they nerf the lost underplayed class in the game.

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Problem is that players AND BW are using information from before the bracket change to decide if the class is OP.... after the bracket change, Agents cant kill like before because now we face lvl 50 people with good gear, not like before when they where lvl 29 with crap gear.


Maybe the nerf on the damage on the burst is okay, but the rest is just too much when you put it all togeather.


In almost all my Warzones they are totally controlled by Sith Sorcerer or Bounty Hunter, and then they nerf the lost underplayed class in the game.



Post link to official source, thanks.

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Be patient. There's no telling how things might get balanced out.

I'm sure it must suck having your class get tossed and tweaked, but if they really are gimped then surely they'll fix it.


It still sucks but I'd suggest just playing an alt for a while and see how it pans out.

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This thread reminds me of Tyranids in Dawn of War 2 RTS.

It was least played race as well because it simply had no appeal at all unless you liked bugs.

But it also was most powerful race there was that could trololol you in the first 5 minutes of the game.


How is it relating to this thread?


Quite simply.


Lease played does not equal to weakest, just not the most appealing.

sure, ops/scoundrels might be least played, but that in no way makes them NOT strongest.

Nerf was deserved, foreseen and required, accept it and come out of your delusion.

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Do I think Scoundrels/Operative need to be tweaked? More than likely.


However, it's not fair to people who play those classes if they can't copy their characters to the PTS to test these proposed changes and give an accurate picture of what these changes mean.

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I've always thought scoundrel/op are suppose to be 1 shot killing glass cannons. Imo, they should nerf them by making them easier to kill after using their wonder ability, instead of just nerfing the abilities themselves directly.


put a debuff -exhausted or something, that makes them move slower and take more damage after using their wonder ability.

Edited by timewatch
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Lease played does not equal to weakest, just not the most appealing.

sure, ops/scoundrels might be least played, but that in no way makes them NOT strongest.

Nerf was deserved, foreseen and required, accept it and come out of your delusion.


Im not arguing that a nerf wasnt necessary, but to take away most of the burst from a burst only class is showing how BW will cave to whiners. The knockdown was OP, not the end game damage vs an equally geared and skilled player. They did too much and now we'll have one less class in the game being played. Sage vs Sorc matches are already rampant, yet they go untouched. BW is only looking out for their base, like Obama or something.

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I can confirm in almost full BM gear that in the 50 bracket WZ's my CRIT's on my opener hardly ever top the 4k range(Many classes can top this OUTSIDE of stealth). The only thing that needed to be fixed was the K.O. duration.


Bioware has now sealed the deal on 70% of their player base rolling Inq/Sage now.


I'll be leaving this game now, and to all of the people saying "Bye" and "Dont let the door hit you on the way out"


Well played.


-Day 1 Scoundrel



enough said... noob

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The problem with this class is that it's binary, you get pasted, or, sometimes, they get pasted. It's never really a toss up. It's a big problem with a lot of the pvp in this game (death by cc) but it's excessively bad with this class.


You can't blame players for being frustrated when they literally have no chance to fight back and anyone who has done any pvp has had this experience with OP's/Scoundrel's.

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Im not arguing that a nerf wasnt necessary, but to take away most of the burst from a burst only class is showing how BW will cave to whiners. The knockdown was OP, not the end game damage vs an equally geared and skilled player. They did too much and now we'll have one less class in the game being played. Sage vs Sorc matches are already rampant, yet they go untouched. BW is only looking out for their base, like Obama or something.


Most burst? Its 20% from initial hit. Everything else is the same. Less armor penetration? So go for squishies now instead of trolling tanks. Thats all. It had nothing to do with whiners, one would really had to live in some dreamland not to see it coming.


Sorcs/sages will have their own nerfhammer hit, just might take a bit more time, but if I as gunslinger can't nuke down a sorc that stands still AND DPSes me down with occasional heal while I unleash the hell on him that usually lets me drop 16k HP powertech in a matter of 12 seconds and he still manages to come out on top and kill me then something is horribly wrong. And its not my gear as its most champ pieces and modified centurion for maximum burst.

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That video you posted Is of a player that Rushed to 50 and is using adrenals/expertise buff/ pvp gear to deal absurd damage( just like any other class would) to people under level 50 :/.

Every single one of those elements have been removed, now you would seem him doing 4.5k damage at best on anyone wearing full pvp gear set.


Once everyone has full champ/bm gear in pvp you are going to See Operatives not killing people instantly, or even close. I'm a squishy and they don't even come close to killing me in pvp now when I pop a heal of any sort. I don't even have 15k hp. I don't even have full pvp gear yet either. This nerf is kinda sad, Operatives had their place as burst damage/ crowd control, but now a whole skill tree is just about useless with the nerf coming up.

The stun duration shouldn't have been taken away. It's the Surge stacking that causes the rediculous damage on some hits.


You people are posting old videos of operatives doing absurd damage.. well of course they are, these people making vids got to the 50 cap before everyone else, got pvp gear before everyone else so they can show off big hits on level 20's or new 50's. Sad that they are getting nerfed so hard because some people played way too much, and some people just don't realize how much the gear /level difference makes.

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