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OP/Smuggler lol


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Good thing I rerolled Sorc.


Class will be bad now. After you "burst" someone down and they get up to laugh at you, as you fall over dead, you should heed this advice and save yourself the trouble and reroll now.


Sage/Sorc has better overall dmg anyway.


Next will be bounty hunters.


Anyway GL.

Edited by Paralassa
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That 3% who woulda rolled anyone anyway. People never complained about the baddie operatives that barely did 50k dmg a warzone. They only saw the 9-10 good operatives per server that ***** them.


You know who Im talking about, Im sure you can name the top 5 oper of your server if you did pvp past valor 40.

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Yea I would constantly kill people no problem...when i wasn't constantly being aoe knockback'd and what not. The only real classes I couldn't burst down was the ones who actually had pvp gear and pvp talents.


I'm not going to sit around however, and sit on the sidelines while bioware takes another month to see that they catered to the lowbie bracket with this nerf.


Anyway, time to shoot some lightning now

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bioware is balancing towards the lowest common denominator. what a nightmare this game's gonna be balance wise, and I thought wow was a headache. I really can't put up with this, zero faith in the team practicing logic


You've just nerfed the op/scoundrel tree into the group for pve dps. Unforgivable, not renewing sub in 4 days.

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Lol if I was to take an op on a raid it would be for healing ;)


On the balancing issues I seriously don't see why people continue to complain lets be honest every mmo their is always going to be balanceing being put in to place and no matter what game it is it's going to annoy people you wait when sorcs get nerf bat their will be another 100 qq threads

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Lol if I was to take an op on a raid it would be for healing ;)


On the balancing issues I seriously don't see why people continue to complain lets be honest every mmo their is always going to be balanceing being put in to place and no matter what game it is it's going to annoy people you wait when sorcs get nerf bat their will be another 100 qq threads


Honestly, before the patch I want you to go into a warzone and look at top damage and top healing.


Every time you will see Sage/Inquisitor


Next would be a bounty hunter.


If people would learn to use "trinket" ability or w/e you want to call it, things would be fine. But Bioware continues to pamper the crybabies. They just want more money is all. They must be trying to be like Blizzard and just look at the money instead of actually taking the time out to test it and what not.


The LEAST they could do is give ops something else so when they are dmg spec they dont just run around like chickens with their heads cut off now.


They can start by adding knockback resistance. Because Huttball = melee's bane of existence (ones without charge). Seriously lol...aoe knockback all day long.

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Honestly, before the patch I want you to go into a warzone and look at top damage and top healing.


Every time you will see Sage/Inquisitor


Next would be a bounty hunter.


If people would learn to use "trinket" ability or w/e you want to call it, things would be fine. But Bioware continues to pamper the crybabies. They just want more money is all. They must be trying to be like Blizzard and just look at the money instead of actually taking the time out to test it and what not.


The LEAST they could do is give ops something else so when they are dmg spec they dont just run around like chickens with their heads cut off now.


They can start by adding knockback resistance. Because Huttball = melee's bane of existence (ones without charge). Seriously lol...aoe knockback all day long.


untrue, IA's (mostly ops) are top dmg with BH/Troopers up there too. I regularly out dmg all sorcs/sages (minus the exceptionally geared ones) and Im a Sniper with 8/16 champ gear (3/5 set, no weapon).

Edited by PFifteyOneD
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Honestly, before the patch I want you to go into a warzone and look at top damage and top healing.


Every time you will see Sage/Inquisitor


Next would be a bounty hunter.


If people would learn to use "trinket" ability or w/e you want to call it, things would be fine. But Bioware continues to pamper the crybabies. They just want more money is all. They must be trying to be like Blizzard and just look at the money instead of actually taking the time out to test it and what not.


The LEAST they could do is give ops something else so when they are dmg spec they dont just run around like chickens with their heads cut off now.


They can start by adding knockback resistance. Because Huttball = melee's bane of existence (ones without charge). Seriously lol...aoe knockback all day long.


Oo, don't get me wrong we definitely do lack the necessary skills to be decent in pvp and our damage is definitely lackluster compared to that off sage/inq. Im just saying this useless whine on these forums doesn't get people anywhere in mmo's developers will never listen to a certain class saying they are Under powered.

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So lets recap how this all went down shall we? Some Ops/Smugglers posted videos of how awesome they were rolling folks jacked up on stims with their class. Folks then watched said videos and started making threads asking to get these 2 classes nerfed. So it's highly possible your own videos, essentially got your own class nerfed. Masterstroke Operatives/Smugglers.


I'm not hating on you guys, my bro is an operative, just something we found funny when discussing how this witchhunt all got started.

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So lets recap how this all went down shall we? Some Ops/Smugglers posted videos of how awesome they were rolling folks jacked up on stims with their class. Folks then watched said videos and started making threads asking to get these 2 classes nerfed. So it's highly possible your own videos, essentially got your own class nerfed. Masterstroke Operatives/Smugglers.


I'm not hating on you guys, my bro is an operative, just something we found funny when discussing how this witchhunt all got started.


Lets not forget that there really wasn't many OPs to begin with. Then suddenly you start seeing a bunch of people leveling OPs, gee I wonder where that came from.


I'm really glad for this nerf, it will get rid of the FotM *******es from my class. I'd suggest they try Arsenal BH but the 1-key rotation might be too complex compared to the "Any key" Concealment rotation.

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Yea, they didn't even really give it a chance to see how it would be with 50 only warzones. They went off the words of light armored level 19 sorcs/sages who were taking a beating.


Now however, they will be the laughing stock of the game. Pigeon holed into being a healing class.

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All this crying makes me wanna keep my concealment OP even more. I love the class/story/pvp on him and he doesnt even have hidden strike yet and I STILL wreck in PvP. Stop complaining...


Wait until you hit 50. The acid blade/jarring strike nerf is going to effect ops in a not so great way lol. Tanks will /giggle you and healers will /dance you.


I got a better idea guys... lets all roll BH and just spam tracer missle! I hear that is amazing in teh pvps

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OP/Scoundrel changes did not go far enough. I started an OP on Friday and played him over the weekend to 24, and I am wrecking in pvp. It's so funny how OPs can complain when they have heals, energy regen...energy regen that heals, while still being able to dish out a crapton of damage....so funny. And now the latest talking point is that the reduced stun shouldn't fill the resolve bar...NEWSFLASH: the resolve bar was never filled in the first place.


I'm going to keep playing it because they didn't go far enough. I'm going to show them how OP the class continues to be. And more nerfs will come. It will be glorious. The real treat is reading all the complaining on the class boards. And the denial, the sweet sweet denial. Like popcorn for the soul.


Thank you BW for making this the greatest game ever! And also making the changes that need to be made. Looking forward to the next round.

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NEWSFLASH: the resolve bar was never filled in the first place.




It actually does. Your not using the right stun though. Hidden strike is the one you need to look at which you dont get until later in levels. Check the talent tree for it. Jarring Strike. Top right talent before the end point.


Check your journalists before announcing a news flash :p

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That 3% who woulda rolled anyone anyway. People never complained about the baddie operatives that barely did 50k dmg a warzone. They only saw the 9-10 good operatives per server that ***** them.


You know who Im talking about, Im sure you can name the top 5 oper of your server if you did pvp past valor 40.


50k? ***

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LOL i got a forum warning for making this post....guess I'm not allowed to speak the truth. Nice community Bioware.


its not the truth they are warning you not to share, its how you share it. there is a definite line between constructive criticism and starting a thread in an inflammatory way.


being an ops concealment spec- despite the nerf many are crying about- i feel no desire to reroll or change to heals. thanks for the public service warning telling us to get out of dodge. it's interesting to read how many people are willing to jump ship not only in terms of class choice but also with regards to 'wont be subbing again kthnxbai'. you'll be a jack of all trades but master of none.


also thought this was interesting

Thank you BW for making this the greatest game ever! And also making the changes that need to be made. Looking forward to the next round.


you are going to play a class to ruin it for others? not sure what the point/intent is. seems like an utter waste of time to do that.

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All this crying makes me wanna keep my concealment OP even more. I love the class/story/pvp on him and he doesnt even have hidden strike yet and I STILL wreck in PvP. Stop complaining...


This right here

My Chiss Op is like a nightmarish, angry demon Smurf with a knife and a gun

And my specialty is taking out Smugglers. Gotta love jumping a Smuggler when they're still in stealth...

Edited by Mazikeen
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