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10 Good
  1. I bought a hair style with cartel coins in the appearance designer. It looked nice enough there, but I immediately noticed issues with the physics once I started moving around. It's especially bad when dismounting, after which the hair style clips through the character's head and stays there, making the back of her head look like in this screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/BmF55nj.jpg Edit: There's also a transparency issue when viewed from the front: https://i.imgur.com/XqMHKC0.jpg There's also clipping when running around and especially while jumping. These problems aren't apparent during character creation, but instantly become noticeable once you start playing. In the appearance designer, this hair style has number 53. This is a female human character.
  2. I foot stomped them all. That worked quite well, though it was close. I didn't use the buff.
  3. That's not the only issue with this boss. I don't visit these forums often so I don't know if this is common knowledge, but there's a giant exploit. Send one group member in to fight the boss. The doors will close with the other three trapped outside. After the Leeroy gets killed the boss will walk through the door and the three remaining players can attack him in the hallway without paying attention to any booby traps.
  4. I can confirm this. I got a second of lag.
  5. Phenom II x4 965 BE 3.4 Ghz I get a poor performance in the fleet and some other big areas. The rest of the game is really smooth.
  6. I imported a game card from the UK (The Hut). €18.43 for two months. Compared to the €27 they cost in my own country that's a very good deal.
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