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So here's a question for the fanbase...


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I think forcing people into factions was a bad idea to begin with. I'm sure smugglers, troopers, bounty hunters, and agents existed on both sides. Let them start neutral and pick a faction. That way you won't have people complaining that BH has cooler graphics then a trooper. (Mirror classes would have to be changed around in order for this work) Jedi and Sith would have to start with their respective faction, but their LS/DS meter hits a certain level, they could have the option to defect to the other faction.


Of course, its late to implement anything like this now.


This is the best way... Much like swg.... Classes were not faction specific.... U chose a class and u chose ur faction...

Edited by Paralassa
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Cool exclusive race, nice looking gear, aesthetics only basically would help significantly.


Maybe Togruta would be the best choice if it were made Republic exclusive because of it's looks.

Also it wouldn't hurt the lore much if it were done.


Togruta - http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Togruta


It would definitely increase the popularity of the faction, and lets be honest, as things are now the Empire has 3 exclusive races to choose from while the Republic has only two, with Miraluka and Mirialan don't quite cut it.

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That goes back up to the comment I made in the intro, that it would be pissing off the players who want to play with their friends on a specific server. All his friends are together in an Empire guild, but he can't join them because of the limitation. Cue rage, angry forum posts, loss of subscription, etc.


Not forbid char creation per faction but only queues to be separated for Imps and Reps. Imps on queue when too much of them while Reps continue to enter freely.

Edited by SBite
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I don't see this as a problem for just PvP; it's a PvE issue as well. A server where there aren't very many people on your faction is not a server you'd want to play on, and on most servers I'd say there are about half as many Republic players as there are Empire players.


This is a problem because it limits our options as players; if there are less people to play with, than there are less people to sell things to, less people to buy things from, less people to dungeon-run with, and less people to raid with. It enters into every aspect of the game, and having a server where there just aren't many people on your faction is a miserable experience.


I don't get how people think that this is just a PvP problem, because it's not; it's an issue that effects everyone on the server (or at least, all of the Republicans.).

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only the community can fix this issue , theres no MMO thats has faction and theres balance , roll the opposite side thats how you fix this problem , stop thinking this a nanny state. Edited by Selaik
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I think forcing people into factions was a bad idea to begin with. I'm sure smugglers, troopers, bounty hunters, and agents existed on both sides. Let them start neutral and pick a faction. That way you won't have people complaining that BH has cooler graphics then a trooper. (Mirror classes would have to be changed around in order for this work) Jedi and Sith would have to start with their respective faction, but their LS/DS meter hits a certain level, they could have the option to defect to the other faction.


Of course, its late to implement anything like this now.


This is the best way... Much like swg.... Classes were not faction specific.... U chose a class and u chose ur faction...

Edited by Paralassa
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For me, the Republic races are just boring. The blind guys and their headgear is pointless since it'll rarely match any armor. The Twi'lek colors are dull. The Zabrak tattoos look fake. The green guys just have nothing interesting going on.


Compare that to: a race with glowing red eyes, the "Darth Maul" race, more decorated Twi'leks, a red-skinned race with spiny projections all over their bodies and faces, Sith class-specific scarification, crazy feral bald women who love pain.


Darth Maul is a Zabrak...


My two cents is to just adjust the skills a bit, I play a trooper and I've seen a drastic difference between the Bounty Hunter and the Troopers combat skills, they're supposedly mirrored to some degree, but Death from Above looks a lot better than Mortar Shot.


Some other things could be to not have factionally specific racial appearances for those who like the imperial Zabrak or Twi'lek appearances more. This opens a lot more options for both sides to do customizations there.

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You can't stop people from rerolling on the easier side.


As far as PvE is concerned, the republic is the easier side. The imps have to wait eons for their preferred leveling companions whereas the republic classes generally have the best ones by level 25.

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You get the behavior you reward.


If you want more people to create Republic characters, then you make Republic characters better than Empire characters. Some combination of better looking, better story, better gear, better drops, better exp, better valor ... something!


Add "This server has a population imbalanced towards Empire. All Republic characters receive $foo benefits." to the server and character selection screens. (While you're doing that, add "This server has a low population. All characters receive $foo benefits." to the server selection screen.)


Reward them. And people will flock towards those rewards.

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You get the behavior you reward.


If you want more people to create Republic characters, then you make Republic characters better than Empire characters. Some combination of better looking, better story, better gear, better drops, better exp, better valor ... something!


Add "This server has a population imbalanced towards Empire. All Republic characters receive $foo benefits." to the server and character selection screens. (While you're doing that, add "This server has a low population. All characters receive $foo benefits." to the server selection screen.)


Reward them. And people will flock towards those rewards.


Rewards that drastic would just create a population imbalance in the other direction.

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You've been yelling about Faction Imbalance. About how it's so terrible and that you told Bioware about it and how they need to fix it.




How are they supposed to fix it?


Limitations on which side you can roll? You'll piss off the people who want to play with their friends or guild, but now can't go onto the server.


Automatic server transfers to less-populated servers? Players who get transferred will get pissed that they got put somewhere away from their guild, and also probably upset they're not upset anymore.


Really, WHAT do you expect Bioware to do? Come on, let's hear a reasonable answer that won't just piss off or limit new players, or strangle community.


Upon launch the side with fewer players should have gotten XP and stat buffs to give them advantage in world PVP and PVE. This way it would more people would have picked the weaker side instead of the other way around.

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