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If you don't like it, then don't play it....simple concept


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Games are for having fun and relaxing from RL. If you don't like it, just move on. Its just a GAME. I have tried so many MMO's since UO, EQ, WOW etc..... I either have fun or quit playing, pretty simple concept. I enjoy SWTOR and the cool stories.

You ever notice how much more negative post there are sometimes because they apparently don't have anything better to do, like play a different game. The rest of us are busy having fun in a Star Wars enviroment. If a game gets this much attention whether good or bad, it just exemplifies that Bioware is on the right track.

Play or don't play..............we really don't care.

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Games are for having fun and relaxing from RL. If you don't like it, just move on. Its just a GAME. I have tried so many MMO's since UO, EQ, WOW etc..... I either have fun or quit playing, pretty simple concept. I enjoy SWTOR and the cool stories.

You ever notice how much more negative post there are sometimes because they apparently don't have anything better to do, like play a different game. The rest of us are busy having fun in a Star Wars enviroment. If a game gets this much attention whether good or bad, it just exemplifies that Bioware is on the right track.

Play or don't play..............we really don't care.


That's basically what people do. They move on, and say goodbye when doing so. Doesn't do any harm.


Oh, and IBTL.

Edited by Vydor_HC
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Unfortunately it's not always easy to get your money back.... So its not as simple as saying "Don't like it? Don't play it"


No I'm not complaining cause I have nothing else to play...


A lot of people have legitimate complaints about a product they paid for, and would rather have fixed then just write off completely.


And anyone with even below average intelligence can do 2 minutes of research on the web and discover that they really did misrepresent the graphics and overall quality of the game and there is no arguing against it.


If you don't like to read those threads? don't read them?

Edited by KurleyKilla
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Baby's first mmo?



Seriously how bioware has handled most of the issues isn't acceptable. They claim they listen but they just close threads etc. Just like this one will be.



Also there's several features missing from the MMO that're being added at a later date that should of been added at launch. This is 2012 and an mmo in the works for 5 years or so, there's no reason why we dont' have guild banks or appearance armor.

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While I agree with your point generally speaking I feel like this community is way too defensive. Most of the time I find that people that bring up perfectly good criticisms with supporting evidence is labeled a 'whiner' and condemned to oblivion. This is as ridiculous as when people call others fan boys because they like an aspect of the game.


I feel that constructive criticisms should be discussed more openly and with less backlash than they do now. Sure there will always be criticisms because a game can always improved no manner what, but they should be discussed more intelligently then the pointless bickering between the group that thinks this game is utter garbage and the group that says this game is perfect, then maybe we will get somewhere.


TLDR; This game has serious issues right now and trying to offer constructive criticism should not be labeled as merely whining as it does right now. Obviously we should just ignore trolling or otherwise pointless posts as always.

Edited by Ilasper
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Games are for having fun and relaxing from RL. If you don't like it, just move on. Its just a GAME. I have tried so many MMO's since UO, EQ, WOW etc..... I either have fun or quit playing, pretty simple concept. I enjoy SWTOR and the cool stories.

You ever notice how much more negative post there are sometimes because they apparently don't have anything better to do, like play a different game. The rest of us are busy having fun in a Star Wars enviroment. If a game gets this much attention whether good or bad, it just exemplifies that Bioware is on the right track.

Play or don't play..............we really don't care.


Just because I want to express my interest in future game development here doesn't mean I should go play something else - so sorry, will not take your advice.

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