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Yes or No Question to Bioware: Will Addons Be Implemented?


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Are you, Bioware, going to implement addons into this game within the next year?


All I am asking for is a Yes or a No.


If this question has been addressed before then please could someone link to it because my search turned up no decisive results.


I am also not asking for any sort of discussion from the community, I have seen the extensive debates for both sides of the argument. This is a simple question with a simple request for an answer.

Edited by Senojpd
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Q: How much of a priority is the Mod API to bioware?


The UI team is going to work on improving the existing UI first before we look at modding it. Modding may happen, but we have no ETA on 'when' that we can share right now.





This is the current position from Bioware. If and when they decide to release information on modding, it will be in the form of a dev blog, not by answering a post on the forum.

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I'm not asking for detailed information just a simple yes or no for addons within the year.


They will at least have a rough idea if that is in their plan.


Also since the only other mention has been in a reddit post possibly they haven't really been asked it so directly on official.


I didn't want to bring my personal opinion in to it but without some basic UI customization, for example customisable AH, ToT, inventory organizer, damage meters, scrolling combat text, etc, I wont be playing this game for long. And I suspect a good chunk of people feel the same way.

Edited by Senojpd
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I'm not asking for detailed information just a simple yes or no for addons within the year.


They will at least have a rough idea if that is in their plan.


Also since the only other mention has been in a reddit post possibly they haven't really been asked it so directly on official.


I didn't want to bring my personal opinion in to it but without some basic UI customization, for example customisable AH, ToT, inventory organizer, damage meters, scrolling combat text, etc, I wont be playing this game for long. And I suspect a good chunk of people feel the same way.


They have ZERO incentive to answer this clearly with a yes/no. If something changes, if other things get in the way, and they don't hit it , they get flamed for it.l They already got burned with patch dates, and now I've noticed everything they do is a bit vague on timing.

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Hopefully, they will answer No.


Do not wreck another game by catering to the WoW generation, BioWare!


Get back in your cave troll.


They probably will, but asking for a straight answer in development when they themselves aren't sure is a big ask. Things change.

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Hopefully, they will answer No.


Do not wreck another game by catering to the WoW generation, BioWare!


Hilarious. You do realize you're playing a WoW-M-O-RPG, right?


That's like saying, don't make a FPS that caters to the Counter Strike generation.


Or, don't make a football game that caters to the Madden generation.


Or, any such ridiculous statement.


And, to repeat: too late, they already did.


Cake is a lie; there is only pie.

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I'm not asking for detailed information just a simple yes or no for addons within the year.


They will at least have a rough idea if that is in their plan.


Also since the only other mention has been in a reddit post possibly they haven't really been asked it so directly on official.


I didn't want to bring my personal opinion in to it but without some basic UI customization, for example customisable AH, ToT, inventory organizer, damage meters, scrolling combat text, etc, I wont be playing this game for long. And I suspect a good chunk of people feel the same way.


So what are you asking for, Addons or UI customisation? Your post isn't very clear.


I also presume you personally wont be creating these addons but will wait for the community to make them for you?


Whilst I don't disagree with some of what you said, you aren't putting it across very well.....

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I really really wish they taught MMO history in schools, so even for one second I could dream a little dream that even one of these wow kiddies had grew a brain and realised that not everything in the MMO universe began with WoW.



MMO's have been pumping out Addons from the very start ... more or less.



We had LOADS of addon type support going back to MUDs/MUCKS/MUSHES/etc


I can't remember if we had addons for Meridian59 or not - I'd have to look into that tbh, however going back to 1999 with the advent of EQ1 and Asherons Call 1 I can most definitely state that we had BUCKETS of addons for those games. (Splitpea was a life saver in AC1 lol)


Then you have Anarchy online- that game thrived because of the addons, and honestly would have been a nightmare to play without most of them.



and that children is your MMO lesson for the day.



So with said, just because 1 POS game, got made and that 1 POS game decided to have a bunch of horrible Addons that people griped about - doesn't mean that having addon support is a bad thing. Nor does it make all Addons bad.


They can be tremendously useful tools!



Perhaps if Bioware took a couple of people to head up the newly formed "Addon Team" and there was a section of the forums dedicated to people showcasing what they wanted to do with their addons - if it got a seal of approval it would be given the go ahead and some sort of key to allow it to work - if not ... back to the drawing board.



or something ...

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I didn't want to bring my personal opinion in to it but without some basic UI customization, for example customisable AH, ToT, inventory organizer, damage meters, scrolling combat text, etc, I wont be playing this game for long. And I suspect a good chunk of people feel the same way.


Sounds like blackmail.

You know you wont get a yes or no answer.

What are you going to play instead ?


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I'm not asking for detailed information just a simple yes or no for addons within the year.


I hope you're used to disappointment, then. They're not answering this until they're ready to make an actual announcement.



Also since the only other mention has been in a reddit post possibly they haven't really been asked it so directly on official.



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Even if they do, I doubt how many of us would still be here when it is available.

I left Rift right before their addons are available, after I already have 4 level 50s.

Trion did their works much faster then Bioware, a lot of improvements upon users' request were made within the first month or so. However, as for SWTOR, I can hardly see any improvement in the first month, so I assume it is going to take at least twice longer for addons, considering they don't even have macros and there are tons of basic UI elements unimplemented yet. By then, the galaxy would be concurred by the Empire and there shall be no conflicts for any of us to overcome :p

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Sounds like blackmail.

You know you wont get a yes or no answer.

What are you going to play instead ?



I will reply to this particular comment but it will be in answer to the other people who said similar type things.


I didn't originally state the reasoning behind my question because I didnt want to come across as just another person complaining and threatening to cancel my sub.


What I am going to do as a single player has zero effect overall to the game.


Hopefully though Bioware will answer this simple question because there is a large number of the player base who would like to know.


That is hopefully inscentive enough and given such the large timeframe of the question it shouldn't be that hard to answer.


Regardless please do not discuss the for or against addons in this thread or it may end up being merged with the other similar threads. This thread is not for that purpose.


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Hilarious. You do realize you're playing a WoW-M-O-RPG, right?


That's like saying, don't make a FPS that caters to the Counter Strike generation.


Or, don't make a football game that caters to the Madden generation.


Or, any such ridiculous statement.


And, to repeat: too late, they already did.


Cake is a lie; there is only pie.


I'd rather have a Counter-Strike than, say, Call of Duty, personally. Valve makes some of the best FPSs ever made.


I still have nightmares about that cat.

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I'm not asking for detailed information just a simple yes or no for addons within the year.


They will at least have a rough idea if that is in their plan.


Also since the only other mention has been in a reddit post possibly they haven't really been asked it so directly on official.


I didn't want to bring my personal opinion in to it but without some basic UI customization, for example customisable AH, ToT, inventory organizer, damage meters, scrolling combat text, etc, I wont be playing this game for long. And I suspect a good chunk of people feel the same way.


Then your suspicions are wrong.

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