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Best And Worst Class Story?


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Well, I'll put it this way... I'm seriously considering rolling a second agent JUST so I can make different choices at the end of Chapter 1.


That's what I thought was great about the Agent storyline that isn't present in the others that I've seen; you can play it several ways and it actually feels right no matter what tack you take.


You can be a loyal servant of the Emperor and the Sith, a loyal citizen of the Empire who doesn't like the Sith and undermines them whenever he can, a cruel bastard, etc. You can have respectful relations with your superior officers and combative with the Sith, or you can be *** to your superior officers and servile to Sith, or both, or neither, and it works.


Jedi feel like they have the option of "Standard Jedi" and "Jedi who missed his coffee this morning". Most of the other classes I've played feel the same way. I think it's because most are based on thoroughly established archetypes in Star Wars, where the agent is more of a clean slate.

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Jedi feel like they have the option of "Standard Jedi" and "Jedi who missed his coffee this morning". Most of the other classes I've played feel the same way. I think it's because most are based on thoroughly established archetypes in Star Wars, where the agent is more of a clean slate.


Ha ha ha, that is perfectly said. I recall I was going to make my first Consular a Vrook Lamar sort (light side, but a jerk about it). The sort that expects everyone to live up to his impossibly high moral standards. Instead he ended up looking like he was bipolar. Super kind one second, super ticked off the next.


With the agent, you're treading carefully through tough political waters where everyone you meet has their own motives.

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I found the inquisitor to be rather dull, you end up feeling like some errand boy(girl) through 90% of it.


"go gather these things for me because i am much to busy to be bothered with such a trivial task" ... derp


I absolutely agree. My problem with the SI is that you are basically fumbling your way in the dark for most of the storyline without making any actual choices for yourself. Not to mention parts of it just feel contrived


Ashara makes absolutely no sense. She can kill hundreds of Jedi with me, but it's ok, she's still a Jedi! She's not going to fall to the dark side because...get this...she says so! (And that's AFTER I easily tempted her with a holocron which resulted in her masters dying.) Oh and of course there's Thanaton, who wants to kill you because of ...wait for it... a tradition! which nobody else has ever heard of, and then challenges you to a contest (which he then loses) which once again nobody but him seems to care about.


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Well, I'll put it this way... I'm seriously considering rolling a second agent JUST so I can make different choices at the end of Chapter 1.


I actually played an agent to 33 and clicked the wrong button (and in the heat of things forgot I can Esc) and it all turned out wrong - not eh way I wanted it......................


It mattered so much to me that I immediately deleted the character, and made another one and played aaaaall the way back to 33.

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So i've noticed a phrase come up over an over in this thread: "If you go ls/ds"


As of now, LS and DS are completely useless. All you get is some ok gear, a mount, and a pet. I played through the JK story as LS because that's what my paladin/obi wan like character would have done. I made DS decisions like choosing the romance with Kira because i think it's BS that a good honest Jedi can't love somebody, but that's another story.


I was playing through my Trooper and i was on Taris. Dorne, the healer you get, came on holo and told me the imp officer i had at gun point was a monster. She's a by the book kind of person and explain that it would be best to kill him. Now, i was going to hit LS and let him live, when i realized that's not what I would have done; that's what an indoctrinated robot would have done. My Trooper stands up to General Garza's bs because it isn't right to kill civis, it isn't right to use genocidal tech from the imps to kill our enemies, and it isn't right to lie to people who are laying their lives on the line to help me when they don't have to.


So I shot the jerk in the face, and with that single shot, i stopped caring about LS/DS.


I started playing the story for me and my character, and that's what everybody needs to do.

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I have found most of the stories I've played so far to be engaging and enjoyable. The Sith Warrior I have played through to level 40 and greatly enjoyed Act 1, and the parts of Act 2 I have seen. The whole Janessa storyline was fantastic, and the ending of Act 1 has ROTJ written all over it. Act 2 revolves nicely around your master setting up BIG PLAYS on the galactic scale, you feel very much like the apprentice to a powerful master(like you should) and also begin to feel that perhaps you should step out on your own...The whole thing gives you the right level of Star Wars+dragonball z+something something dark side I would expect and desire from it.


The Jedi Knight storyline is the polar opposite. Go here: save the galaxy. Go here: save the galaxy. It's good, and the Kira side story is great. You definitely feel like Obi Wan. Although sometimes being the good guy actually means FALLING FOR BLATANTLY OBVIOUS TRICKS AND DECEPTIONS. There were a few moments where I was pissed that the light side option basically meant "take this obviously lying cheating scumbag at his word. and close your eyes for 15 seconds. he promises he wont escape".


Sith Inquisitor up through level 20something has been fun. Zash is neat, It's tough figuring out how I want to play him though. So far it's been dark side with a soft spot for slaves.

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The SI had some interesting twists that I didn't see coming. The "reason" that drags you from planet to planet in chapter two is pretty unique as well. I also like how you spend all of chapter 3 working towards one goal, though I am a bit disappointed that all this power your character seems to happen to him rather than have the feel that you earned it.


The Trooper storyline blows. Chapter 1 is kind of neat I guess...at least it works towards a single goal, however you NEVER get to know Havoc Squad so you are completely unattached them. They really need for you to spend more time with these NPCs so you give a damn about what happens to them. Chapter 2 is just stopping a super weapon. I'm playing with my friend who is a Jedi Knight and he's already stopped THREE super weapons! Woopedy doo!


I've barely played IA, but it seems neat. It makes you think "Oooo so this is how the empire gets stuff done with the Sith mucking up everything with their unnecessary violence and hatred."

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Jedi Knight is by far the most boring, horrible story I have come across since Heroes season 3. It was another typical, rehashed, " You are the chosen one!" but then that isn't fair because ALL the other stories are like that...I would say it's more like Force Unleashed and every other Star Wars game that made the Jedi character you play a god.


The story made me believe Jedi were more of god like and unstoppable than any other game which shared the same "legendary Jedi that will be label as Unknown Jedi in the future" story.


I think the Jedi Knight story was so past Star Wars movie fantasy, it made A New Hope look like Goodfellas.


Trooper however, now this story is great. Feels like your character has a soul and brain.

Edited by Tiaa
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Best - IA (most choices with consequences hands down)

2nd best - SW (very entertaining, doesnt take itself too seriously)




Worst - propably Trooper. After chapter 1 (which isn't bad in itself) there pretty much is no story. Just some (very) loosely connected missions.


2nd worst - Consular (ZERO choices with consequences, sometimes story even actually retcons your dark side choices)

I really loved my Trooper's story, but I found the Jedi's to be really REALLY good as well.

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I have 11 toons right now...


So far even though my JK is my main, I have found the story not all that interesting, my favourite republic into zone story was the consular. The trooper story I liked a lot from 1-10, the smuggler I haven't gotten very far into yet.


On the Imperial side my main is the Sith Assassin which is not too bad but not any better than my JK story.


From what I've played so far of my Imperial Agent, I like the story a lot so far. Also the Bounty hunter has been fun up to the point I played it.

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Personally, I loved the Inquisitor storyline, up until near the end, when things got repetitive... The ending to it was very well done, IMO though.


As far as the worst I've played so far, I'd say it's the Trooper I just started the other day. It's a pretty dry story to me.

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Trooper however, now this story is great. Feels like your character has a soul and brain.

I loved the trooper story, but I felt it had sort of the opposite problem to your complaints about the JK story. In the end, especially compared to the way the SW/JK/IA stories play out, everything you do feels like it's just all background noise.



The Inquisitor story bothered me because it doesn't feel like there's nearly as much intrigue as their should be. You're a Sith, a creature supposedly built around the idea of deception and backstabbery... and more specifically you're the craftier and more subtle variation of the Sith... but there's none of that actually happening in the game.


Especially weird when put up against the SW storyline, which is pretty much all about Sith politics when you boil it down ( despite the SW being painted as the more brutish of the two ).


Sith Assassin? More like Sith Archaeologist....

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I feel like I have to elaborate more on the Bounty Hunter's crew to justify just how awesome each of them are.


Mako - She's got a vendetta. I won't spoil it, but despite her reasons for vengeance being very cliche, she's just a very likeable character in general. She reminds me of the cute techie girl in most sci-fi/fantasy story who's a pro navigator and a walking encyclopedia that you can't help but fawn over because she's also sort of goofy.


Gault - He's sarcastic and witty, but you can tell there's something missing in his life that's very important to him. My relationship with him is something like me being the young hotshot and him being the two-bit old timer. He even has the same relationship with Torian, and the two go at it every now and then. He gives me advice, but I tend to follow it loosely, if at all, and I always expect him to say something about it.


Torian - I could be really good friends with this guy. He's a very traditional person who has a clear code of honor that I share. He respects and looks up to me despite my not being part of his true heritage, and I see him as a little brother. He's also a pretty boy and seems to attract Mako, so I have to jump between them from time to time to remind him that she's mine, lol.


Blizz - Ok, if you don't love Blizz, then you have no heart. He's a part of me that I never knew I needed, and now I can't live without. He's just so adorable and quirky. :D


Skadge - Sometimes I just wanna toss him out of the airlock, but I can't help to respect the guy for his bluntness and willingness to face anything head on. His motives are suspect, and his interactions with the rest of my crew can get pretty tense at times, but there's no one I can rely on to jump into a warzone armed with nothing but his fists other than Skadge.


My favorite part about the BH story is that the bounties seem like side missions, while his relationship with his crew ultimately plays the bigger role. I've also just reached a turning point in my Bounty Hunting career. I'm generally pretty apathetic to both Imperial and Republic relations, and will pledge my allegiance to who pays me more -- nothing personal. But BioWare just tossed a wrench into that for the moment, and I now genuinely want to kill a certain person for a very personal reason.

Edited by CapitaFK
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I'm nearly done the Jedi Consular Chapter 1, and it is mediocre. Where-as the other story are personal, the Consular's is more generic. Really, aside from a technicality just about anyone could go on the Consular's quest. I can't remember the names of any supporting characters aside from Yuon Par. Qyzen is pretty one-note so far (hint: he likes hunting). A bright spot is Theran, who's fun to be around and has the perky sidekick Holiday to keep things going.


The mystery that the Consular storyline revolves around seems really obvious. I say 'seems' because I'm not done Chapter 1, so I could be wrong! We'll see if my prediction is right once I finish.


Ok, just finished Chapter 1.



I guessed right on the 'big reveal'. On the plus side, my character didn't have to think about it too hard. I guess being told the exact same thing by every final boss of all the previous planets drilled it into her head.


The rest of the Council, however, act like morons. First they're all shocked at the revelation like it never even occurred to them, when it's really quite obvious. Second they say how they're going to monitor the experiment between you and Yuon... but then totally don't. Third, for no good reason they send only the Consular on the big final mission of Chapter 1. C'mon, guys, pick up the slack here.



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There seems to be a lot of Emperor’s New Clothes “I hear IA is the best and Consular is the worst” nonsense.


Whether you will find a particular class story “good or bad” depends a LOT upon how you approach it. The game story, companions, PC voice etc really funnels you along certain paths.


This isn’t necessarily a bad thing but if you fight against it too much you will likely hit a hit wall of *** my character wouldn’t do/say that, why cant I pick a fourth option and join the seperatists/cabal/whatevers. As a result of this I am enjoying the Consular story the most and abandoned the Imperial Agent character.


Before release I was most excited about creating an Imperial Agent as my main. I thought of a little backstory, some basic likes/dislikes and goals. Basically a pro Empire by the book upper class guy who didn’t make it into Sith training because of a lack of Force sensitivity. I was delighted with the snarky English accent, loved the skullduggery on Hutta, but it was all downhill from there. The companion I am stuck with is anti-Empire and disapproves every time I make an in character decision. At the end of Chapter One I am still Neutral form a mish mash of light/dark a pro Empire outlook gave me. The non-class quests seemed to make more sense than the Class quests which rewarded loyalty to the Sith and Empire by jerking me around and treating me more like a servant/terrorist than a trusted Agent. I abandoned the character (and Kaliyo) on Nar Shardar because it no longer made sense and in my mind he did a runner, disillusioned with the Empire and the galaxy and bought his own planet in the Bahamas. The dialogue options, event and companion really pushed / assumed I was a snarky anti-Imperial anarchist and I think it would have made more sense and been enjoyable if I had have played such a character, if I do go back to the AI it will be a new character from that perspective.


Next I tried a JConsular which according to the forum sheep is supposedly the worst story. I have just got off Courscant and am absolutely loving it. Full Dark side, but not ChaoticStupid puppy evil, more Saruman lore chasing, violence is necessary to protect and preserve. The story allows this kind of role to be played brilliantly, the first companion names me Herald of his god who demands killing as much prey to increase divine “score”, this reconciles/plays well with the Jedi non-agression philosophy and game mechanic of “kill 60 mobs”. The story is epic, in the quests on the first planet I follow the ethos of the First Dark Jedi (shame I couldn’t become his apprentice), forge lightsaber, slay all who might oppose me, my “masters” aren’t brain-washing / bossing me around, showdown in the ruins if the Jedi Temple on Coursant love it.


Generally I think its more exciting/enjoyable to play a rebel anti-hero and BW is aware of this. I also think the personality of the 1st companions is a big indicator of what direction the story is going to be pushing you in. If you really hate the 1st companion and they are –minus effection of every decision you make it might be an indication you will be fighting an uphill RP battle with the story.

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There seems to be a lot of Emperor’s New Clothes “I hear IA is the best and Consular is the worst” nonsense.




While it's cool that you like the JC story better than the IA's, I don't think it's fair to insult others who feel the opposite.


Personally, I like the IA story much better than the JC story (only through the Chapter 1 on the JC story though). That doesn't make me sheep.

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Just to add, I played the IA with a similar personality as you. Very by-the-book. I also ended up fairly neutralish (but that's fine). I did alright with affection on Kaliyo, though. While she didn't like me sucking up to authority, she liked whenever I happily agreed to go Kill X Whatevers.


I wouldn't put too much stock in the -1's so long as you're still getting at least a moderate amount of affection. Even if you don't, gifts will solve that problem.

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While it's cool that you like the JC story better than the IA's, I don't think it's fair to insult others who feel the opposite.


Personally, I like the IA story much better than the JC story (only through the Chapter 1 on the JC story though). That doesn't make me sheep.


I am not insulting those who feel the opposite I am insulting those who just parrot the line "I hear IA is the nest JC is the worst" without playing either.


Personally I found the disconnect of playing a loyal Imperial Agent too much, I suppose part of the enjoyment could have come from playing that role and the realisation /response to them jerking you around so much (it just annoyed me though).


As I mentioned in my post, generally I think there is more enjoyment to be had from the anti-hero, ie playing a light side SW, a DS JC, etc. IA for me felt to contrived/ hipster forced into an anti-hero role that I did not at all want to play the character as. My suspension of disbelief was fighting the plot too much. Someone role-playing a snarky, rebellious IA wouldnt have had that though.

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As I mentioned in my post, generally I think there is more enjoyment to be had from the anti-hero, ie playing a light side SW, a DS JC, etc. IA for me felt to contrived/ hipster forced into an anti-hero role that I did not at all want to play the character as. My suspension of disbelief was fighting the plot too much. Someone role-playing a snarky, rebellious IA wouldnt have had that though.


Weird. I played a by-the-book IA and had no problems. To each their own, I suppose.

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SW story was actually amazing. Was a lot of twisting and back stabbing and thirst for power.


Then I played BH and having just finished it, I can tell you it's boring. If you're looking for a story that is tells the player to kill a bounty, then the player goes and kills it, then this is perfect for you, because that's as much as you'll get. There were one or two set ups where I got ambushed, but honestly, I found it weak.


On the upside, Blizz is an amazing character. Minor spoiler alert, but when he tells you to close your eyes and hold out your hands for a gift he's made, it's brilliant.

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