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  1. More specifically i don't like how they feel. I think the whole companions doing the crafting and gathering is a pretty cool mechanic, but i don't like how you personally cant really do much other than gathering. Everything else is dumped on the companions. it just feels so detached from your character that it just feels like something they dumped together at the last minuet. to me crafting skills should feel more like it is a part of your character not just something you do because its there. please give your opinions.
  2. here we go again people focusing on pvp and completely ignoring pve. i play a bounty hunter and yes ill admit my tracer missile is a bit ridiculous. but it sets up my entire rotation with its Armor reduction , rail shot dmg increase, unload dmg increase, and its armor buff. yes people spam it and abuse its power but when you look at it you can see it was intended more for a self support attack for pve
  3. using your self heal also stops it
  4. I just set up this layout and it looks perfect. with the un modded keys alone iv got all the Abilitys i actually use in combat set up (im lvl 31 atm) im about to test it out in combat and see how i do. but thanks allot this will really help me But it looks like a am gunna have to teach myself not to hit q or e for moving lol
  5. I agree with you. i find PVP entertaining to the smallest degree. and i also lvl slowly hell iv put over 10 hours a day this past week and I'm only lvl 31. people focus to much on PVP and think it makes the game just like in console games they think the quality of a game is defined by its online multilayer. But in reality most of the content and time should be spent getting to the last level. not what you can do once you get there. and no I'm not saying endgame content is pointless, i know how important it is. all I'm saying is you see to meany people obsess that end game content is the only part of a game that matters.
  6. ya for me it happens most often when they die while unload is being used but its still happens other times as well
  7. ya that works but it doesn't help getting rid of it in the middle of combat
  8. ok i haven't seen any posts about this yet so i need to ask. when my bounty hunter uses the unload ability a glitch occurs where after the target dies, and even after the cast time runs out my character will continue the shooting animation and buttes will continue to go to my last target. this happens even if the target is still alive . i leave attack range and my character is still shooting. iv been able to stop it by ether running REALLY far or hitting a few of my attacks that break the motion of shooting . has anyone else had this problem and if so is there a fix? or at least a better way of breaking it without blowing some of my cd's
  9. this is why i love this game lol. you can be the biggest dick ever and no one can do anything about it
  10. ya i guess i was hoping they at least had a legit reason to hate but its just more people being people
  11. well i understand people getting tired of it because it comes up to often but iv seriously seen people talking about wanting it removed entirely which doesn't make any sense to me
  12. iv seen allot of people saying Hutball sucks and needs to be removed. i don't get it at all. can someone please explain why people hate such a wonderful thing? because i love hutball and imo more pvp should take the playful game approach
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