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[suggestion] Twi'lek hoods + hood with mask


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Can we have them, please? It's all been said before. Lekku sticking out the back through holes, over the shoulders. I personally don't care what you do to get them back, I'd just like to see them!


Would just like an official word if this is in progress, thanks!


Also, please allow the mask and hood combo!

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I second this, especially as a Sith Sorcerer, who gets weird masks all the time but as soon as equipped my Lekku magically disappear until I either "Hide Head" or get a different one. I'd like them to stick out, as though it looks like there's a hole in the helm purposely for those.
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  • 2 weeks later...



how has this not received more attention? Twil'ek smugglers can't wear the trailer hat properly, you'd think for gear this high level they'd at least fix the clipping?


And look at the Sith in the hope trailer, they look freaking awesome. The hood + mask combo was possible in the beta...I don't even want to go into the blegh-fest that was seeing Darth Revan with just his mask. So disappointing. And it's put me off buying a mask in game. Looks terrible wearing it without the hood. I think it's telling I've not seen a Sith yet who wears it.

Edited by RevansSoul
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I think the whole hood ordeal has lasting issues because of lekku. Knights want their hoods down (not off) down. Twileks want their hoods up properly (this includes masks). Sith want hoods period. Miraluka want to wear visors or even masks without their default visor popping out. So this is an all-around thing. I think something in the coding is way off in left field and that's why the head-area for a lot of classes/races is way off base. Hopefully we'll see a fix for it when we see the second half of the Rakghoul expansion in March
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Yea, I personally made a Jedi Sage as a Miraluka and love it, except for the clipping with our default masks. I went all in and picked a full hood and it constantly shows through my hood. Also, when I view higher level gear on me that is a something that's not a full mask, my characters hair pops through the hood and the head piece. My fault was not making my Miraluka bald just in case, but I figured the mask wouldn't be clipped by hair. Just hope this gets fixed in the patch, but it's hard on the eyes :\
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how has this not received more attention? Twil'ek smugglers can't wear the trailer hat properly, you'd think for gear this high level they'd at least fix the clipping?


And look at the Sith in the hope trailer, they look freaking awesome. The hood + mask combo was possible in the beta...I don't even want to go into the blegh-fest that was seeing Darth Revan with just his mask. So disappointing. And it's put me off buying a mask in game. Looks terrible wearing it without the hood. I think it's telling I've not seen a Sith yet who wears it.



Too much bad blood and disappointment has turned these forums into a graveyard, at least compared to the way they were the first few months after launch :p Lekku + Hoods and Hoods Up / Down toggle for all species were HUUUUUGE issues that thousands of people in game and forums talked about constantly. We never got any real assurances or status updates or promises. This lack of communication from our vaunted overseers seems to have turned most of the vocal masses off from the forums. It's sad to see soooo much apathy, but people haven't been given hardly any reasons at all to expect any changes ever, much less a response. This game is steadily improving, but these little aesthetic changes and freedoms absolutely must be implemented before the rush of F2P and the new expansion wear off too much and the returned / new players lose the desire to support a company that doesn't support their player base, AKA the money.

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Hood up, hood down toggle should be in the game. Hoods and down hoods are already separate geo, the system already exists. I have a feeling that the twi'lek lekku are modeled right onto the twi's head. Its all one mesh, so toggling them around or off will require remodels of the head (a lot more work). I hope you get it though! but that is probably why it is being avoided.
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A hood up/down feature has been asked for since beta. It really boggles the mind why it hasn't been implemented yet :confused:


I had to buy the Valiant set just to get a decent hood down option for my Jedi. (which they lower the price on three days after I make the purchase)

Edited by Grecanis
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