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Unload animation bug?


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About 75% of the times I use unload, the animation seems to get stuck in an infinite loop. I can only break it with certainty by toggling off and back on whatever cylinder I'm using. I haven't found a specific trigger for the problem, but I'm wondering if it's some weird problem on my end.


Anyone else have this problem?

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was just about to start a thread on the same issue but found this one. Before the lastest patch, this bug would only happen to me in FPs but since the patch, its happening in the open world while questing.


very annoying

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It's an old bug common to channeled spells.


Some animations remove the stuck one (such as reloading, healing, cylinder-application and so on). It's somewhat unnerving if it happens to often, but not a big deal...


When i was asked about it in an FP I just said I had to make sure he wasn't faking death. *g*

Edited by RyuKazuha
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The trigger for this animation bug is when you unload on an enemy and kill them before the channel is over. Healing and certain other abilities will cut the animation loop.! I'm sure they will get a fix out soon.
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About 75% of the times I use unload, the animation seems to get stuck in an infinite loop. I can only break it with certainty by toggling off and back on whatever cylinder I'm using. I haven't found a specific trigger for the problem, but I'm wondering if it's some weird problem on my end.


Anyone else have this problem?


i think its a fun bug

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I agree. I do it on purpose to kill a mob so I keep shooting. Drives my wife nuts.


Indeed! Instead of fixing it, I propose that BW get the rights on Home Alone soundbites, so's my BH can loop Unload, then say "Merry Christmas, you filthy animal!"


My needs are simple.

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Basically attacking anything else stops it, yea it can get annoying but I look past it. I've found it mostly happening when my Companion finishes off a Minion that I've only just started using Unload on.


With me, when I attack something else, after that attack, it goes back to continuously shooting that first target. I have to press "z" like 20 times rapidly in order to stop it.

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Yeah, Unload is definitely irritating as hell with the infinte loop crap and it does occur more often then not. And I've gotten killed in PvP on a few occasions because of the angling issues it causes when running and trying to target a seperate enemy...more accurately, it accelerated my demise.


Like someone else in this thread said, it's an old bug. I am surpised it hasn't been fixed yet.

Edited by Valoredramack
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having now played more classes than bounty hunter, i can tell you that this happens with many channeled ability including sorc lightning and other classes that have a 3 second continuous damage channel skill that is targeted rather than area


so its not a bounty hunter specific bug, its an engine bug that effects any skill that functions even remotely similar

Edited by Kunovega
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