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Just say NO! to Chat Bubbles


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Without chat bubbles, people have to whisper to get in contact with people since you do not look at the chat window all the time. So I really want Chat Bubbles, but I also agree that it should be a toggle so those who do not want it does not have to. Edited by Merwanor
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Then turn them off if YOU dont want them, you selfish bastard.


No, they are immoral and I do not want my kids to see their filth. Bubbles just floating around filled to the brim with words. Chat bubbles are not what the founding fathers intended when they were drawing up the declaration of co-dependence. Vote no to the vicious racket know as chat bubbles.

Edited by Baizak
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No. I just hate chat bubbles and everything they stand for. I think chat bubbles are immoral and it is a lifestyle choice they are trying to force on the rest of us. Get a comic frame already! Decent people don't need to see that filth cluttering up our computer screens.


I sense much beer in you.. :csw_yoda:

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I do not and still vote no \thread back on


I'm thinking your original post was a genuine wish to not see chat bubbles everywhere you went. But you didn't consider that they might be a toggled option when you posted. When someone replied and said that, you realized your lack of forethought and, instead of packing up your tent and moving on, you are trying to reverse the embarrassment of your original post by "trolling" the thread with things like "chat bubbles are unconstitutional" and "chat bubbles are an alternative lifestyle choice I don't want to subject my children to".


Its a valid attempt. But pretty transparent.

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I'm thinking your original post was a genuine wish to not see chat bubbles everywhere you went. But you didn't consider that they might be a toggled option when you posted. When someone replied and said that, you realized your lack of forethought and, instead of packing up your tent and moving on, you are trying to reverse the embarrassment of your original post by "trolling" the thread with things like "chat bubbles are unconstitutional" and "chat bubbles are an alternative lifestyle choice I don't want to subject my children to".


Its a valid attempt. But pretty transparent.


I am terribly sorry that the left wing bubble lovers have pulled the wool over your eyes sir. That is what they want you to think. They want you to think that words floating around all over the place are a good thing.


One day when your son / daughter comes home with a chat bubble over their head, then you will know that it is too late. You will think back to this day, to this thread, and you will know I was right.

Edited by Baizak
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I am terribly sorry that the left wing bubble lovers have pulled the wool over your eyes sir. That is what they want you to think. They want you to think that words floating around all over the place are a good thing.


One day when your son / daughter comes home with a chat bubble over their head, then you will know that it is too late. You will think back to this day, to this thread, and you will know I was right.


Again, we see him trollin', we hatin', we trying to catch him chatting dirty.

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I vote optional.


It's very useful for RPers and Op'ers, but I could see the annoyance it might cause. If it was optional, everybody would be happy.


If you vote against an option to enable something thousands of players want, then you're being selfish. I'm not saying you don't have a right to an opinion, but there are no negative effects for either party if you vote yes.

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This is not WoW. Chat bubbles ruins the community.



Chat bubbles do just the opposite imho. They ENCHANCE the community, cuz you can actually see who is talking and what is being said. As it stands right now without bubbles ..if i say something in "say" to someone i have no idea if they ever see it...so i'm left to whisper it to ensure my message is heard.


Case in point:


out in the world doing my quests....all of the sudden BAM attempted ganking by another player...my faction mate comes to my rescue and saves me... we kill the bad guy (silly sith) I say "wow thanks" in say...and nothing is said back lol...more than likely cuz my new BFF didn't see it. so i MUST whisper it...blah..how annoying to have to whisper everyone, everything. I dont whisper everything to everyone IRL...why should i do it in game. lol



Just use the turn off option if you are that against chat bubbles.

Edited by Caraanam
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