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Yes or No Question to Bioware: Will Addons Be Implemented?


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They know about this. They are discussing it. They will never comment on it until they are 1000% sure it will be good for the game and already well into its production.


The ball is in their court and they won't open their mouths until it suits them. Don't make the mistake of thinking that announcing things is a simple process. There's A LOT of politics and departments behind the scenes. Every announcement must be calculated and thought about.

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I can just about guarantee they will not answer this with a yes. To answer yes to this question would make a commitment with a deadline on a feature that has not been implemented.


To say anything other than maybe is a liability to the company and it's reputation.

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I hope Bioware never allows 3rd party add-ons.


I hope they consider all the headaches and policing they would have to do to prevent cheats and exploits by allowing user made add-ons.


On top of that add-ons sku the playing field, especially in pvp.


With zero 3rd party add-ons everyone has the exact same tools, and no one has an unfair advantage.



Bioware: say NO to add-ons.

Edited by RannStarcloud
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Are you, Bioware, going to implement addons into this game within the next year?


All I am asking for is a Yes or a No.


If this question has been addressed before then please could someone link to it because my search turned up no decisive results.


I am also not asking for any sort of discussion from the community, I have seen the extensive debates for both sides of the argument. This is a simple question with a simple request for an answer.


Bioware won't answer you here.


But I can't think of a major MMO that does not have addons or UI customizations...if there are, those are the rare exceptions.


They are coming, Bioware just needs to get the game stable first, iron out all the other little nasties that are keeping people posting here.

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I hope Bioware never allows 3rd party add-ons.


I hope they consider all the headaches and policing they would have to do to prevent cheats and exploits by allowing user made add-ons.


On top of that add-ons sku the playing field, especially in pvp.


With zero 3rd party add-ons everyone has the exact same tools, and no one has an unfair advantage.



Bioware: say NO to add-ons.



People are also on the same playing WITH add-ons. It's not like you have to be part of a secret club to use them. They're out there for all. So there's not really an unfair advantage.

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NO they wont , it will kiddify the game if they do and this would be like WoW


then, and alot of us would not play a dumbed down version of this game.


Also EA wouldnt allow 3rd party anything. It would open them up for hackers and hacks to be using ingame.

Edited by Fallensouls
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They have ZERO incentive to answer this clearly with a yes/no. If something changes, if other things get in the way, and they don't hit it , they get flamed for it.l They already got burned with patch dates, and now I've noticed everything they do is a bit vague on timing.


This is why Blizzard always answers things with 'soon ' and 'we're looking into it'

Edited by talligan
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Although I appreciate all of your well thought out, insightful, and grammatically correct responses I must remind you all that this thread, sadly, is not requesting your opinions concerning whether addons should or should not be in this game. Edited by Senojpd
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Although I appreciate all of your well thought out, insightful, and grammatically correct responses I must remind you all that this thread, sadly, is not requesting your opinions.
Then you should have emailed Bioware and asked them your question instead of posting it on a public forum.
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I'm not asking for detailed information just a simple yes or no for addons within the year.


They will at least have a rough idea if that is in their plan.

Not really. They probably do a pure priority based development strategy.


as in mods are an X priority item.


some new features, content and bug fixes are higher than X priority and some are lower than X priority. They won't even start on mods until they have most of the higher priority stuff dealt with and won't have any sort of timeline until that point.

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If to start, or to get their feet wet to see how it goes they allowed addons only for aesthetics I would be very happy.


I can, however, understand some people not wanting others to see their DPS. I wouldn't want people to see mine.... which is why I always heal in these games. :)

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This is why Blizzard always answers things with 'soon ' and 'we're looking into it'


As has been said before I am not asking for an exact date, the within a year doesn't even matter that much, more I just want to know if they plan to implement them.


Then you should have emailed Bioware and asked them your question instead of posting it on a public forum.


hehe, too quick for me. I edited to properly explain what I meant less than 10 seconds after posting.

Edited by Senojpd
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If to start, or to get their feet wet to see how it goes they allowed addons only for aesthetics I would be very happy.


I strongly agree, this is my main reasoning for this question. Although I suspect it would be extremely difficult to only allow certain types of addons.


Having to sort my bag by hand is the bane of my life. :D


Also the GTN is unbearably bad. No hate to Bioware intended it just needs some tweaking to work well.

Edited by Senojpd
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I'm sure they will implement them. It's an MMO and it's 2012.


User creativity and customization is definitely something to encourage. I don't understand the opposition.


We don't need Deadly Boss Mods considering the game already tells you exactly what the boss is about to do -- IN BIG RED LETTERS.


Damage meters aren't really required, but a combat.log is. It's mind blowing that the game doesn't generate one. (If you are against parsers or a combat log... You're bad and trying to hide it)


Bioware implemented UI modifications are great... But they will NEVER compare to user created customizations enabled through the addon API. I don't understand why people are against customization.


Perhaps the opposition is coming from people that don't understand that Bioware would control what their API allows. Perhaps people oppose them because hating every feature of WoW is the cool thing to do... Who knows?


I just don't understand the opposition. Allowing user created addons would allow Bioware to focus on releasing new content and fixing bugs. The community is completely capable of creating their own interface addons... Why leave that up to Bioware, when their manpower could be better used in other areas?

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