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Community Blog: Ilum PvP issues


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You want to discus Ilum? I'll discuss Ilum:


BALANCE THE ******* NUMBERS IN ILUM. Problem solved. How many years have you guys been designing games? And you still haven't figured out that for areas to be equal in a MMO the numbers have to be even?


I have a great idea for a new Warzone!!!! Lets allow 5 players from one faction and 10 from the other!!! Doesn't this sound like a good idea????? No, it sounds like a ridiculously STUPID idea. And yet that is exactly what's happened in Ilum. And with all of the faction imbalance in the game already you didn't see it coming?


People should be fired over decisions like this.


And what's with the awful lag whenever you get 40 people together in Ilum? 8GB of DDR3 and a Nvidia G-force 1GB video card, low settings, lowered resolution and everything still grinds to a halt? Sloppy....sloppy sloppy.


Fix your game. Fix it fast.

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It was clearly an exploit.


1. To employ to the greatest possible advantage: exploit one's talents.

2. To make use of selfishly or unethically: See Synonyms at manipulate.

3. To advertise; promote.


Definition 2 would be the one that would apply itself to this particular situation. They used and manipulated the system knowing full well that this was not how it was intended to be used and that they were gaining an unfair and unethical advantage.





Exactly! The thing is they knew what they were doing was NOT what was intended. However to be fair, Bioware set this up by promoting the Sith sooooo heavily in this game. The fact is that Ilum wouldve worked as intended if one side didnt sooooo drastically outnumber the other. I can estimate there were at least 200 Sith camping the Republic base and preventing Republic players whos only mistake was joining the republic from playing a game that they too spend money on and have a right to play just like you! So, to all the Sith that are still crying....****....its getting real f'in annoying hearing Biowares precious Sith with every advantage a game can offer cry about keeping their cheated items....its f'in disgusting in my opinion!

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The entire patch was garbage not just a line of code or two. The situation with Illum being a broken open Pvp world persists. Also and most importantly, the addition of the Battlemaster Commendation system shows that Bioware has NO INTENTION of adding new useful content ANY time SOON, they just nerfing the time it takes to get your T3 armor, then making you sink money and time into your account while they sit in the Caribbean sip mohetoes and phone in their broken code. The new BM commendation drop rate is 25%...so every 2 days IF you do their ANNOYING daily's you'll be LUCKY to be Rewarded with 1 Battlemaster Commendation. before patch you'd get an ENTIRE piece every other bag or 3. Even if u assume you'll be hunting for awhile for the last several pieces its still Omega Nerfed. it completely screws anyone just becoming battlemaster or who just valor lvled 60 right before that patch. I know for a fact this patch is poo, played every MMORPG know to man and I've seen when they grasp at straws to Buy time. And that's what this is, a sinkhole. I for one am canceling my account until they fix their endgame content, and add at least a PVP rank system, otherwise there's nothing this game has to offer anyone Except **** Daily's.
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From what I've seen the population cap did not help us much on Ilum because the Imperials are still way outnumber us on our server (The Progenitor) at any given time.

Basically, the odds went from 50 vs 200 to 5 vs 20, which isn't that big of an improvement. Because the sides are inherently imbalanced there is no way to make up for the lack of Republic players. Except one.


The flashpoints established that Ilum is controlled by Darth Malgus' New Empire and both the Republic and the Empire are fighting against Malgus. So, here's how it should be.


1. Make the warzone smaller and make multiple instances.

2. Create two teams (say Pro-Malgus and Anti-Malgus) with BOTH Republic and Imperial players in them.

3. Create 2 ops groups of up to 8 people to help lessen the horrible impact of what you call a "game engine." No one enjoys watching a slide show.

4. Put the newly arrived people automatically in the ops group with fewer people.

5. Do not allow people to leave their respective ops groups while inside the warzone.


This is the only way that to make the sides balanced. If you mix Republic and Imperial players in Pro- and Anti-Malgus teams, both sides will have an equal amount of players.

This will not only give the Republic players the same chance that the Imperials already have, but the Imperials will also be able to fight against each other if there aren't any Republic players around. This is the only way to make up for player imbalance. Mix the teams.


Do this or Ilum will die.


P.S.: Dont try to tell us that the problem is with our computers. I ran 64 player maps in BF3 on max settings with perfect fps. Admit it, your game engine sucks.

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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you clearly have not played ultima online or you wouldnt be wanting your hand held by bioware when you pvp


^ The only thing worth reading in this whole thread. Nothing like killing someone and dry-looting their corpse :) I miss games like that with less carebears.

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You want to discus Ilum? I'll discuss Ilum:


BALANCE THE ******* NUMBERS IN ILUM. Problem solved. How many years have you guys been designing games? And you still haven't figured out that for areas to be equal in a MMO the numbers have to be even?


I have a great idea for a new Warzone!!!! Lets allow 5 players from one faction and 10 from the other!!! Doesn't this sound like a good idea????? No, it sounds like a ridiculously STUPID idea. And yet that is exactly what's happened in Ilum. And with all of the faction imbalance in the game already you didn't see it coming?


People should be fired over decisions like this.


And what's with the awful lag whenever you get 40 people together in Ilum? 8GB of DDR3 and a Nvidia G-force 1GB video card, low settings, lowered resolution and everything still grinds to a halt? Sloppy....sloppy sloppy.


Fix your game. Fix it fast.




I agree, I think there are one or two people at Bioware that should be fired over this. Whoever is responsible for their marketing campaign should be fired immediately. For a proffessional in the industry not to know that the majority of emo-teens will flood the dark-side when given the opportunity yet still put out such one sided material is unnacceptable in a proffessional setting.


All they had to do is put out one republic video for every Sith one. Maybe have a cinematic showing the Sith overcompensate for their fears (Like GL intended for them and their weakness) and make strategic blunders and celebrate the Republics strength of fearlessnes as the Jedi are most known for! You can argue that Hope was a republic victory, but I disagree. Hope was the worst one because it takes the stance that for the republic to eak out a win they have to A) endure heavy sacrifice, and B) A Jedi Master is no match in one on one vs. a Sith! These are the only two things the kids out there will latch onto. The entire marketing campaign is designed around the celebration of Sith power and Republic weakness.


This brings me to my next group I hold responsible. The writers. I understand that for any hero to have a story their must be dark-times. That doesnt translate to portray them as weak! Why do you feel the need to over emphasize that the republic doesnt stand a chance against the Empire. As a writer myself SmDh!!!!


Last but not least the Darth Vader posers who are your PvP balancing staff. Seriously guys purposely designing one faction to have all the "best" stuff because you've always fantasized about being DV is just plain pathetic. Im sorry its not a personal insult but the word pathetic actually fits for this circumstance. Its either that or you were all ignorant to the fact which is also unnacceptable!

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I am curious....Do the Imperial players actually know that they're frontrunners? I mean do they know they all follow each other like sheep? Do they somehow think that they were being in any way original? Like anything else in life things change. It used to be that by wearing the dark-sides colors made u a rebel, different from the heard! Times have changed and the dynamic has flipped....If you want to be different go light side, if you want to pool in with the rest of the kiddies go dark!
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I am also curious whether their are any republic dominated servers whatsoever? Im just curious as I would never place myself on a server that my faction owns. Theres no honor in that to me! I enjoy a challenge so I will always play on the underdogs team, its just me. However I am still curious because I hear so many ppl say their server is 4 to 1, or 5 to 1 imperial dominated and since mine is like 4 to 1 it seems this is the standard? Are all the servers at 4 to 1 imps? Edited by SinnQ
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This is stupid. Bioware makes a horrible mechanic for Ilum then blames the players that took advantage of the horrible mechanic. It reminds me of 4th grade when we made our own games on the playground, got beat at them, then blamed the kids that won the games we made. Go ahead and change the rules again Bioware, and when you end up crying because your game is broken try to remember it's your fault. Full disclosure: I'm not one of the people talented enough to farm valor, my PC can't even handle the 150 people fighting at the base at once anyway, so I'm not upset because bioware changed a mechanic i was good at. It's just ****** to punish the player-base because the highly esteemed design team somehow didn't see this coming.


So let me get this straight you think people shouldn't be punished for exploiting? Taking advantage of other players is okay? Think about the people who couldn't play their characters because they were stuck in the base and couldn't play. Sure PVP servers have a disclaimer about being camped as not being harrassment it's your choice to play. But the bases are supposed to be a sanctuary. The people who got camped are paying constumers and think of the hours they spent not being able to play or going on alts because people were exploiting them.


Luckily I am on a low population server and have yet to see anyone in Ilum but I agree with those who say punish them. If someone does something against the rules even unwillingly do we let them go unpunished? No, we don't just slap them on the wrist we give them a penalty of some sort like a ticket, or fine.

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So let me get this straight you think people shouldn't be punished for exploiting? Taking advantage of other players is okay? Think about the people who couldn't play their characters because they were stuck in the base and couldn't play. Sure PVP servers have a disclaimer about being camped as not being harrassment it's your choice to play. But the bases are supposed to be a sanctuary. The people who got camped are paying constumers and think of the hours they spent not being able to play or going on alts because people were exploiting them.


Luckily I am on a low population server and have yet to see anyone in Ilum but I agree with those who say punish them. If someone does something against the rules even unwillingly do we let them go unpunished? No, we don't just slap them on the wrist we give them a penalty of some sort like a ticket, or fine.


As far as I am concerned, playing Empire on most pvp servers is exploting. I am not surprised that Empire players behaved badly.

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I've waited for about a week after the Ilum update before posting, and because most of my grievances have been listed prior, I'm not going to rehash it. I just want to voice my concern that the PvP in Ilum is far worse in 1.1 than it was prior - it was a terrible update and should have been fixed to work "as intended" before rolling it out.


My real question: Is there somewhere that BW could link stating what was actually intended with Ilum - what were they really hoping to accomplish, instead of saying after the fact that what they published wasn't as intended?

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I've waited for about a week after the Ilum update before posting, and because most of my grievances have been listed prior, I'm not going to rehash it. I just want to voice my concern that the PvP in Ilum is far worse in 1.1 than it was prior - it was a terrible update and should have been fixed to work "as intended" before rolling it out.


My real question: Is there somewhere that BW could link stating what was actually intended with Ilum - what were they really hoping to accomplish, instead of saying after the fact that what they published wasn't as intended?


What feedback was given by testers while 1.1 was on the PTS?

Edited by Samaul
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I take this quote as an excample for most of the other "hey we played as you designed it" stances.


First of to the one above: As I understand it they did not camp the other side OUTSIDE the base but inside a supposed to be free haven, specifically the spawn point for characters appearing in the camp. So when you got killed and you returned to the medcenter, bam killed again and because it takes a while to restore the character you had no oportunity to get away.

Whoever took part in this clearly did take advantage of an obviously broken mechanic. Deductive thinking should then clearly indicate that this is a bug and the situation is broken. The next steps? Create a ticket, leave Illum until it is fixed.

Second: A game/project/whatever is designed according to the specifications, written down in advance. How it plays out might be completely difference from the designed game. Even the statement "hey they implemented it, right [with the 1.1 patch]?" It is clear to anyone that they implemented a bug which had to be rectified.

Third. If you leave your wallet in the dressing room of a gym, swimming pool whatever and I take it. I am stealing. Even if YOU made a mistake, I can not say "what the heck. You left it there for the taking. Obviously. As a gift for my 123th day after my last birthday. I think the judge whould not do as much as raising an eyebrow. I am expected to give the wallet to the reception or similar points, so that you can be contacted or it can be given back. So even IF they made a mistake... the people using this are i nthe same position as not giving back the wallet.


So in short: playing on Illum after 1.1 and chasing the other faction into their camps, is probably not generating anything at all. If the player realizes the situation and was backing off... no problem.

Staying there and making live / play frustrating for others by exploiting an obvious bug for hours on end should net a painful, nerve-wracking, debilitating amputation of apendages without the use of anaesthetics.


For the record... I also do not understand why the persons who got camped did not log of either, but that is another story.





You're seriously analogizing a crime to poor game design? Really? Also, even before 1.1, a group of players could go inside the other faction's camp and kill the turrets if they wanted to, and stay there as long as they wanted. So quite honestly there was no indication that staying in the other faction's camp wasn't intended to happen until they released 1.1.


I'm on the imperial side and on our server we never camped inside the base. The whole group would stand outside the base, wait for Rebs to gather inside the base, then eventually charge in and wipe everyone out since there are always more Imperials in the zone.


This is not an exploit, it is the pure consequence of having an open pvp zone where the population of one faction dominates another. Even after the patch, it is still like that on my server. A massive group of imperials camps outside the republic base and steamrolls Rebs that show up. It's so bad that at this point most Republic players don't even go to Ilum anymore.

Edited by Jenniya
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The flashpoints established that Ilum is controlled by Darth Malgus' New Empire and both the Republic and the Empire are fighting against Malgus. So, here's how it should be.


1. Make the warzone smaller and make multiple instances.

2. Create two teams (say Pro-Malgus and Anti-Malgus) with BOTH Republic and Imperial players in them.

3. Create 2 ops groups of up to 8 people to help lessen the horrible impact of what you call a "game engine." No one enjoys watching a slide show.

4. Put the newly arrived people automatically in the ops group with fewer people.

5. Do not allow people to leave their respective ops groups while inside the warzone.


This is the only way that to make the sides balanced. If you mix Republic and Imperial players in Pro- and Anti-Malgus teams, both sides will have an equal amount of players.

This will not only give the Republic players the same chance that the Imperials already have, but the Imperials will also be able to fight against each other if there aren't any Republic players around. This is the only way to make up for player imbalance. Mix the teams.



I like this idea. You also team with the empire once in one of the consular's main quest. Although on the republic side, for Jedis, it would be difficult to justify them fighting each other on the role playing side of things since there is only one leadership (council). I'm willing to ignore this if it can fix pvp balance though.

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So "Winning" is now a punishable offense? Even if I'm the one being camped, I don't blame my campers. That's what open world PVP is all about. Control the objectives and stop them from being able to respawn and you win. We did that in Arathi Basin all the time in WoW.


The fault is on the developers... that if that spawnpoint is being camped, you should be able to rez elsewhere (further away though).


Happened to me on Voss at the Shrine of Healing. The medical droid is the only place to spawn and if they capture it and camp your body you can't do anything but logout and wait.

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Carebear alert. Roll on a pve if u waana qq about getting camped. Sounds ignorant right? So does all the comment demanding imps to get rollback or balance servers automatically. And most of all, BW threats are thost ignorant and empty threats. Ban someone for wat? Knowingly exploiting? You have zero evidence they "knew" they were exploiting. Your failure to properly design does not constitute a need to comprehend every detail of the game mechanics.


If it didnt work as intended then you should have thought about that before releasing public. You had ample time to test and elaborate and provide opportunity to find all exploits however you failed BW. Now technically your roll back on any player for a faulty mechanic PRODUCED by you is in a sense stealing there time they spent which would be like stealing money. They pay to play, not to play in fear of accidently being involved in an exploit. Now maybe thats a drastic statement but think now on a corpwrate level like BW is. BWhas an income from us but if the gov wanted to step in and say hey this is not how we intended for whatever reason seems fit and takes half the profit or all in this case, Bw be mad bro. Well thats how it looks and how it is. So the argument is merely the fairness and blame. Solved above.


If you dint wanna worry about being camped or unfairness in pvp go roll pve on pve server. Simple. If you play pvp and complain about being camped blah blah, close and restart client and select pve server and create character button. Those are both100percent flawless.



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we are now carefully investigating players who were on Ilum during this period, and present at some of these 'camping' events. I can reassure you that those who were involved and who gained an unfair advantage over other players inappropriately will be carefully reviewed and action will be taken to restore game balance. This could include Valor adjustments or account actions in accordance with the severity of the issue.


We have made the decision not to enact a mass 'rollback' of Valor points for all players in the game, or even on Ilum. This would unfairly penalize some players who may not have been present during this event. Rest assured though, anyone and everyone who is found to have exploited the situation to an unreasonable degree will be investigated and actions taken as needed. Our in-game metrics are able to give us precise details on where players were, what they were doing and what rewards they gained.


We take any sort of situation where one group of players gains an unexpected or unintended advantage over other players very seriously and will act to ensure that all players can have a fair and fun game experience.



This is fantastic to hear. People who use exploits to gain an unfair advantage over others do not deserve to prosper from their ill gotten gains and I am happy to see that Bioware has the same view.

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to be quite honest, how many of you people who have spent time complaining about this game have actually played an mmo before? really, which ones? in all of your extensive experience as an mmo player, have you found a perfect game? with no bugs/ lags/ bad patches/unbalanced pvp? so why is the bar set so high only a month into this game's release? wow was a joke a month into its release, so was runescape, everquest, FF, diablo, sw galaxies, etc, etc. the truth is, a month is not a very long time to fix every problem in a game as immense as this. it takes time, something that bw is trying to manage well, i might add. but then again, bw doesn't have as many years experience in mmo's as wow does. it took that game nearly 7 years to have something close to a balanced pvp system. which its still not, btw. nor will it ever be. and neither will any game ever be BALANCED. the key is trying to get as close to the mark as they can. 1 month isn't long enough to tell if bw will deliver or not. personally, im happy with the game. and i dont mind the rage quitters leaving if they dont know what the word patience is, chances are they suck at pvp anyways.
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Carebear alert. Roll on a pve if u waana qq about getting camped. Sounds ignorant right? So does all the comment demanding imps to get rollback or balance servers automatically. And most of all, BW threats are thost ignorant and empty threats. Ban someone for wat? Knowingly exploiting? You have zero evidence they "knew" they were exploiting. Your failure to properly design does not constitute a need to comprehend every detail of the game mechanics.


If it didnt work as intended then you should have thought about that before releasing public. You had ample time to test and elaborate and provide opportunity to find all exploits however you failed BW. Now technically your roll back on any player for a faulty mechanic PRODUCED by you is in a sense stealing there time they spent which would be like stealing money. They pay to play, not to play in fear of accidently being involved in an exploit. Now maybe thats a drastic statement but think now on a corpwrate level like BW is. BWhas an income from us but if the gov wanted to step in and say hey this is not how we intended for whatever reason seems fit and takes half the profit or all in this case, Bw be mad bro. Well thats how it looks and how it is. So the argument is merely the fairness and blame. Solved above.


If you dint wanna worry about being camped or unfairness in pvp go roll pve on pve server. Simple. If you play pvp and complain about being camped blah blah, close and restart client and select pve server and create character button. Those are both100percent flawless.




I don't know what anyone else thinks, but as for me, any credibility your argument might have had went out the window along with your spelling, grammar, and ability to type a complete sentence. I swear I started bolding the blatant /facepalm parts only to realize I might as well just bold the whole damn thing. One sure fire way to get your point across, don't make yourself sound like an uneducated, ranting idiot. (though I did enjoy the irony of you calling others ignorant

Edited by GalenDurron
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I don't know what anyone else thinks, but as for me, any credibility your argument might have had went out the window along with your spelling, grammar, and ability to type a complete sentence. I swear I started bolding the blatant /facepalm parts only to realize I might as well just bold the whole damn thing. One sure fire way to get your point across, don't make yourself sound like an uneducated, ranting idiot. (though I did enjoy the irony of you calling others ignorant


Was typing it on my phone. And no the argument still stands. Your pickiness is just prohibiting your brains ability to access the logic mainframe.

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