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Sorc/sage now please


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youre probably talking about corruption based sorcs with no dmg output at all. they are as unkillable as a tank.


Tanks die, sorc/sages do not! honistly, i watch 3 battlemasterd geared people hitting a sorc/sage, sorc sage clickling skills with mouse and not dieing...............

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Tanks die, sorc/sages do not! honistly, i watch 3 battlemasterd geared people hitting a sorc/sage, sorc sage clickling skills with mouse and not dieing...............

As a sorc i can say that those 3 people must have really really sucked than for not noticing the healer healing said sorc or trying to pvp nakid, but more likely , you didn't see that happen because it never did.

Edited by Bubalous
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sorc/sage damage output is mediocre,80%physical with no armor penetration talents


the only class with light armor in the game(asas/shad have talents to increase armor)


However i trust bw can nerf sorc just like i trust they ll overkill op/sc

Edited by tsupra
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Sorc damage is kinda low, you have to channel force lightning for anything meaningful, and the only nuke that isnt ***** by armor is on a 15 second cooldown (death field).


I think they just really overkilled operatives, they should at least make their knockdown fill less of the resolve bar and give them a little bit more mobility (3 second blessing of freedom with a moderate cooldown, or something) so they can at least function as a decent control class with good burst.

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As a sorc i can say that those 3 people must have really really sucked than for not noticing the healer healing said sorc or trying to pvp nakid, but more likely , you didn't see that happen because it never did.


a lot of people tend to not notice the guard and taunt debuff on themselves, that's all.

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I hate to disappoint you all,


but Sorc shield will not be nerfed - for a simple reason, its team ability designed to be spammable on whole team. So its not "sorc" that benefits from the shield, healing sorc keeps the shield on all team mates at all times.


Its cruicial PvE ability so it wont be nerfed 100%. At best, it would be made not default, but talented in healing tree (in same talent that reduces its cooldown and mana cost), so that pure DPS sorcs woudnt have it or would have to sacrafice something for it.

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I hate to disappoint you all,


but Sorc shield will not be nerfed - for a simple reason, its team ability designed to be spammable on whole team. So its not "sorc" that benefits from the shield, healing sorc keeps the shield on all team mates at all times.


Its cruicial PvE ability so it wont be nerfed 100%. At best, it would be made not default, but talented in healing tree (in same talent that reduces its cooldown and mana cost), so that pure DPS sorcs woudnt have it or would have to sacrafice something for it.


Pretty sure acid blade/flechette round was a crucial pve ability for dps...


I like your idea of making it talented though, 3rd tier please.

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Yeah I dunno, sorc is easy mode in pve, I grind my jugg to 50 with almost no issues whatsoever then I grind a sorc and notice how much faster and easier it is to get through everything and having both strong healing AND damage in one class. In pvp they are very annoying to fight, best I can do is CC them until their barrier wears off then interupt them, I had a sage do 7K damage to me with project last week.
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