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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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and yet only about 250,000 of them PvP above the 1700 rating bracket.


I trust you have a point, other than reinforcing the fact that people who care about competitive deathmatch (or any kind of competitive PvP, because ratings can now be gained through BGs) are a tiny minority of players.


SO...with those numbers, that means only 2.3% of the 11 million PvP above 1700. Hmmm. Thats a HUGE percentage. :p

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SO...with those numbers, that means only 2.3% of the 11 million PvP above 1700. Hmmm. Thats a HUGE percentage. :p


They're closer to 8 million. But anyway, 2% there is more than 10% of our players.

Scoff all you want. Blizzard doesn't care how much you laugh at their billions upon billions of dollars, frankly.

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So you're saying that attracting and keeping 250,000 people (that's 12%, at absolute minimum, of SWTOR's playerbase btw) is a bad thing?


Actually, if you use the same percentage (250k out of 11m) and apply it to SWTOR numbers then you're only talking 39100 out of 1.7m.

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Actually, if you use the same percentage (250k out of 11m) and apply it to SWTOR numbers then you're only talking 39100 out of 1.7m.


No, we're talking about attracting those players to this game. So adding 250,000 to our 1.7 million.

Obviously some are already here and some wouldn't stay, but adding half of that is a 6% increase in subs. Nobody is going to leave over additional, optional PVP content as long as the gear is the same or lesser to currently available gear. So it's 100% win situation.


ADDING PvP CONTENT IS NEVER BAD. End of story. It's how you implement it.

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Arena creates another dimension to an MMO, its highly competetive and if Bioware wants PvP in this game to get any kind of recognition, huttball aint gonna cut it, sry. PvP in this game as it stands is careface u just do them to get valor/gear thats all. Winning or loosing who cares aslong as u get ur medals.


arenas in wow was a giant success, and i bet it kept 100's of thousands of people interested in the game.


It also creates a separate community around it, people can upload theyr pvp movies from huttball as much as they want, but they dont mean anything at all. But a good arena movie ul see some skills and i bet it would get more people interested in the game aswell.

Edited by Ezzem
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They're closer to 8 million. But anyway, 2% there is more than 10% of our players.

Scoff all you want. Blizzard doesn't care how much you laugh at their billions upon billions of dollars, frankly.


Then why hasn't my stock gone up considerably over the past 2 years???


No, we're talking about attracting those players to this game. So adding 250,000 to our 1.7 million.

Obviously some are already here and some wouldn't stay, but adding half of that is a 6% increase in subs. Nobody is going to leave over additional, optional PVP content as long as the gear is the same or lesser to currently available gear. So it's 100% win situation.


ADDING PvP CONTENT IS NEVER BAD. End of story. It's how you implement it.


I'm all for adding PvP content, but adding it exactly how it is in WoW is something that seems to have alot of resistance against. A compromise on the reward system for it, as many have posted/suggested would be a great way to start an Arena system in this game. It just seems that those for an arena system are completely against this type of reward system, yet those completely against or iffy about Arena seem to open up a bit more about it. Sounds like a compromise should be made to get the most out of it.

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So you're saying that attracting and keeping 250,000 people (that's 12%, at absolute minimum, of SWTOR's playerbase btw) is a bad thing?


.. except it wont attract that many people, and trying to say that it will is absurd.


It will attract a similar percentage. So.. you know.. 3%.


And it will likely alienate a relatively equal percentage... just like WoW's "competitive" PvP did.

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Because it ruins open world PVP. If you want to fight one vs one duel. I am so sick of MMO's making world pvp worthless by forcing every one to enter a que to get the good gear.


Much as i dont want to ever see arenas, this isnt the reason why. World PvP ruins world PvP, an has in every MMO.

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Because it ruins open world PVP.

Actually it doesn't.


What ruins World PvP is easy access to Instanced PvP.


Warzones - Instanced PvP, easily accessed via the Queue Station, which can be used at any time at any location.

Ilum - Instanced PvP, no matter how much you argue it isn't, requires relocation to the planet Ilum and a Flight Run to the PvP designated zone.


Both of which offers rewards that World PvP doesn't.


World PvP is already dead. Arena wouldn't change that. Just saying.

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Arena creates another dimension to an MMO, its highly competetive and if Bioware wants PvP in this game to get any kind of recognition, huttball aint gonna cut it, sry. PvP in this game as it stands is careface u just do them to get valor/gear thats all. Winning or loosing who cares aslong as u get ur medals.


arenas in wow was a giant success, and i bet it kept 100's of thousands of people interested in the game.


It also creates a separate community around it, people can upload theyr pvp movies from huttball as much as they want, but they dont mean anything at all. But a good arena movie ul see some skills and i bet it would get more people interested in the game aswell.


really? that's cool. will i see skill if i watch a video with a glad in full glad gear in a battleground? will i see epic skills if i watch a glad in full glad carry someone to 1700? or will i see gear dominate. again i would support arena if you never found yourself saying on vent "don't feel bad they outgeared the sh** out of us and are clearly carrying that one member of their team".

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No, we're talking about attracting those players to this game. So adding 250,000 to our 1.7 million.

Obviously some are already here and some wouldn't stay, but adding half of that is a 6% increase in subs. Nobody is going to leave over additional, optional PVP content as long as the gear is the same or lesser to currently available gear. So it's 100% win situation.


ADDING PvP CONTENT IS NEVER BAD. End of story. It's how you implement it.


If you honestly believe that you have no concept of how something can poison a community and drive people away.

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So you're saying that attracting and keeping 250,000 people (that's 12%, at absolute minimum, of SWTOR's playerbase btw) is a bad thing?


lol go login to a wow server right now and whisper someone in arena and ask them if they are having fun or if they're only there for their mandatory 10 matches a week.

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lol go login to a wow server right now and whisper someone in arena and ask them if they are having fun or if they're only there for their mandatory 10 matches a week.


oh dear lord, i had forgotten about the 10 matches a week....... i just remember thinking over and over again.... "if i had my arena daggers i would have taken the last 5-10 percent of that guys health, and why am i facing ANOTHER sub 1700 team with their pvp weapons!?!?!?)


LOL i remember making a post years ago asking to have equal gear but give it a pink flower dress skin or some flag that says noob on your back. anything to just pvp with equal levels of gear.

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So many against arena is a plot by WoW. Arena put WoW on the map as the top game in its class and from what I have seen they have convinced everyone else is was a "mistake" while still promoting it themselves. Anyone see the conflict of interest here? If it was such a huge mistake why is it still going to this very day? IMO the biggest thing wrong with ALL new pvp games is the the Bears. Cant loot, cant raid, cant this, cant that-my what a civilized war we seem to have these days. In UO we used to make thieves and steal your house keys and rob you for everything you had. There was also FULL LOOTING when you killed someone. Can you imagine that now? So long answer short the problem with pvp in ALL new games is the Bears. They want to pvp with no risk for "fun." Edited by KrustyDog
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So many against arena is a plot by WoW. Arena put WoW on the map as the top game in its class and from what I have seen they have convinced everyone else is was a "mistake" while still promoting it themselves. Anyone see the conflict of interest here? If it was such a huge mistake why is it still going to this very day? IMO the biggest thing wrong with ALL new pvp games is the the Bears. Cant loot, cant raid, cant this, cant that-my what a civilized war we seem to have these days. In UO we used to make thieves and steal your house keys and rob you for everything you had. There was also FULL LOOTING when you killed someone. Can you imagine that now? So long answer short the problem with pvp in ALL new games is the Bears. They want to pvp with no risk for "fun."


I'm pretty sure that Arena isn't the only reason. I'm pretty sure that overall content, including PvP and PvE (yes...PvE) helped make WoW big. I'm pretty damn sure that Arena was FAR from the top reason of why WoW is the big dog on the block.


lol go login to a wow server right now and whisper someone in arena and ask them if they are having fun or if they're only there for their mandatory 10 matches a week.


And what he said. I know when I arena'd I was more worried about getting on and doing my 10 matches a week and winning than having actual fun...

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lol go login to a wow server right now and whisper someone in arena and ask them if they are having fun or if they're only there for their mandatory 10 matches a week.


I'll do that, then they'll say "What? They stopped doing that in Wrath of the Lich King, **** idiot."

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So many against arena is a plot by WoW. Arena put WoW on the map as the top game in its class and from what I have seen they have convinced everyone else is was a "mistake" while still promoting it themselves. Anyone see the conflict of interest here? If it was such a huge mistake why is it still going to this very day? IMO the biggest thing wrong with ALL new pvp games is the the Bears. Cant loot, cant raid, cant this, cant that-my what a civilized war we seem to have these days. In UO we used to make thieves and steal your house keys and rob you for everything you had. There was also FULL LOOTING when you killed someone. Can you imagine that now? So long answer short the problem with pvp in ALL new games is the Bears. They want to pvp with no risk for "fun."


uhhhh...... what't the "risk" in arena? your 10 points from the next gearcheck and you face a team with multiple glad's carrying someone. i mean sure in that scenario you "risk" having to pvp for god knows how long at your current gear lvl while praying you don't run into another overgeared team being paid to carry someone to a certain ranking? when you first heard the term "que dodging" what game was it regarding?


and "arena put wow on the map"? for what, wow's arena system? maybe im missunderstanding but didn't arena come out after the first expansion? was WoW not on the map before then? and why is it i always read about these people who love arena but i never found one in game? EVERYONE i knew either farmed 10 matches for points or focused and played till they felt they had the gear from arenas required to not get roflstomped by someone with arena gear in a battleground (for some classes this was a weapon. for others, healers, the weapon was not mandatory), you know where us non majority casuals would play for fun with our friends and we didn't have to yell at them for a loss.

Edited by ursuul
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If you're talking about 3v3 Arena, I'm not really liking the Idea, cuz it would make balancing very hard and could easily end up messing up the balance of larger groups.


If you talk about like 5+ players Arena, why not? I mean, I don't like it, cuz just deathmatch is just strategically not very appealing.


I would ver much like playing in teams of 6-8 on the current maps though and have a ranking for my teams and myself or the guild that plays together. Even premade groups of 8 would be much appreciated.

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I played arena casually (15-20 games a week) all through Cataclysm and hovered in the 2450 (3s and 5s) range. No yelling at teammates occurred. I'm sorry that you have bad friends or bad experiences with arena, or are not good enough to compete. Luckily you can choose not to!


so even blizzard realized that the people in arenas hated doing them. about time...


Hahaha. It's terrible if they have a minimum weekly requirement, it's terrible if they don't have a minimum weekly requirement.


You're easy to please. Enjoy the next MMO you adore and then quit within 3 months, I'm sure it will be a smash hit as well.

Edited by Xenthum
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