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Coming from BioWare, SWTOR is a shameful game


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Fanboys are easy to identify.

You talk about a crappy game and bugs, they start to flame you personally and never get punished. If you flame fanboys, Bioware bans you - had to take such a temp ban ^^

Acutally they scan threads for the smallest mistakes and use that against you.


That's why they like SWTOR. They always miss the point.

Edited by squiek
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You gotta be kidding... this game isn't even remotely as good as WoW at launch. For one thing WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?



The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game. WoW had swimming, day/night cycles, sitting and lying down, critters that went around and actually attacked eachother, a combat log, secondary professions, and a TON more little details ON LAUNCH..


mobs did not walk around talking to each other.


live mounts?


you can sit in tor....


i just.....i dont know what you are trying to say?

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mobs did not walk around talking to each other.


live mounts?


you can sit in tor....


i just.....i dont know what you are trying to say?


They at least wandered a bit.


These guys really do just kinda stand there in a certain circle waiting for you to kill them.


Live mounts = Tauntauns... Although that would just be stupid in terms of SW lore.


Yeah you can sit in TOR, don't get that either...

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mobs did not walk around talking to each other.


live mounts?


you can sit in tor....


i just.....i dont know what you are trying to say?



Live mounts = living mounts, animals like horses, birds, stuff that's animated. Not a speeder that simply increases movement speed. Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" when asked about getting living mounts into the game.



There's very few places you can sit in tor. You can't sit in chairs in cantinas. You can't lie down anywhere. Have you even played this game? (I don't blame you if you haven't.)

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You gotta be kidding... this game isn't even remotely as good as WoW at launch. For one thing WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?


I have yet to experience a server crash, extreme loot lag, or any of the other myriad of issues that plagued WoW at launch.



The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game.


A Star Wars game doesn't have live mounts? ONOES. Who cares. I love my speeder. Besides, what the hell would we ride? Parading around Correlia on a Dewback would look ridiculous.


WoW had swimming






I just pressed my x key, and sat down.


lying down


I have used that command at most, 10 times in my entire seven years playing WoW.


critters that went around and actually attacked each other


Not until Cataclysm, unless you're talking about the wolves who would randomly attack mobs. But those aren't critters.


secondary professions


You know those mission and gathering professions? Those are like your "secondary" professions, while your main one is crafting.

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You gotta be kidding... this game isn't even remotely as good as WoW at launch. For one thing WoW had a working UI on launch. It's now 7 years later and Bioware can't even get that right!?



The mobs in WoW wandered around and talked to eachother, the mobs in this game stand their lifelessly waiting for you to kill them. WoW had live mounts at launch, Bioware has cited "technical difficulties" in bringing live mounts into this game. WoW had swimming, day/night cycles, sitting and lying down, critters that went around and actually attacked eachother, a combat log, secondary professions, ambient sounds, and a TON more little details ON LAUNCH.



You can't put out a game to compete with WoW and then have it be worse than WoW in nearly every facet save story... it should be common sense.


WoW didn't have critters that hunted at launch that I remember. TOR has ambient sounds. TOR has emotes. TOR has secondary professions. TOR has live mounts. TOR has mob interactions (patrols, pacers, talkers, crouchers, etc., and they shift). The day/night cycles would need a separate cycle for each planet, which would altogether be more trouble than it's worth, considering nobody gives a crap.


TOR also has it's fair share of details. A codex, lore objects, little stories inside of small details, datacrons, etc.


WoW, on release, had two raids, a level cap that they had to raise before the first x-pac, crippiling (actually game-breaking) bugs, and loads of technical difficulties.


Trust me, TOR's launch is far better than WoW's. I'm not saying that from just an opinion, I'm saying it from a ratio of crippling bugs.

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They at least wandered a bit.


These guys really do just kinda stand there in a certain circle waiting for you to kill them.


Live mounts = Tauntauns... Although that would just be stupid in terms of SW lore.


Yeah you can sit in TOR, don't get that either...


mobs in swtor have massive patrol routes...*** are you guys on?


so he saying that because wow has horses and swtor uses speeders swtor is wrong and bad?

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WoW, on release, had two raids, a level cap that they had to raise before the first x-pac, crippiling (actually game-breaking) bugs, and loads of technical difficulties.


Not to call you on it or anything, but wow level cap was 60 at launch. Was raised to 70 when The Burning Crusade was released. The game also had so much downtime they gave free time away, so yeah it was buggy as all hell at launch, but they did NOT raise level caps between expansions.

Edited by Battyone
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mobs in swtor have massive patrol routes...*** are you guys on?


so he saying that because wow has horses and swtor uses speeders swtor is wrong and bad?


There's like one guy, and that's usually a strong / elite. Other then that, Mostly everybody stays seated where they are, just kinda twiddling their thumbs... waiting for me to kill them... At least in WoW they stood in campsite areas, where it kinda made sense for them to be standing around. They'd wander a bit too... etc..


Basicly. I don't quite get why he wants a living mount...

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You obviously missed the point and have never played other Bioware games.


No pretty sure I hit the point dead on. I can't count on 3 hands the amount of MMOs that I've ditched because I thought they were boring. WoW, LOTRO, EVE, Anarchy Online, Tabula Rasa, Rift, Everquest 2, Lineage 2, Warhammer, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Aion, Flyff, Ragnarok Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Mortal Online. Theres even more out there that I've ditched. SWTOR is the only one that I've actually liked. I have 6 characters. 1 level 50, a level 40, a level 30, a level 20, a level 16, and a level 10. I think I have enough experience to say that you can't compare an MMO to a single player game.

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A lot of the things the OP mentions are real issues, some of them I care about and some of them I don't. Nothing wrong with listing those but please refrain from making very ignorant and narrow minded conclusions about who does and does not enjoy a game, because unless you did some real research on the subject you have no idea.
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Not to call you on it or anything, but wow level cap was 60 at launch. Was raised to 70 when The Burning Crusade was released. The game also had so much downtime they gave free time away, so yeah it was buggy as all hell at launch, but they did NOT raise level caps between expansions.


Pretty sure it was 55 at launch, but I may be thinking of beta-times or something. I remember reading a well-written article about WoW's progression on the forums a year or so back, and it covered the 55 cap.

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No pretty sure I hit the point dead on. I can't count on 3 hands the amount of MMOs that I've ditched because I thought they were boring. WoW, LOTRO, EVE, Anarchy Online, Tabula Rasa, Rift, Everquest 2, Lineage 2, Warhammer, Champions Online, Star Trek Online, Aion, Flyff, Ragnarok Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and Mortal Online. Theres even more out there that I've ditched. SWTOR is the only one that I've actually liked. I have 6 characters. 1 level 50, a level 40, a level 30, a level 20, a level 16, and a level 10. I think I have enough experience to say that you can't compare an MMO to a single player game.


Oh my word...


Which MMO did you play to continue on that really painful journey? I at least enjoyed WoW. O_O


I'm guessing SWG/EQ1/UO, right?

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Even though I agree with the vast majority of the OP's criticisms of the game, I am still having fun.


There is a lot wrong with this game, in terms of modern MMO design, yet it IS still fun to play (so I am subscribed for at least 1 paid month). Quite a few of the design decisions in this game would have been considered subpar in 2004 when EQ 2 and WoW came out (as in, systems in those games were better when they launched than they are in ToR now).


But I am still having fun.


I attribute the fun I am having to my guild, which just so happens to have 3 level 50 tanks (me being one of them) and 3 level 50 healers. Unfortunately we did not level at the same rate, so most of us did no level-appropriate group content from around 20 until 50.


But with 3 tanks and 3 heals at 50, as well as around 10 dps, we are almost always having 2 groups going in the evenings, and has allowed us to avoid the awful LFG "tool" this game has (since we've all hit 50). I feel sorry for people not in the same situation, as the game truly does have awful grouping tools (and so much group content).


Overall, the game seems to be aimed at casual gamers, yet has so many impediments to the casual gamer experiencing so much of the content, that it's baffling.


I do take issue with the OP's criticisms of the questing. However simple the quests may be (and all quests in all games are simple), Bioware has done the best job in covering the simplicity up that I've seen (AC 1, EQ 2, FFXI, WoW, Vanguard, Warhammer are past MMOs, with most of my experience in WoW, followed by FFXI).


The MMO part of the game does feel very outdated, but like I said before, I am still having fun - though I had to simply stop PvPing at 50, as my server has few queuers, and 3 premades that are full on expertise geared - pvp stats should simply die.

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- Who may enjoy this game:

Younger players with little gaming experience who lack a meaningful basis for comparison, Star Wars fans who simply must have everything and anything related to Star Wars.



- Who is likely to be disappointed:

Experienced players with solid MMO RPG experience and those who remember the great games of the past such as Baldur's Gate 2, Fallout 2, and more recently Neverwinter Nights and Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR), not to mention World of Warcraft.





Alright, well I did actually read the whole post, and there are some things that are correct, there is also a lot of information that is either incorrect or no longer correct since parts of beta.


Such as, clicking ESC from a landing scene (like on the starting planets) just lets you start over again when you get to the head NPC to start your first class quest. It's hitting SPACE that lets you skip the scene and it works for both launching and landing.


You can dismiss dead companions, I do it all the time.


Most of the bugs you mentioned I haven't run into and I have a lvl 47 main and 4 varying alts from 30-15 on both Imperial and Republic.


The UI is getting patched and made better.


Really the UI is about the only major complaint that you put up that I have to say, yeah I'm behind you on that one. But it's getting fixed.


The rest of them, well I think you're trolling a bit and maybe just making your wall of text look bigger? I suppose it could be possible with all the hours I've put in so far, that I've just been lucky. But I don't think I'm that lucky a person.


And to be honest, this has by far been the best MMO launch I have been a part of, that while you don't know me, I feel that is a great accomplishment on it's own and it makes me excited to see what else SWTOR will have to offer me in the future.

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