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No, You May Not Roll on Items for Another Class and Strip Out the Mods


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I'll tell you whatever I like, especially when the proof is entirely in the expressed opinions you've put into this thread. You clearly have no idea about *maturity* (I don't know what you mean by "matureness" which isn't a word), based on the sentiments you've expressed.


I'll explain it another way: you can do whatever you like, but if you don't consider the consequences of your actions, then you'll soon find that the general community in the game will not be agreeing to do anything with you over the long term.


Thank you, I will.


I'm not sure where you got your education..



Correct spelling: matureness

Definition of matureness:


state of being mature; full development

Common misspellings:


maturness (100%)



I'll say no more...

Edited by Setanian
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This is no where nearly the universe truth you and others like you seem to think.

Yes, actually it is, much like other universal truths like "It's wrong to kill other people." or "It's wrong to steal.". It's just that some people (like you) have trouble grasping that concept, either because you're immature or antisocial or both.


Many people playing this game either are new to MMO's or at least new to ones with loot rules like this. So do not expect people to be aware of your "rule that everyone knows".

If a player is new to MMO's, I'm willing to give them leeway, and I'm sure others would as well. I wasn't really aiming my sentiments at newbies.


Plus when we're dealing with situations like mods, orange items, or companions, there's plenty of gray area on who can best use that item. So even then your 'unwritten rule' may very well not be the one everyone else follows even if they did know what it is.

If they don't know, then they'll quickly learn.


Also it's hardly stealing, it's not like I didn't help kill what ever it is that gave us that item.

So did everyone else in the group. Luck determines who can benefit most from the item dropped.


Based on your logic, the only person who should be allowed to roll need on an item is the person who gets the most upgrade out of it. If it gives me a 5% increase and you a 7.5% increase, I have no right to roll need, because you can put it to better use.

You're generalizing the argument. If an item drops that more than one player can use, then it can be rolled on by all who can use it, of course. However, if an item drops that only one player can use, that player is the only one who should be rolling Need on it. If a light armor item that buffs endurance and willpower drops in a group with 2 BH's, 1 Operative, and a Sith Sorcerer, only the Sorc should be rolling Need.


Once again, people need to stop assuming that other people are aware of, or agree with these "unwritten rules" of loot, because they may not of encountered them before. Or even if they did they may very well no longer apply in all situations.

Communication is important here- a lot of problems can be avoided if the prospective ninja talks to his group about his intentions before starting the run. Of course, don't be surprised if you find yourself booted from the group should they not agree to your intent.

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Thank you, I will.


I'm not sure where you got your education..



Correct spelling: matureness

Definition of matureness:


state of being mature; full development

Common misspellings:


maturness (100%)



I'll say no more...

It's *maturity*, and the fact that you're fixating on one word is a clear sign that you're giving up your argument with me. Fine.

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Yes, actually it is, much like other universal truths like "It's wrong to kill other people." or "It's wrong to steal.". It's just that some people (like you) have trouble grasping that concept, either because you're immature or antisocial or both.


So soldiers shouldn't kill anyone. People should not protect themselves?


I think it is you who has a problem grasping reality, or maybe, you have not seen enough of the world outside whichever country you live in.

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It's *maturity*, and the fact that you're fixating on one word is a clear sign that you're giving up your argument with me. Fine.


Let's just examine the facts shall we? I used a word, and you stated for fact it did not exist. I being the nice person I am, posted you the definition from the English dictionary.


Now, having had your 'fact' shown to be what it was; i.e. false, I am now fixated on it.


I am not giving up on the argument at all, how-ever, I am giving up replying to you, because you have proven beyond doubt to me, that you cannot debate without insult, and your facts have been shown to be less than credible.

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So soldiers shouldn't kill anyone. People should not protect themselves?

Quit being a sophist. Wars are fought over a variety of reasons, most of which are pure BS and political maneuvering. Self-defense is usually only justifiable if one's *life* is in danger (as in, someone is trying to kill *YOU*). Societies exist mainly because people got together and decided that things like this are wrong. Humanity wouldn't have progressed as a species if we spent most of our time killing each other. Take some time and think about stuff before you post, please.


I think it is you who has a problem grasping reality, or maybe, you have not seen enough of the world outside whichever country you live in.

I understand the reality of your limited grasp of morality, and that understanding increases with each post you make.

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Let's just examine the facts shall we? I used a word, and you stated for fact it did not exist. I being the nice person I am, posted you the definition from the English dictionary.


Now, having had your 'fact' shown to be what it was; i.e. false, I am now fixated on it.


I am not giving up on the argument at all, how-ever, I am giving up replying to you, because you have proven beyond doubt to me, that you cannot debate without insult, and your facts have been shown to be less than credible.

You're still fixated on it, I see. There is a fallacious argument known as the strawman, and you're using it now. Also, you accuse me of insulting you- I merely stated what's obvious from your posts (your lack of understanding). That's not an insult any more than it's an insult when a teacher tells a student that he's made several spelling mistakes. As I said before: think about things before you post.

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Getting ignored is something i do to a bothersome and annoying player. But what people here are advocating? It's plain and simple ninja looting. I can't speak for every server, but on Belgoth's Beacon, my guild is in a Alliance with he 3 biggest guilds Republic side. Blacklisted people are reported to the alliance and they add the name to their list as well. To top that, we have a Guild Council with the Empire on our private server forums. So we all know who to avoid and who to kill.
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So soldiers shouldn't kill anyone. People should not protect themselves?


I think it is you who has a problem grasping reality, or maybe, you have not seen enough of the world outside whichever country you live in.


Soldiers should only kill people who deserve it.


Players should only /ignore players who deserve it.

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You obviously don't give a **** if I lose out once you get some loot, huh ?
I'm not so self-centered as to put my companion's gear ahead of your actual character's gear.


If it's obviously a drop for your class, and you immediately roll need as if it's an upgrade, then I won't even bother asking if you mind if I roll against you. If it's a drop for your class, and you roll greed as if you don't need it, I'll ask if everyone is ok if I roll need for my companion, if I don't just roll greed instead and give us all an equal chance.


To me it just seems courteous. Ultimately, I want to play with other people, not with my companion. Delaying my companion's upgrade for the direct benefit of a groupmate's character seems like a much better approach to accomplishing this.


You might not get invites to the loot drama groups...
You're a loot drama queen if you're insisting that your companion deserves an upgrade over a groupmate. Edited by Ansultares
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Getting ignored is something i do to a bothersome and annoying player. But what people here are advocating? It's plain and simple ninja looting. I can't speak for every server, but on Belgoth's Beacon, my guild is in a Alliance with he 3 biggest guilds Republic side. Blacklisted people are reported to the alliance and they add the name to their list as well. To top that, we have a Guild Council with the Empire on our private server forums. So we all know who to avoid and who to kill.



I don't see anyone advocating the occurrence in the OP. The player in question in the OP was clearly just a "click-monkey" kid who needs on everything... and he didn't realize he couldn't sell the mods.


But much of the reasons for Needing in here have been justified. But we're suggesting that etiquette be used and talk about the loot rules beforehand. For instance, people need to discuss Needing for companions and Needing for Appearance, since both are understandable reasons to need on something that you normally wouldn't.

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its sucks but there's not much you can do about it. If loot is that big of a deal to you its best to establish looting rules before you start the instance. If no one can agree on a set of rules you can just leave or take your chances. since the mod system is in place i think its perfectly fine for someone to roll on a modable item even if the mods contained dont benefit them since they can replace them for ones that can, but then i was never one to care too much about drops especially in a pug. now if i am running an instance for a specific drop i will let the others know and ask if they have a problem passing on that item if it drops either way i will probably run it anyway a 1 and 4 chance at winning a roll is better than no chance at all.
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The game is not--clearly, if it ever was--about fun and difference, it's exactly like all those others that people rage about: the acqusition of loot (whether they need it or not). That's the only reason these people run raids and why they want to race through the content...it's just to farm loot. And by doing so, keeping people who could actually se the upgrade and making running the content from getting their just rewards, causing frustration and eventual loss of interest in the epeener game. Pretty soon now people will begin being selective and more restrive on who gets in groups, defeating the purpose SW: TOR was suppose to prevent. This isn't about gaming anymore, it's about bragging rights and money. Remove the money sinks and gimmicks to keep people playing and bring back true fun to gaming...maybe a start is to make certain gear (I hate gear chasing) class restrictive. (I can hear that famous actor speaking a warning to that guy in the second dinosaur movie: "Now, you're WoW." pitiful...pitiful.
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