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We want Arenas in SWTOR!


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Arena forces players to play specific classes and then the devs start trying to balance all classes in order for people to not do this.It ruins pvp, anyone that liked it in wow surely played in the class combo flavor of the month.


Not true for me.


I played Wow arena and thought it was great. I didn't have any decent pvp gear or play in the best combos but still had a blast because sometimes you can overcome odds like gear and class by simply being a better player and I enjoyed that challenge.


If it was implemented here then obviously there are lessons to learn, like not giving gear rewards. Mounts, vanity items, titles are all fine, with a ladder ranking system capping it all off.


I think most people just enjoy the part of making a team with friends, and fighting similar minded people in a controlled setting - whether or not they win or lose or get any shiney items.

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Arena forces players to play specific classes and then the devs start trying to balance all classes in order for people to not do this.It ruins pvp, anyone that liked it in wow surely played in the class combo flavor of the month.


No one forces you to do anything. I played a hunter in wow for years when they had the lowest rep in the game because I enjoyed it. No one "forced me" to roll a mage or lock...


3v3 would be a great scale to balance around. As long as you reserve the right to have abilities perform different in pve and you limit the amount of abilities in arena (with further expansions).


The problem with wow arena is that it currently has too many variables and restrictions. If u let me implement the above rules and remove pve gear from arena it could be very close to balanced and would not effect other game aspects.

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It seriously blows my mind that people taklk abiout anything but the ability delay... arena in this current game, no thanks. what a joke it would be hitting trink, and watching someone kill you or your teamate whuile u wait the 2 seconds for the game to register the trink. Maybe im just spoiled by wow, but common bioware
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Not true for me.


I played Wow arena and thought it was great. I didn't have any decent pvp gear or play in the best combos but still had a blast because sometimes you can overcome odds like gear and class by simply being a better player and I enjoyed that challenge.


If it was implemented here then obviously there are lessons to learn, like not giving gear rewards. Mounts, vanity items, titles are all fine, with a ladder ranking system capping it all off.


I think most people just enjoy the part of making a team with friends, and fighting similar minded people in a controlled setting - whether or not they win or lose or get any shiney items.


Completely agree with this.


lol at the "gobacktowownoob" posts or "arenaruinsgames". Its not going to be WoW arena people, get over yourselves and dont participate if you dont want to.


So mad haha

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It seriously blows my mind that people taklk abiout anything but the ability delay... arena in this current game, no thanks. what a joke it would be hitting trink, and watching someone kill you or your teamate whuile u wait the 2 seconds for the game to register the trink. Maybe im just spoiled by wow, but common bioware


This too, recently they have adressed this issue and are apparently working on a fix, so hopefully they will actually fix it but as it stands the responsiveness of combat in pvp is definitely not where it needs to be.

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Warzones are already arena matches pretty much. All they would have to do is remove a few players and take the objective away. Right there you have arena. I say why not. It would filter out those players who enter into warzones and ignore objectives.


More options is always a good thing.

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It would be cool to have brackets and realm tournies within the arena system too. There are so many cool things that arena could do for this game if implemented correctly.


Improving upon and learning from the blizzard model.


Saying its impossble to achieve some sort of balance is a copout.

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If it was implemented here then obviously there are lessons to learn, like not giving gear rewards. Mounts, vanity items, titles are all fine, with a ladder ranking system capping it all off.


I think most people just enjoy the part of making a team with friends, and fighting similar minded people in a controlled setting - whether or not they win or lose or get any shiney items.



This right here would be the only way I would step foot in arenas.

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/signed, but it should be done right. I like the model that GW2 has put forth of all arena participants being given the same equivalent gear. It makes arena balancing much easier as well. If one class is obviously op you just adjust the gear rather than nerf the class. In competitive sports one team does not get better gear than the other. I also do not like the wow model where the rich get richer by obtaining even better gear for mondo high ratings making them all but unbeatable. So to sum up-ratings:yes, equivalent gear:yes, no uber rewards:yes (maybe only titles).


Republic needs something other than Ilum to keep us interested other than the same 3 bg's over and over and over and over.

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I would support arena with vanity prizes only; titles, different looking gear, mounts etc. If they can't keep it balanced they might as well not bother though because the floodgates of qq will open otherwise.


I don't think it's possible to have more QQ on this forum than there already is.

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Arena ruins a bad player's game. A good player will thrive no matter what the class is. With some classes and combos it's easier, but the players at highest ratings are just better than you. Obviously FOTM combos play a big role in MMO but most people just use them as excuses for their performances.


In short, arena is not a perfect solution (is there one for competitive MMO pvp?) but at least it ranks people by their skills instead of effort (grind type of pvp such as ranks).


Want truly balanced pvp? Play fps games or race racing sims.


Also as said above NO GEAR rewards.

Edited by Bosseking
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I had some good success with WoW arenas, but I'm not sure if I want a WoW-style arena in this game. These are my concerns:


  • Balancing issues. Certain class combinations are going to be extremely powerful in a small team setting. In order to maintain balance in arenas, we going to put up with a lot of nerfs and other changes in order to tone down overpowered FOTM class compositions. No thank you.
  • Arena grind. I don't want to see people getting uber gear from arenas. It ends up being just another grind. Frankly, I'd be happiest if there were absolutely zero need for a gear grind for PvP. Let the pixel hunters chase shiny loots. I just want to PvP.
  • I find the kids who are obsessed with measuring their epeens extremely annoying. I'd rather not give them something else to act like donkeys over.



If we are talking about introducing a ladder style arena that was just for fun and awarded things just for "fun" (titles, social/cosmetic items), I might be swayed to sign a petition like this.....but I would still be concerned about the class balance issues that arena-style PvP would inevitably introduce.

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ofcourse I hate arenas but as long as they dont give the best gear or if same gaear its no faster to get it then I dont care. I also hate ranking systems in arena, like if your not a certain rank or higher, your dismissed as a noob or a bad just because u dont injoy that kinda pvp.

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People keep saying reward us with gear with the same stats, I guarantee when that occurs that theyll be people on the forums demanding better gear because they spend countless hours doing arenas.


I was one of those wanting arena rewarding similar gear, or not arena at all, and I have too much dignity to whine on forums, and enough intellect to think my opinions through. ;)


I like arena. And I like Warzones. But I also like competition. PvP for me is rewarding when you have a good team, and the enemy team is good enough to measure up and really make you work for the victory. The times that happens, it's even fine to lose, because you know that you made them sweat.


However, if arena gets rewarded with better gear, they can go into a warzone and completely destroy that balance by waltzing over everyone who aren't really into arena and therefore won't do it. Then you'll have whining non stop about how they feel forced to do something they don't want (arena) for the sake of making warzones competitive.


Being trained is not fun, and being the one decimating the enemy is no fun at all either. But giving the same gear for two different means of PvPing gives people more options regarding which way they want to do it. *nods*

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While i disagree with this idea i think there should be some form of competitive PvP. Even if it would not award new gear. But purely titles, a ranking etc.


What i think would work nicely was have the option to sign up for pvp with a 8 person raid. Which fights against another premade. This option should ofcourse be cross realm (since the lack of people doing these)

Also the other features of arena pvp like ranks, a name special banner etc. Should all be included with this to.

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Haven't read the entire thread but: NO


"Arenas were the single biggest mistake in WoW's history."


Rob Pardo


The actual quote

"I'm not sure that that was the right thing to do with the game ... we just added it on, so it continues to be very difficult to balance. Is WoW a PvE cooperative game, or a competitive PvP game? ... I don't think we ever foresaw how much tuning and tweaking we'd have to do to balance it in that direction. Either I'd go back in time to before WoW ever shipped and change the rules to make the basic game more conductive for being an e-sport, or if not that, just say it doesn't make sense. Right now, WoW has a bit of a schizophrenic philosophy behind it, and we're trying to figure out how to guide it."


If you had your abilities perform different in PVE from PVP your balancing is much easier.

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Why does this keep getting necroed to the front page. The people who are for arena are either A in the minority, or B in the majority but with major restrictions ( I seperate the 2 because I am confidant that many of the people who just /signed want wow arena with amazing gear as the rewards.)
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Arenas destroyed wow pvp so definitely no, keep that garbage far away from this game.


Actually, what destroyed WoW was forcing people to arena for the best PvP gear.


If people want arenas, give them arenas. Give them a ladder, give them rankings, give them titles. If you want to get nuts, go ahead and give the top players mounts. Make it a BIG mount that people can see from a half zone away.


Just don't give them gear, and arenas are just fine with me.

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