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Everything posted by joeymcflow

  1. Payback is a ***** *****esss... I love how all the imps denied there ever was a problem the days after the patch. Good think they have the means to identify the people abusing the bug to reach battlemaster Good move BW!
  2. I've seen people who got battlemaster on two chars here in a day...
  3. I'll make this a short bulletin, for people who hate TLDRs The problem: Ilum in its current state allows for the dominating faction (Generally imperials on most servers) to crushingly farm the opposing faction in their base. A bug allows for their valor gain to increase without diminishing returns. (About 1000 valor per minute). The players reach Battlemaster in under a day. The cause: The bug that causes valor gain not to dimishing per kill combined with the new objective added to daily/weekly quest which has you killing players The outcome: People will get access to Battlemaster gear instantly, which allows them to join HIGH end gameplay (Be it PvP or PvE). Battlemaster gear is as good as Nightmare gear, and allows people to start doing the hardest content in the game Conclusion: This will KILL the game. Half my guild are planning on quitting, and i know they are not alone. Ilum needs to be taken down NOW! BEFORE they start looking for a solution, or infact... before they even take a look at the problem. In my opinion, i think we just saw the end of SWTOR. But hopefully i am wrong
  4. No need to leave the computer for lunch then, Ilum is one big soup now anyway.
  5. Its like with the previous Ilum daily. You get the objective if you are in the area. This took me about 10 minutes. I think the furthest i was able to move away from the GY was when a sith knocked me away. Died before i hit the ground though.
  6. Hello, I've found this quick and effective way to do the Ilum daily. Here is how you go through with it: 1. Get the quest, go to Ilum. Wait in your base. 2. A couple of hundred sith show up, they proceed to do naughty stuff to you on masse 3. Keep respawning while the your turret picks off sith, dont attempt to fight back 4. Once you have completed the quest, dont try running off. You will die and your computer will lag you back to nazi-germany. Instead, sign up for a Warzone 5. When in the warzone, wait in the spawn area until you get booted. You will end up in fleet this way. There you go! One daily completed!
  7. First of all, i'd like to complement BioWare with an incredible game. You truly have something to be proud of. This game is pushing the limits of what we percieve as an MMO today, and you are doing it well. I would also like to compliment you on the smoothest launch i have ever encountered so far in all my years of gaming. Both MMO and normal online games. (I am spending more time with this game than i am with Battlefield 3, and thats something...) Now, even great games have some things it can improve on, and while these are only my requests, i hope there are other people out there who feel the same way. And i'd just like to add one comment before i share some of my points: Stop with the "That is too much like WoW", "Don't copy WoW", "This is not the game you are looking for" comments. I can't begin to stress how stupid some of these comments actually are. MMO's are not reinvented every time a new one comes along. It's an evolving genre, and every new one borrows from the old ones. SWTOR has borrowed ALOT from World of Warcraft, but they have also left out alot. Which is good! Blizzard put alot of stuff in there which really made no sense, and BioWare has also solved alot of problems with easy solutions. Some of which were borrowed from other games, such as WAR/AOC and so on. This is OK! If a game does something correctly, it should be applied to similar games. And make no mistake, SWTOR and WoW are VERY similar. BioWare just made their MMO better than Blizzard made theirs Now, i'll post this in a list, and provide comments. Please be civilized and open for discussion when commenting on some of my suggestions here. If you answer with a trolly, douchy, flamey self biased post, i swear to god, i'll kidnap your cat and give it herpes. - Macro's I like macros. It clears up tons of space on my bars, it combines spells i dont use often into one button, in allows me to further define targets of some of my spells and i can dance without opening my chatbox every time! Just watch out so that people cant abuse them for character control or spell cycling. - Option for turning off Smart Camera I like to PvP, and sometimes, PvP includes running away from someone, especially if you play a caster, like i do. Now, the camera auto aligns with the character whenever i let go of the mouse button, so i cant keep track of what people behind me are doing effectively while running away. - Support for community created AddOns Alot of people are against this feature. Normally, these are people who never really saw the beauty of what addons can do for your gameplay. Now, they aren't game defining, but let me explain why i want them in SWTOR. My buff and debuff bar is SMALL. I have no idea when my HoTs and DoTs wear off. My buffs can be off for several minutes and i don't notice. I dislike the quickbar positioning, and the party positioning and would like to alter the look and move them some other more visible placement. I want to be able to calculate my best rotation, which i can only do with a stat collector or damage meter. - Target of Target Pretty self explained. Dont you think? For knowing who to assist(DPS), who is getting fired at(Healers), and which mob isnt firing at you(Tank) and who is getting targeted by that insane damage spell the inquisitor in the corner is currently charging (PvP). - Cooldown counter Simply a number count on the spell icons that tells me how long until i can use it again. I usually just glance at my bars quickly to see whats available, and with the current cooldown counter it is very easy to mistake "nearly finished" for "just started" - PvP Arena People will hate me for this, but i'll throw it in anyways. Hear me out here. World of Warcraft messed up the arenas. Seriously. It was fun, but it brought ALOT of **** with it. However, it was incredibly enjoyable. So here is my suggestion: Take away 2v2, make the rewards purely cosmetic (NO GEAR REWARDS, only titles and mounts and so on. This will take away the engame PvP focus from arenas and only make it something people do for some sense of achievement. And for those of you who say it will kill world pvp, it wont. Flying mounts kill world pvp. Arena hardly has anything to do with it. And under no circumstances, attempt to make general class balancing based on arena feedback. Arena is EXTREMELY situational and it is impossible to balance it without ruining it for the rest of the game as well. - Hutball It's *********** awesome. Don't do anything, or i'll kidnap your cat and give it SARS. If you are ever going competitive with a PvP aspect from SWTOR, this is a goldmine. Easy to balance, easy to understand for spectators, and very entertaining because of all the variables involved. Great job. I'd actually consider stop kidnapping cats if you made this rated and an esport. - Guild housing You've got player housing already (Personal spaceships), guild housing would be the next logical step. It could come in the form of a star cruiser or something. It brings a guild together and makes everything more personal. Now its a "gang", if you add guild housing it will become a "club". It has to be bought for the guild, and people could store trophies there, have the guild bank there, allow visitors in, chillout zones ++ Your game is already so heavily instanced, this would be an easy addition. Just make it accessible by the starship only and you dont even have to deal with the question: "Where should we put this!?". Sorry for the wall of text =) Any comments, inputs, other things you want to see? Keep it civil. Or else... you know... you cat.
  8. Im all for arenas, but make it a cosmetic addition. Basically just title rewards/mount rewards and so on. Make the gear come from warzone pvp.
  9. Flying mounts killed world pvp. Arena had nothing to do with it.
  10. Addons makes the game more enjoyable for the player. It gives them the oppertunity to customize their gameplay in ways a generic UI will not support. If you don't like addons, you simply dont have to use them. The fact that people believe addons give you an "edge" over other players is a myth. Most of the greatest world of warcraft pvpers were using the base UI. Also they are completely community driven, it is basically FREE promotion for BioWare. They basically enable the community to create a better gaming experience for themselves. And finally, addons are NOT a copy from wow. I am sick and tired of people neglecting every bit of suggestion just because world of warcraft had a similar thing. Wether you like it or not: WoW did ALOT of things right. NOT copying their strengths and leaving out their flaws would be silly. Plain idiotic. This is not a pioneering business. MMO's are an evolving concept, and can't be recreated with each game.
  11. It will be worse when everyone is ingame. I'm all for the "creating a good server pvp community" that everybody wants so bad, but wont the world pvp that everybody has been praising so much do all that? I like short queues, and i like level playfields. The notion that "the people who dont like this idea are the people who played lvl 19 twinks in wow" is ********. The people who dont like this idea are the end-game pvpers who dont want low level players who are still learning their class, with limited gear and a stat buff that makes them only 20% worse than they themselves are *********** up for the team. I'd take cross-realm WZ over that any day mind you...
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