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Evidence Marauder is weakest in PvP


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LOL. This is a joke. leveling yea mara were bad at pvp. at 50 with good gear there is no excuse (other then u suck) to not steam roll EVERY class 1v1. Honestly the only class i lose to is another marauder. Im not going to give specs or strats because this class isnt for unskilled monkeys who want to hit 4 buttons and be amazing.


Instead here is what i suggest.

1. Read your abilities

2. Read your spec

3. Pick anyone one of the three specs and here is the key... play it correctly


Grats your the best pvp class now.

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Since my first post yesterday I was contacted by a major gaming magazine and they asked if I could provide them with the data we have collected.

They also asked if the data was "statistically safe".


We therefore contacted a University professor I know and asked about statistics.


The professor told me after some calculations that for it to be "statistically safe" result. We need to have at least 500results. Although he thought the results are not going to change much.


But since we promised to turn over the results to this" gaming magazine" we are going to collect 300 more and turn over the results to this magazine. Hopefully Bioware will answer to them since they don't to us.


Still the question that remains is: Why is the marauder class the weakest? Did you intend to create game classes with different stats from the first place and if yes why is that?


Important: When we first started to collected results we did not know that Marauder was so weak compared to other classes.


Also people have asked us about the results and what we looked upon when we came to the conclusion. We counted all of the facts given in PvP(empire). Probably the rep side shows the same though...

The number 40% weaker then Sith assassin is compared to medals.

The weakest ability is of course healing. Marauder is 95% weaker compared to classes who can heal others.


Our goal is to make the classes more even. Nothing else! We love the game and want to come back playing it.

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Since my first post yesterday I was contacted by a major gaming magazine and they asked if I could provide them with the data we have collected.

They also asked if the data was "statistically safe".


We therefore contacted a University professor I know and asked about statistics.


The professor told me after some calculations that for it to be "statistically safe" result. We need to have at least 500results. Although he thought the results are not going to change much.


But since we promised to turn over the results to this" gaming magazine" we are going to collect 300 more and turn over the results to this magazine. Hopefully Bioware will answer to them since they don't to us.


Still the question that remains is: Why is the marauder class the weakest? Did you intend to create game classes with different stats from the first place and if yes why is that?


Important: When we first started to collected results we did not know that Marauder was so weak compared to other classes.


Also people have asked us about the results and what we looked upon when we came to the conclusion. We counted all of the facts given in PvP(empire). Probably the rep side shows the same though...

The number 40% weaker then Sith assassin is compared to medals.

The weakest ability is of course healing. Marauder is 95% weaker compared to classes who can heal others.


Our goal is to make the classes more even. Nothing else! We love the game and want to come back playing it.


anyone see the lead on here? funny he didnt say the name huh? yea he just wants attention

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I have recently started playing a Marauder and I have gotten him to 17.


As far as pvp is and my opinion is based solely on these levels, I am a detriment to my team. I offer nothing. No CC... No decent damage... Nothing that any other class can do much better. All I can do, at this level mind you, is leap at someone, put a weak dot on them and watch myself die.


So I have told my friends I will not be back into a warzone til I am 24 as I then will atleast have a choke that they will waste a trinket on.


To be honest, this is the first class where I have felt useless in pvp. I mean, I am supposed to pump out damage and I cant because I am CC'd all the time and I cant even it out because I have ZERO CC. None. Where is the logic in that?


I have been looking at specs and they all look like garbage.


But our Marauder in our guild pumps out the deeps in pve... I dunno if I wanna wait til 40 to be decent dps or not.

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I have recently started playing a Marauder and I have gotten him to 17.


As far as pvp is and my opinion is based solely on these levels, I am a detriment to my team. I offer nothing. No CC... No decent damage... Nothing that any other class can do much better. All I can do, at this level mind you, is leap at someone, put a weak dot on them and watch myself die.


So I have told my friends I will not be back into a warzone til I am 24 as I then will atleast have a choke that they will waste a trinket on.


To be honest, this is the first class where I have felt useless in pvp. I mean, I am supposed to pump out damage and I cant because I am CC'd all the time and I cant even it out because I have ZERO CC. None. Where is the logic in that?


I have been looking at specs and they all look like garbage.


But our Marauder in our guild pumps out the deeps in pve... I dunno if I wanna wait til 40 to be decent dps or not.

Im sorry but this is because your bad... granted i do agree we are affected by cc but if you knew what you were doing you wouldnt have this issue... i dont charge and throw a dot and wait to die... thats probably your first problem. second depending on spec willd etermin what moves inw hat order are hit to start with...i know on my mara my bleed isnt up til i have hit my force scream i do my dmg and if im going to die i hit my dot to finish them off.. but most the time i get my kill

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Not hate, per se. I can't quite think of the correct word to use.


As has been proven multiple times, many people on the SWToR forums make up wild stories in order to prove a "hunch" they have or strike up a huge outcry from the community.


Case in point (unfortunately I can't find the thread) the guy who said he had almost 15 Valor ranks removed to "fix his exploiting" of Ilum post 1.1. Two to three pages into the thread, after people were rejoicing that BW has responded with rollbacks, a gold-poster came in to say that no action had ever been taken on the OPs account and that, basically, he lied.


This also goes in line with the large number of "I got banned for swearing in group chat with real-life friends" posts that also got shot down by gold-posters as being completely false.


Unless the OP can provide his statistics as well as his method of analysis - including factoring in non-damage, non-healing, and non-defense utility he's just trying to start arguments.



If you look at his same thread on the PvP forums it did just that.


Fair enough.


Along those lines though, with valid combat logs, there is going to be no way to find out a lot of the information we need in order to determine our effectiveness as a class.

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Im sorry but this is because your bad... granted i do agree we are affected by cc but if you knew what you were doing you wouldnt have this issue... i dont charge and throw a dot and wait to die... thats probably your first problem. second depending on spec willd etermin what moves inw hat order are hit to start with...i know on my mara my bleed isnt up til i have hit my force scream i do my dmg and if im going to die i hit my dot to finish them off.. but most the time i get my kill


I'm sure it is because I'm bad. I totally agree. And thank you for pointing out that I should do attacks determined by my spec. That should help.

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Marauders usually cant get the 1st spot on damage because they dont have AOE in carnage/annihilation.


With rage spec you could probably get mad damages in that... *********** door bombing bg

but its **** spec so i dont recommend that.


point being, marauder does amazing single target dps.


ive done +380k damage with annihilation spec using centurion weapons and cent/champ armor playing solo que (after lvl 50's had their own brackets).


just because sorcs and mercs get crazy kills/damages by sitting at the back seat smashing their heads on the keyboard, it doesnt mean they are better.

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I am an Annihilation Marauder. I destroy literally every warzone I'm in. I find it extremely laughable that you think Marauder is the weakest class. Those are only a few of the screenshots I used to have (just got a new computer). All of those are my Annihilation spec, but I have played Rage and Carnage as well and they perform on par, I just find Annihilation more of my play style and more fun (plus Ferocity talent alone wins Huttball games).


Anyone who thinks Marauder is the weakest class is clearly playing the class wrong or just bad in general.


This class is gear dependent, but most of all HIGH SKILL CAP. If you can't handle multiple key bindings and know when to cast what, go play a Bounty Hunter.


P.S. I hardly ever have a healer, we don't need it tbh. We have a lot of mobility and escape mechanisms, you shouldn't be dying often unless there is good reason.

Edited by Hellion_X
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I am an Annihilation Marauder. I destroy literally every warzone I'm in. I find it extremely laughable that you think Marauder is the weakest class. Those are only a few of the screenshots I used to have (just got a new computer). All of those are my Annihilation spec, but I have played Rage and Carnage as well and they perform on par, I just find Annihilation more of my play style and more fun (plus Ferocity talent alone wins Huttball games).


Anyone who thinks Marauder is the weakest class is clearly playing the class wrong or just bad in general.


This class is gear dependent, but most of all HIGH SKILL CAP. If you can't handle multiple key bindings and know when to cast what, go play a Bounty Hunter.


P.S. I hardly ever have a healer, we don't need it tbh. We have a lot of mobility and escape mechanisms, you shouldn't be dying often unless there is good reason.


/clap well said sir.

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Yes we all know the damage is there when pressure is being kept on your target. But I suppose where is the utility? I mean aside from the AoE fear (that breaks when the targets are hit), and the small 15 second buffs. I think whats holding marauder back are the actual stuns, knockbacks, etc. Of course they're gonna do tons of damage, they have two lightsabers. But in Warzones, it's more to it than running around slashing targets.
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Yes we all know the damage is there when pressure is being kept on your target. But I suppose where is the utility? I mean aside from the AoE fear (that breaks when the targets are hit), and the small 15 second buffs. I think whats holding marauder back are the actual stuns, knockbacks, etc. Of course they're gonna do tons of damage, they have two lightsabers. But in Warzones, it's more to it than running around slashing targets.


works in voidstar, but point aside marauders are excellent at annoying healers and are probs the best support class in pvp - we also excel in ball carrying by quite literlly becoming unkillable for 6 seconds plus predation ( + ferocity in Anni) = scoring all the time

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I am an Annihilation Marauder. I destroy literally every warzone I'm in. I find it extremely laughable that you think Marauder is the weakest class. Those are only a few of the screenshots I used to have (just got a new computer). All of those are my Annihilation spec, but I have played Rage and Carnage as well and they perform on par, I just find Annihilation more of my play style and more fun (plus Ferocity talent alone wins Huttball games).


Anyone who thinks Marauder is the weakest class is clearly playing the class wrong or just bad in general.


This class is gear dependent, but most of all HIGH SKILL CAP. If you can't handle multiple key bindings and know when to cast what, go play a Bounty Hunter.


P.S. I hardly ever have a healer, we don't need it tbh. We have a lot of mobility and escape mechanisms, you shouldn't be dying often unless there is good reason.


Were these pics pre or post patch 1.1? The damage on over half the groups of each pic seem to be sub 50 DPS and I noticed that all of them appear to have been uploaded today.

Edited by Karnyvor
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Yes we all know the damage is there when pressure is being kept on your target. But I suppose where is the utility? I mean aside from the AoE fear (that breaks when the targets are hit), and the small 15 second buffs. I think whats holding marauder back are the actual stuns, knockbacks, etc. Of course they're gonna do tons of damage, they have two lightsabers. But in Warzones, it's more to it than running around slashing targets.


Predation, anni heals, the massive amount of interrupts, mortal strike, the massive amount of defensive cooldowns, heroism, a super long snare without a cooldown, an in combat stealth.


Man marauders have utility out the ***. Whether or not they are used well comes down to the player.

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also have to note, that the skill Tree's are uncomparable.


for instance, Carnage will alwas loss to a Annihilation.

wich bring's back the complexity if calling Mara Underpowered compare to other ingame class's


a small boost in dps, lets say 3% will be just enough, to tip balance back.

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Were these pics pre or post patch 1.1? The damage on over half the groups of each pic seem to be sub 50 DPS and I noticed that all of them appear to have been uploaded today.


These screenshots are post 1.1. They are all in the 50 brackets. I lost my pre 1.1 shots because of the new computer, but those were even more ridiculous damage-wise. 50 brackets are way more fun and I am still able to get the > 5k crits with Annihilation on light armor classes.

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also have to note, that the skill Tree's are uncomparable.


for instance, Carnage will alwas loss to a Annihilation.

wich bring's back the complexity if calling Mara Underpowered compare to other ingame class's


a small boost in dps, lets say 3% will be just enough, to tip balance back.





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