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We want Arenas in SWTOR!


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So much nonsense, fear mongering, and juvenile logic in this thread. You can sum up the majority of the anti-arena arguments like this. "I don't like arena, therefore it should not be in swtor." or "Staw man about why I think arenas are bad!"


Its simple, give people multiple routes to access pvp gear and don't force players to play arena for top level pvp gear and boom there is now no reason to complain. All I want is a way to compete against players competitively.

Edited by Theoriginalaks
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Yes, or atleast allow full pre-mades into ques.


To hell with Premades as well it unbalances the game for solo players.


You want Premades, fine, Let premades happen But adjust the que so solo player's don't ever have go up against premades ever.


Make so premades only face premades.

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All I want is a way to compete against players competitively.


You are going to have ranked BGs very soon. But once again all of you people claiming WoW Arenas - the biggest snoozefest in MMO history - are competitive PvP just deserve a monstruous slap in the face.


Ive said if before, say it again: MMORPGs are NOT competitive PvP games ; Starcraft II is brilliant at it. Go play it.

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that way, scrubs can stick with random gear bags by playing zergball and the actual good players can 2v2 or 3v3 for points or something


Yeah 2v2 and 3v3 are such skill games. I bet you played mage or rogue.

Edited by Extenzz
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No arenas in TOR.


Arenas are a skilless sham of pseudo-pvp. Even the WoW pvp designers said that the implementation of arenas was one of their greatest mistakes.


People who think arenas are skill based, have no idea what a skill based system is like.

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Arenas destroyed wow pvp so definitely no, keep that garbage far away from this game.


Agree plz don't bring in arenas, coz all world pvp will die and all elities will come out of the wood works. Go play wow if you want arenas. Hopefully they work on more WZsand better world pvp

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The problem with arena is that community will begin demanding balance changes that will affect pve. Overtime, this process hurt wow, and now blizzard has all but jettisoned their talent tree (horrible change imo).


You see demand for balance changes from warzones, but battleground type pvp is much less about what class trumps who, but is far more tactical and teamwork oriented. In arenas, you will see RMP cookie cutter groups, while other specs will feel underpowered. I can't really imagine a sniper who has to be in cover to use his abilities to be that great in an arena where mobility is king. In battlegrounds, being a stationary turret is viable because there is much more going on and you can sit back while attention is focused elsewhere.


I say no to arena only because it will force developers to make balance changes that will ultimately leave everyone feeling sour about pvp.

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I would like an Arena system in the game, but I also understand why so many wouldn't want it.


I had an idea the other day, when me and some guildmembers were dueling (and betting in-game credits): Duels between more than just two players!


2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 duels would be awesome and should be really easy to implement. Now I know this is a feature many wouldn't make use of, but some would and it doesn't really have any downsides or negative effects on the game in any way. It probably won't take more than a few hours for a programmer to design it.


Sometimes it's nice to have something different than just the WoW standard you know.

Edited by andytheape
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I will only sign on one condition, that all Arena teams be 4 person and require one of each base class.


WoW Arenas had nothing to do with skill, but were based entirely upon the composition. Remove that as a means of gaining an advantage and you make it more PvP-oriented.

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I will only sign on one condition, that all Arena teams be 4 person and require one of each base class.


WoW Arenas had nothing to do with skill, but were based entirely upon the composition. Remove that as a means of gaining an advantage and you make it more PvP-oriented.


its a neat idea, might would work as a stand alone bracket

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Yes, or atleast allow full pre-mades into ques.


I don't like Arenas they don't take skill its just Flavor of the month...but As you said here....Full Premades = Win me and 7 guildies in Teamspeak takes skill to coordinate in raids in pvp its even harder as you don't have any set path on your opposition like you would with raids. Anyone who says premades don't = skill but Arenas do is a idiot as Arenas ARE premades on a smaller scale as for subs for wow going up with BC as one poster said..Arenas weren't the only reason subs went up so if you are gonna use that to fuel the "SWTOR needs arenas" then you clearly are ether A) Stupid ....or.... B) Think those opposed to Arenas are stupid


As many others have said if you want Arenas go back to WoW or wait for Guild Wars 2 I am sure GW2 will have it

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To all those that are against Arenas because of WoW:


WHAT IF the Arena System wasn't created like WoW's System?

WHAT IF they included PvE Arenas?

WHAT IF Arenas only offered Commendations, PvP & PvE?

WHAT IF Arenas only offered Titles?


Oh, and one more thing:



There is already at least 1 Arena in the Bounty Hunter's Storyline and Huttball takes place IN an Arena



arenas in swtor? this isn't WoW. this may sound offensive to you hardcore pvpers but ....its a sh*tty idea, imo.


And guess what, Arenas exist in Star Wars. Once again, WoW's System is NOT the only way to go. Everquest 1's Arena System is far different then that of WoW's System :rolleyes:

Edited by Altyrell
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Pass on having arena in SWTOR. Then you will see gear obtained only from Arena, then that adds an extra step for people to grind in order to survive in any kind of PvP


Really, are you serious? Do you even know how PvP Gear is currently obtained?


IF they awarded PvP Commendations through Arenas, even at a lower amount, you honestly think that THAT will kill Warzones and Ilum?

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Arenas were a horrible idea in WoW and would be an extra horrible idea here.


If they weren't created or implemented exactly like they were in WoW, why would they be horrible?


I do love how you and several others are ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL fixated on how they blew in WoW and don't even realize (or at least it seems like you all fail to realize) that WoW's System is NOT THE ONLY SYSTEM.


It also astonishes me at how many people seem to not realize that Arenas, PvP & PvE, can be so much better.

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