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Community Blog: Ilum PvP issues


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No roll backs have significantly advanced this game.


Now that zergs are BM 60. What would take us another month to grind they have instantly. The game is dieing. Just tonight, ILUM on a Saturday night is vacant. In one day you single handily gave the majority of players that dangling carrot on a stick we should be chasing for weeks to come. My guild doesn't even log in now, theres nothing to play for or do. ( 2 quick basic raids are locked out for a week) The ones that have 60 gear sit and stare at a wall while the other 50s get rolled in Warzones vs BM teams, and quit playing.


AT least in WH we lasted 4 months before engine restrictions and dev mistakes became apparent.

Edited by ChuckThePug
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You guys are arguing over an inevitability.


No it was not an exploit, no one will get banned.

Yes it was BW's fault, it was unintended to work this way and the issue was unforeseen (as incredible as it is).

Yes it was abused by players, intentionally or not, and it was exceptionally unfair at the time and for the future short term balance of the game, which is critical in the beginning of an mmo.

Yes BW will roll back the valor and posting here 100 times won't stop it.


Just hope BW has learned something, turn the page, and move on.


We should concentrate in giving them suggestions on how to make Ilum relevant and/or fix long term faction balance instead. It's a bit more constructive. In-Game pvp is way more fun than forum pvp.

Edited by Joeymtl
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first and foremost there MUST be punishment for those that did exploit! there is nothing that breaks a game faster and forces those that play fairly to move on than a company that turns a blind eye to those that take advantage of the exploits.


i am sure all will be watching closely to see what actions are taken or if this is more PR speak...


let's all hope for the best.

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I can't cpmplete my daily pvp ilum quest we have two instances in ilum with only 24 reps. Most of em do daily pve quest. Most pvp players avoid ilum and only do warzones. I'm forced to log on after midnight to collect armaments.... and if I don't do that daily I don't get my battlemaster bag and will not be able to get my gear as fast as the imps. I'm still screwed and the warzones will suffer too cause every imp will be battlemaster faster.....


edit I got my battlemaster from grinding warzones like hell, last week 6 hours per day and now I don't get half of my bags if I avoid ilum and I can't complete that daily cause we have 3 times as many imps in every instance....


we don't even get a kill in the zerg most times they just roll over us, they have alot of ranged aoe guys, they kill you in 2-4 global cds.

Edited by Geryboy
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Funny, article on this Ilum world PvP.


-First, they came up with a exploitable daily by letting Republic and Empire play peacefully by destroying each others objectives in turn for their daily/weekly


-Second, they come up with a world PvP scenario, when they don't even factor whether a server is dominated by either Empire or Republic players in numbers. And now they don't like us beating on each other to hard.


There are quite a number of loopholes, and If I was to re-design/revise this Ilum PvP area I would think to myself


"Hmmm... Since those two last ideas did not work let me hold up and think of all the possible loop-holes that there could possibly go wrong."


Once you guys at Bioware figure it out, come up with something that makes sense and cant' be exploited. That way you don't have to listen to Republic or Empire players whine because they keep getting they back-side whooped to hard.


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With regards to ilum, i still feel thsi zone is incredibly unfriendly to players with not the best computers in the world



Ilum pvp area could be instanced allowing a max of 25 of each faction in there also make the area alot smaller and make it that holding bases for xxx amount of time will complete the area needing a total of 1k points to complete the area


you get 1 point per minute per base you own and 5 points per player you kill


put a totaly of 5 bases in there but in a much smaller circular zone having 25v25 would make things more balenced and make it so 5 people would have to hold each of the bases also have these bases originaly guarded by mobs which rewards 1 point per kill but do not have them respawn untill say 1 hour of the bases not being owned


have a total of say 10 instances allowing 250 people at a time to take part in ilum battle


also all rewards are sharded by all people in the isntance for the faction


set say a 1 hour 30 minute timer at the end of this the faction with the highest points wins the zone also make it so only 1 of the 2 factions can complete ttheir ilum pvp daily at a time so make it you have to win this battle to complete it,


the reason why i say do all of this is because right now ilum is not pvp its zerg with 0.7-2 fps and hope your computer doesnt blow up and the team with the least lag wins where is the fun in that its stupid and poorly disigned


if you implament my idea's it will balence out the pvp on ilum


one other thing you cna do is if 1 faction owns 6 out of the 10 pvp battle area's they get a boost to all valor and exp and credits from mobs/world pvp/warzone pvp


this would then cause people to do it even after they have completed their daily's

Edited by Lexian_kanobi
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All I know is until I see some action my account is staying cancelled. I bought three months ahead of time but had I'd know an issue like this would arise and the population of my faction on a server would drop as fast as it has I wouldn't have bothered.


You can tell us your taking action against these parties all you want until we see it, it seems like everyone here knows it's a run around.


There should have been a roll back. That's my two cents.

Edited by FormidableShadow
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All I know is until I see some action my account is staying cancelled. I bought three months ahead of time but had I'd know an issue like this would arise and the population of my faction on a server would drop as fast as it has I wouldn't have bothered.


You can tell us your taking action against these parties all you want until we see it, it seems like everyone here knows it's a run around.


There should have been a roll back. That's my two cents.


If you cancel your sub you cannot post here.


Whether you are going to resub or not is neither here nor there.


#Your idle threats are just that, idle.


I could just as easily say if they punish players for playing the game to the max, even if they did not intend it that way then Ill cancel my sub.


See... Completely toothless threat.

Edited by Scan
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With regards to ilum, i still feel thsi zone is incredibly unfriendly to players with not the best computers in the world



Ilum pvp area could be instanced allowing a max of 25 of each faction in there also make the area alot smaller and make it that holding bases for xxx amount of time will complete the area needing a total of 1k points to complete the area


you get 1 point per minute per base you own and 5 points per player you kill


put a totaly of 5 bases in there but in a much smaller circular zone having 25v25 would make things more balenced and make it so 5 people would have to hold each of the bases also have these bases originaly guarded by mobs which rewards 1 point per kill but do not have them respawn untill say 1 hour of the bases not being owned


have a total of say 10 instances allowing 250 people at a time to take part in ilum battle


also all rewards are sharded by all people in the isntance for the faction


set say a 1 hour 30 minute timer at the end of this the faction with the highest points wins the zone also make it so only 1 of the 2 factions can complete ttheir ilum pvp daily at a time so make it you have to win this battle to complete it,


the reason why i say do all of this is because right now ilum is not pvp its zerg with 0.7-2 fps and hope your computer doesnt blow up and the team with the least lag wins where is the fun in that its stupid and poorly disigned


if you implament my idea's it will balence out the pvp on ilum


one other thing you cna do is if 1 faction owns 6 out of the 10 pvp battle area's they get a boost to all valor and exp and credits from mobs/world pvp/warzone pvp


this would then cause people to do it even after they have completed their daily's


I understand the issue with the pc trust me on a highend pc the servers still lag as hell it wouldn't do much good. However your request is another warzone, not open pvp.

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Well to be honest people shouldnt get rollbacks or anything because it was BW's system that failed and hello... PVP is never fair 1 side will always zerg the other happens in every game with open world pvp for example AION Elyos zerged the whole abyss and Azmos couldnt get out there and fight back but then numbers went up on azmo and then people fought back... just sucks the way BW is blaming the players and punishing the players for a system thats in the game and its "THEIR GAME!" pointless to attack your playerbase with stupid reasons
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I play republic and we suffer a lot in Ilum, but some things need to be said:

It's true that the game have an unbalanced number of players and of course it have negative impact on world pvp such as ilum but as republic i can say that too: Some part of the problem is the mentality of rep players, of course not all but general. While Imps go there and enjoy it and keep there farming kill, rep even when the numbers the same or higher than imps, (i saw it today) they just do the daily quest and then go away when they could stay there farming kills. They don't do that and complain when Imp do, that's the point of the map, go there and pvp without time limit and restrictions, if should have time limit it would be a warzone not a world pvp.


Rep complete the quest and leave. And the others that didn't complete yet see rep numbers falling till heavly outnumber. Of course a lot changes can and need to be made but not everything is bioware blame nor Imps. I already made a huge post with my idea what Ilum should be, but some things bioware can't change, it's the mentality of players.

Edited by Benets
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Allowing exploitation kills games. If they do nothing to punish these people, the next time something like this comes up, more people will exploit - since they don't have to worry about the consequences. Honest players, sooner or later, will get fed up and leave.




BW just needs to let us know ... is it OK to exploit or not? If there are no adverse consequences, then that means it is OK.





Edited by Brad-
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Well done folks. Ilum is working as was always intended from the first day. This talk about rollbacks and penalizing people for playing for an entire day out there is just crap, it was the way you designed it and was NOT an exploit.

Get serious here, for many it was a couple of hours of intense fighting and just because you screwed up and the cannons at the base didnt insta kill is not the players fault it is in fact the Devs.

I enjoy the game a great deal, however, when you submit to the crying of a few people over such a small issue I am concerned.

How about you deal with the "OP" Bio crap that infests the game! In Warzones these guys running around hopped up on Rakatta Simms, Medpacks and other crap are an exploit if ever you have one. Go against a team with 3 or 4 people running these and it is a total blowout.........fix that **** instead of penalizing anyone that was in ilum that day, and roll back the rewards that these people have gained from this "Exploit"or as you termed it in your comments about Ilum "unexpected game mechanics" or something to that end.


I am still enjoying the game, however dont bend to a bunch of snivellers, whne there are real issues and balance issues to adress

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Allowing exploitation kills games. If they do nothing to punish these people, the next time something like this comes up, more people will exploit - since they don't have to worry about the consequences. Honest players, sooner or later, will get fed up and leave.




BW just needs to let us know ... is it OK to exploit or not? If there are no adverse consequences, then that means it is OK.






Exploiting is not ok.


The killing of players/defense turrets on their spawnpoint is not an exploit, it was an unforseen (though testers apparently told the devs this would happen on unbalanced servers, which only goes to lay more blame at BW's door) happenstance which has now been rectified.


To blame the playerbase is shamefull.

Edited by Scan
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Exploting is not ok.


The killing of players/defense turrets on their spawnpoint is not an expoit.




BW has stated that Ilum was not working as intended. Anyone (with the intelligence of a pet rock) could see it was not working as intended. Those people were taking advantage of a game mechanic that was not working as intended, to gain a huge advantage.


That is the definition of exploiting.

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BW has stated that Ilum was not working as intended. Anyone (with the intelligence of a pet rock) could see it was not working as intended. Those people were taking advantage of a game mechanic that was not working as intended, to gain a huge advantage.


That is the definition of exploiting.


Still not the fault of the playerbase.


If you leave a box of sweets outside a kids playground but dont see that they can just jump and get them its not even logical to blame the kids.


This is not an exploit, no matter how many times you say it is, some "lawyer" you are lol.

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Still not the fault of the playerbase.


If you leave a box of sweets outside a kids playground but dont see that they can just jump and get them its not even logical to blame the kids.


This is not an exploit, no matter how many times you say it is, some "lawyer" you are lol.


So, if they create a bug so I can dupe my items and make $1,000,000 an hour, it would not be exploiting to take advantage of it? I do not think you understand the definition of exploit. Exploiting (by definition) is taking advantage of a bug, or unintended game mechanic, to gain an unfair advantage.


Yes, when a bug appears, people will be tempted to take advantage of it. The only way to prevent it is to make the consequences so severe, that people will be afraid to chance it.

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So, if they create a bug so I can dupe my items and make $1,000,000 an hour, it would not be exploiting to take advantage of it? I do not think you understand the definition of exploit. Exploiting (by definition) is taking advantage of a bug, or unintended game mechanic, to gain an unfair advantage.


Yes, when a bug appears, people will be tempted to take advantage of it. The only way to prevent it is to make the consequences so severe, that people will be afraid to chance it.


This is not equal to the issue.


It was not a bug, killing the players and the turrets is not a bug, or an exploit.


The playerbase here is not to blame, punishing the playerbase will only make things worse.


You cannot see this, it is obvious but just pause for thought for one moment, I'm pretty sure this Hickman guy has put out a placating post to stop the whining of the players who feel they were farmed. The problem was the game mechanic and not the playerbase.


The gains made were not as drastic as some people are making out. I still see the rebels being farmed in Ilum and the Imps will clearly have an advantage going forward, with or with out this alledged "exploitation".

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BW has stated that Ilum was not working as intended. Anyone (with the intelligence of a pet rock) could see it was not working as intended. Those people were taking advantage of a game mechanic that was not working as intended, to gain a huge advantage.


That is the definition of exploiting.


No. It was not an exploit. The turrets were always able to be destroyed. You are just accepting their lies.

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