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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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Quit getting your panties in a wad because you have grouped with a few ninjas.


You can't actually ninja loot anything in this game. The only way you get the option to roll on the loot is because you helped kill what ever it was that you were fighting. Someone else can not suddenly drop stealth and loot the corpse.


The only thing that can happen is someone can roll need on an item that someone else doesn't think they actually are entitled to.

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If I'm helping bring down the boss, it most certainly IS my business. Something dropped for my class.
That's cool, that same drop is something that I want for looks. Lets roll!


I got lucky this run.
You get lucky on a run by winning a roll. Not by dictating that other people can't roll on the loot that you want.


No reason to pull a douche move and need it just because you technically "can".
No reason to insist that I don't roll on it if I want it because your want is somehow more important than my want.


That's what sociopaths do. Are you a sociopath?
No, I'm not a sociopath. That's why I don't think my wants are more important than other people's wants. I think all of our wants are equal, and a fair impartial way of determining that exists in the game for resolving a situation where multiple people want the same item. They both click Need and whoever wins the roll gets the item. Ain't it grand?


If I were a sociopath, I'd be insisting that you let me have that gear because I want it.



"Why should you get gear when I did not!?!?"
That's not something I'd ever say. That's something you'd say though. Edited by ferroz
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If I didn't see it or sign it, then how can I be held responsible to uphold it?

It's the same question I keep asking myself when I happen to break some IRL social tabu.


The problem with that, is it's based on the assumption that everyone already has the same opinion on point 1.

It's not that shallow. You can bend the rules a bit.


People usually take need for their character and there is no debate here (I think). There is also little to no debate when someone ask if he can need item for a companion if nobody need it. Problem appears when someone wishes to take need for his companion AND there is player in a group who would benefit from the looted item. If you allow needs of the companion to be treated the same way as the needs of the player's character then you'd ruin social contract (since everyone could take need on anything). It isn't senseless.

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I see plenty.


I've personally booted people like you from my groups several times in the past. Any player who rolls NEED consistently in my group will get instantly ejected. Somehow I can't see your math adding up:


Group who communicates and the loot goes where it's most needed

Group where one chucklehead needs on everything


Yeah, plenty of smooth runs there.

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If I'm helping bring down the boss, it most certainly IS my business. Something dropped for my class. I got lucky this run. No reason to pull a douche move and need it just because you technically "can". That's what sociopaths do. Are you a sociopath?


"Why should you get gear when I did not!?!?"


Oh good, we have someone else who wants to use terms they don't understand. You want to talk about what makes a sociopath? Ignoring that current medical term on it is ASPD (AntiSocial Personality Disorder), we can talk about this all day. I have the doctorate that lets me do it with authority. Would you like to go down that road?


If you help down the boss, you get to roll on the loot that drops. So does anyone else who helped down the boss. The system only gets more complicated than that if you make it so. The instant you start complicating a system that works perfectly well in its simpler form, you're only increasing your own odds of undesirable consequences (perhaps in the form of someone else deciding your reasons aren't good enough to roll, even if it's for your class).


Let the system stand, or petition BioWare directly to change the system. Those are your only options.

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I've personally booted people like you from my groups several times in the past. Any player who rolls NEED consistently in my group will get instantly ejected. Somehow I can't see your math adding up:


Group who communicates and the loot goes where it's most needed

Group where one chucklehead needs on everything


Yeah, plenty of smooth runs there.


In his defense (not that he needs it from me) - he doesn't NEED on everything by his admission. He just needs on things for reasons that other people find to be incorrect. Because it is pretty for his character while it might be functional for another one.

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I've personally booted people like you from my groups several times in the past. Any player who rolls NEED consistently in my group will get instantly ejected. Somehow I can't see your math adding up:


Group who communicates and the loot goes where it's most needed

Group where one chucklehead needs on everything


Yeah, plenty of smooth runs there.


So you kick people who do not conform to your greed based beliefs. If you are in some way dictating that the other groups members not roll how they wish, you are dictating that they conform to your beliefs. Greedy?

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I've personally booted people like you from my groups several times in the past.
Have you? I kind of doubt it.


Any player who rolls NEED consistently in my group will get instantly ejected.
What do those people have to do with me?


Group who communicates and the loot goes where it's most needed

Group where one chucklehead needs on everything


Yeah, plenty of smooth runs there.

I don't think I'll have very many groups where anyone needs on everything. That sort of thing is rare, and I have yet to run into it in this game, and only ran into it a couple of times in wow (out of 1000+ LFD pugs)
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Oh good, we have someone else who wants to use terms they don't understand. You want to talk about what makes a sociopath? Ignoring that current medical term on it is ASPD (AntiSocial Personality Disorder), we can talk about this all day. I have the doctorate that lets me do it with authority. Would you like to go down that road?


Sure, seeing that your degree has changed just in the span of this thread.

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In his defense (not that he needs it from me) - he doesn't NEED on everything by his admission. He just needs on things for reasons that other people find to be incorrect. Because it is pretty for his character while it might be functional for another one.
I'm glad to see it though; there are a lot of people who just debate one side with their blinders on, and they can't be bothered to differentiate between the folks who are debating from the trolls who post stuff like that /thread guy early in the thread.
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Do you understand the definitional difference between the concepts of need and greed?
Yes. I just don't agree that need = has better stats.


I need it for something. Maybe it's looks. Maybe it's stats. Maybe it's one of the mods or enhancements. Maybe it's for a companion.

Edited by ferroz
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Do you understand the definitional difference between the concepts of need and greed?


Dude, give it up.


The only people left in this thread are you and the same 4 trolls that pop up in every thread on this issue.


You'd have more luck forcing the Earth to rotate the opposite direction by running against the spin.


Having played virtually every MMO to have existed, I can tell you for absolute certain that eventually these people get ostracized, no sense in arguing about something that will happen naturally.

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If you need it for something, you need it. If you don't, you greed it. it's simple.




*sigh* Do you really not get that your logic has NO limits? Everyone can hit the need button on everything. Everything, in the very least, can be sold for credits. So, in essence, with your logic, you have a completely valid claim on every single thing that drops. Is that really how you want this game to be?

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Na, I'll just stick to the option of booting you and then ignoring you. You'll only do it one to me, so no big deal.


if you play the way you claim to, I'd be delighted to be on that ignore list. But the real reason you won't petition, is probably because the most fairest and easiest way to fix this, is to remove the 'need' button. And that just wouldn't fit in with your scheme at all.

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If you need it for something, you need it. If you don't, you greed it. it's simple.


That simple concept is lost for many people in this thread.


"To vendor it and keep the creds" is not a need.

"It looks cool on my companion" is not a need.


Folks in this thread who are comfortable rolling on loot that they themselves can't use or isn't an upgrade for them are the ones who'll be kicked from any group I run, no questions asked. The caveat is if nobody else can use the item either. A little basic communication is all it takes.

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*sigh* Do you really not get that your logic has NO limits? Everyone can hit the need button on everything. Everything, in the very least, can be sold for credits. So, in essence, with your logic, you have a completely valid claim on every single thing that drops. Is that really how you want this game to be?


Incorrect.,. I have a valid entitlement to roll and see if I win.. And there-in lies the bit you can't, or more to the point I believe, won't accept.

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