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Mouse Issues - Please fix this!


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I've seen some posts in customer service about the mouse issue that is plaguing some folks. No responses, no fix, no discussion on a resolution. Putting it here as well, so this can get exposure and perhaps get fixed. It makes the game close to unplayable.


It seems many players with mice with additional functionality (DPI increase, etc. - razor naga, logitech G9, etc), experience an issue where the camera suddenly veers off in another direction. For example, I turn the mouse left, and the camera severely veers off to the right. Or I am looking straight up into the sky. Sometimes this happens rarely, sometimes it happens constantly. When it happens often, it makes the game near unplayable, and incredibly frustrating. I've run into mobs, run over cliffs, and just given up on playing many nights because of this.


My wife who has a different mouse than I, has the same problem on a different computer, and she has all but given up playing the game at all because of this. We are going to let our subs expire at the end of this month if this isn't fixed - not telling this to sound like your typical threatening troll, but because we are giving the game another chance for a month, but there is no reason to play and pay if this isn't fixed.


Hopefully your fix won't be to plug in plain, two button generic mice to fix this problem. Please get this forwarded to the right folks, so this get some attention. I love the game, and I don't care as much about aesthetics, or stuff like guild banks - I know those fixes are coming. This problem makes it so I can't play the game at all without swearing in 3 different languages. Thanks!

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I've seen some posts in customer service about the mouse issue that is plaguing some folks. No responses, no fix, no discussion on a resolution. Putting it here as well, so this can get exposure and perhaps get fixed. It makes the game close to unplayable.


It seems many players with mice with additional functionality (DPI increase, etc. - razor naga, logitech G9, etc), experience an issue where the camera suddenly veers off in another direction. For example, I turn the mouse left, and the camera severely veers off to the right. Or I am looking straight up into the sky. Sometimes this happens rarely, sometimes it happens constantly. When it happens often, it makes the game near unplayable, and incredibly frustrating. I've run into mobs, run over cliffs, and just given up on playing many nights because of this.


My wife who has a different mouse than I, has the same problem on a different computer, and she has all but given up playing the game at all because of this. We are going to let our subs expire at the end of this month if this isn't fixed - not telling this to sound like your typical threatening troll, but because we are giving the game another chance for a month, but there is no reason to play and pay if this isn't fixed.


Hopefully your fix won't be to plug in plain, two button generic mice to fix this problem. Please get this forwarded to the right folks, so this get some attention. I love the game, and I don't care as much about aesthetics, or stuff like guild banks - I know those fixes are coming. This problem makes it so I can't play the game at all without swearing in 3 different languages. Thanks!


I just started noticing this pretty severely in the last few days. I thought my mouse might be going bad.

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It seems many players with mice with additional functionality (DPI increase, etc. - razor naga, logitech G9, etc), experience an issue where the camera suddenly veers off in another direction. For example, I turn the mouse left, and the camera severely veers off to the right. Or I am looking straight up into the sky.


I have been getting this since one of the patches. G5 mouse.

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Yes, there is a 22 page post in the customer service area that has been as far as I can tell, widely ignored. That is why I am posting here - to get more attention on the matter. It's frustrating as hell to try and play like this.


Stop with the hysterical statements please. Its not being ignored simply because they have not replied to you, instantly.


As with any bug complaint, there is a process, and every one is looked at. Do you think they would have an option for bug reports, run beta because they want to ignore issues that can end up losing customers?


I have a 14 button wow mouse with a movement hat switch on it. It was so bad that it was taken off the market and replaced with a newer version. Mine, however, is running perfectly, which just adds to the perplexity of this issue that they have to trace down, some work, some don't. Takes time to do that.

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As far as the Razer mice go, this is a known issue for a mouse that is nearly end of life, not saying that this isn't a glitch but my step dad has the same problem with his Naga on WoW until he replaced it with a new one about a week ago. I am using a Naga that's over a year old and I have yet to see this issue myself. Hope it gets resolved for y'all soon.
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hah! and this whole time I thought it was my mouse(cause it only started happening like 2 weeks ago).


I went out and picked up another mouse, and I haven't had this issue. I didn't have a fancy mouse before either, just a logitech trackball.


Now im using the wireless logitech trackball, which is actually fancier with more buttons, but im not having this issue anymore. So I think the mouse was just going bad. But I will update this thread if I start seeing it again with the new mouse.


I'd suggest trying a new mouse. . .it sounds like yours is dying :(

Edited by FourTwent
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Since most recent patch this has been happening to me very, very often. It's making what I enjoy doing (pvp) extremely frustrating. I can't help but wonder what my opponent is thinking when the marauder that's beating on him suddenly looks away and stands stupid for a second.


I have a Logitech g500.

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Stop with the hysterical statements please. Its not being ignored simply because they have not replied to you, instantly.


In what way am I being hysterical? :confused:


This according to the other thread was reported in beta. So considering we are already a major content patch into the game, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect at least a reply on the matter. No one expected an "instant" reply, especially considering the 22 page post in the customer service forum was posted exactly one month ago. As it makes the game near unplayable for those it affects, I hardly think asking for a fix so we can actually play their game that we paid for is being "hysterical."


My wife was looking forward to this game for over a year. And she is nothing close to a gamer. She has played plants vs. zombies, wow, sims, a few other mmos (briefly), and now this game. Considering how badly she wanted to play it, and now that she doesn't play it at all, demonstrates the level of frustration this issue creates.


For the record, I am using a wired Logitech GX9, and my wife is using a wireless Logitech MX laser.

Edited by Herdsnerfs
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My camera goes wonky like that too sometimes, definitely can cause some rage situations.


I thought maybe my sensitivity was too high and I was just twitchy or something lol.


But with the lowest sensitivity it will still flip right around on me sometimes, even if I don't move the mouse at all, just click.


I would assume my mouse is dying, but I play FPS games (which need a lot of precision in the mouse department) and do everything else on my computer with no mouse issues.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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I've done some testing - if I even touch the mouse to look left, either it will work, or it immediately flips out and flings off to the far right. This last play session, I turned off the precision pointer thing within Windows, and it still does it, but I was instantly looking up, instead.


Just incredibly frustrating.

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I'm not having this issue at all... Something tells me it'll be pretty hard to track down the problem since its not affecting everyone.


GL tho.


My screen still flickers black almost constantly on the Republic Jedi sentinel starter planet, forget the name, Tython or something, doubt that'll ever be fixed either. Flickers on SOME other planets too but mostly noticeable there.

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Everyone with the issue here tried to check the control panel and turn off pointer trails?

Someone mentioned earlier that it solved his issue.

I got several MS mice here, X8, Explorer 3.0 and a little one for my laptop, none of them replicates the issue, using the newest release of MS software for them too.

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