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George lucas -- We Love You


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George Lucas -- Star Wars I - VI where amazing movies. You are a great film maker. It is a tragedy you have decided to stop making films. I am making this thread to let you know there are fans who actually love your recent and old films just as much.


Jar Jar binks was a great character. Anakin was perfect in the first movie, that character allowed us to see the true transition to the dark side. From innocence to Sith Darth.


I pray you reconsider making another Star Wars film. I feel the story of Revan is one of the greatest Neogreek tragedies of our time. It is rare in our society for a true tragedy to be written. Too many directors and movie makers think we can not handle the deep evil that lies just below the surface. The story of a man who had fallen so far redeeming himself, a Heroine dieing for love. A Sith Lord, Scourge feeling the light and knowing what he must do to keep hope alive. Trapped in his role of sith despite feeling the pull of the light.


I know that only you could direct this story. I know in the Episode III, one of the most powerful moments, a moment that showed anakins full fall to the darkside was when he killed the younglings.


The tragic redemption of Darth Revan should be told. Only you can do it. Only you have the sole of a greek to direct such a tragedy. I agree the fans of star wars will never be happy with a sequal to episods I - VI. Don't make them a movie. Make a movie for those of us who respect the entire Star Wars Universe you inspired.


It is not just star wars I loved. It is all your films. Your films inspire hope and redemption through tragedy. The Land Before Time, was an extremly poweful film. Disney could never make such a poweful film with real emotion and diversity in an animated form. It was my favorite childrens movie as a kid.


Willow, I watched that movie about 60 times as a kid. But my sister was the real fan having watched it just about everyday for months. Redemption, hope. The cornerstones of your films.


I ask you to let the fans Redeem themselves, give us hope of another George Lucas film. 99% of people who post about films do so negatively, it is like MMO games. People tend to say nothing when they enjoy something, but scream at the top of their lungs against something they dislike.


We Love you George Lucas. Please don't deny a new generation a story they will remember. No one else can do what you do.

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Either someone is very ignorant...or a troll. George is at his best when he advises films and not writes/directs them. This is why the original trilogy is such a classic that revolutionized film making. Edited by Seisaan
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Wow. Someone has certainly been drinking the Kool Aid (or imbibing some sort of mind altering substance).


Although, come to think of it, I might be able to say it, too, albeit with a slight alteration.


George Lucas -- We would Love You to give someone else control of the story so you stop jacking everything up!

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One could argue that.


Ok so I guess all the people pretty much that waited hours in line to see the movie, the whole generation changes, new ideas and a set up for the two following movies and not to mention raking in a ton of money was just one huge fluke right?

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Considering Georges original ideas for the Star Wars characters and the overall story I'm glad people in power changed things. If he was in control from the start things would have been extremely silly. Look what he does when he has complete control, Jar Jar Binks, his pride and joy is born. Anyway, thank you for sparking off Star Wars but its much bigger than you. Farewell George :) Edited by BladeStrike
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Eh. I love Lucas for everything he's given the world. It may not be the best by some measures, it may not even qualify as 'good' by others, but his movies have (to date) inspired the imagination and the heart to great things. Even if his own works weren't of the highest quality possible, it's hard to say that many others have inspired such a wealth of other material and could leave such a wonderful universe as a legacy.


o7 May the Force be with you in the future, George. And don't forget your hat.

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Lucas needs to not have any creative control over this IP, or association with the Indie one for that matter. He is terrible, and his ideas have been terrible for a long, long time in a galaxy very close to this one.


Like that old quarterback past his prime, he is only going to make his former fans hate him. I mean, I already do, but some might not yet.

Edited by Poor_Grammar
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He's a bad director, that is certain. Miscasts and lazy camera work, indeed!!


But he is the man that made Star Wars, and wether you like it or not, we are al playing this game, loving the movies(some or all of them) and liking the universe he made.


He wrote the greatest story in Hollywood. He had the great idea of making the galaxy(or as we hope to see it, future) not the streamlined clean version we see in Star Trek and other Sience Fiction, but making it as we know our world. Full of great technologies, but dirty in some places(Milenium Falcon for example).


And yes Episode I to III were not what Episode IV to VI were, but they weren't a disaster(still decent movies). The story is good, it's the actors(well mostly Anakin, I loved Ewen McGreggor and Samuel L.Jackson, just as Liam Neeson,...) and witch types of characters to show(Jar Jar,...) and directing that were bad. Had he given the directing and casting to someone different, we would all love George Lucas now

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I like the George Lucas that defied Hollywood and made Star wars (IV). I despise the man he became.


I agree totally. Hes got such a Hollywood mindset now. Hes become his worst enemy. Im not sure if these people realize that the communism that they embrace would have prevented them at having the chance at the greatness they achieved.

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When evaluating the writing of the original Star Wars movies, one should remember that there was a LOT of improvisation going on, especially on the part of Harrison Ford.


Some of the lines that you see in the movie are NOT the ones that were in the original script. That's a good thing. (For example: "I love you"/"I know", and the whole "Boring conversation anyway" bit.)

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