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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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Bioware employees most likely wont be able to tell you first hand whats what because with the current state of customer services you might get an answer as early as next month and thats being hopeful.



Let's keep this thread alive for a month then!!! Haha

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Nobody is holding you down forcing you to pay it !

You could move to the USA that would solve your problem.

There have been other posts on this subject.




True. But I'd like to know what I am paying for.



This is my post. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

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Hey Dan, answer a question please. Why did you post here in the English forums instead of the German or French forums? (I'm sorry that there are no Romansh forums.) I'm sure that you would get tons of good, well thought out responses to your question from your neighbors who know and understand Switzerland and its economy.

Asking here, where all we can do is speculate (and make jokes) seems kind of odd. :cool:

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Unless you're a BW employee, you don't really know why.

Of course, the ONLY people with ANY answers are BW employees.

Forget the fact that the rest of us, you know, have real world experience.

I know precisely what I'm talking about here, having done business through both Paypal and independent credit card processors for 10 years.


Just because WoW and others might want to eat the charges doesn't mean that companies SHOULD eat these additional charges. It just means that they want to.


Not happy? Hey, go join those other companies that don't. This is very MUCH related to conversion, to credit card charges, processor charges (NOT every processor has the same pricing for every company).


Like I said, I've been dealing with things like this for quite some time, it's not as simple as "all across the board", because there is no 'all across the board' answer.



and NO, they DON'T owe you an explanation or an answer, period. They don't answer to you, to me, or to ANYONE except their board of directors.

Edited by TomWhiting
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and NO, they DON'T owe you an explanation or an answer, period. They don't answer to you, to me, or to ANYONE except their board of directors.


Uh, and their shareholders. And the law.


I'm willing to bet that this is a combination of exchange rates, taxes, fees levied by Switzerland and/or the companies processing payments there, and cost of living. This is also the third or fourth thread we've had about this situation, so I'm not sure why we're doing it again.


Let's make it simple. How much does a bottle of Coke cost in Switzerland?

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OP, as much as I tihnk this is a valid question and you should get and answer, I sincerely doubt that you will get it here, as these are forums that are moderated by, from what i've seen, about 20 people. Call them on the phone.


The more I think about it, the more I think you may be trolling, because you write well, but you know damn well this isn't the Customer Service forum.

Edited by CrushSoda
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OP, as much as I tihnk this is a valid question and you should get and answer, I sincerely doubt that you will get it here, as these are forums that are moderated by, from what i've seen, about 20 people. Call them on the phone.


The more I think about it, the more I think you may be trolling, because you write well, but you know damn well this isn't the Customer Service forum.



I am sure I would get a faster answer, probably something alone the lines of "I'm not sure. but we can get back to you on that via email".


But I think it is also important to have these kinds of open discussions. If we are being treated unfairly, I think it should come out in a public forum instead of a private conversation.


If we are being treated fairly, then it will only show that BioWare is the stand-up company that they are projected to be.

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I gave the conversion rates. In Switzerland we pay by far the most.


Ok lemme spell this out for you since you do not get it. If they charged a set price regardless of conversion rates than countries that have less value in the global market would pay less and countries that have a higher value would pay more. In my opinion that is unfair to Bioware and those who'd pay more. So I suggest you A) Move to a country that has a highter value than the US or B) quit your complaining.

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I believe the price policy of the companies are highly related to the GDP and GNP of the countries they sell their products. Purchasing power defines the maximum fee for the product. Just like the case in China.


An official statement would be much appriciated.

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