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Take off your rose colored nostalgia glasses. SWG released the CU and NGE because the game was bad and the population was already fleeing to WoW in droves.


If you actually played pre-CU SWG today, you'd be amazed at how bad it really was.

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Star Wars Galaxies WAS a better game, but then again I am very biased towards sandbox style gameplay. And the open world pvp was WAAAAYYY better and fitting to the Star Wars Universe.


Star Wars Galaxies, in the end, was garbage. Pre-CU SWG hasn't existed in SEVEN YEARS. It is time to move on.

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Star Wars Galaxies WAS a better game, but then again I am very biased towards sandbox style gameplay. And the open world pvp was WAAAAYYY better and fitting to the Star Wars Universe.


Like 3 Rancors, or 3 AT-ST's?


I liked SWG for awhile, and I even played a Squad Leader. The game never worked right though, and the "sandbox" had no sand.

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Never played SWG and never cared to but from what i heard about it with the player homes/ cities / economy this game could actually be better if it had it. however it also has to be noted that SWG has officially been shut down and the servers went offline while the early access for TOR was running
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SWG Sucked. Its been sucking and it had what a good 6 months and then it began to fall. It wasn't nearly as successful as SWTOR. It had a cap of about 350,000 subs, SWTOR had 1 million boxes sold on the first day. A total of 2 million the next week and its been increasing.


And SWG had no story, no quests, all people did was sit aorund and buy things and hang out in their cities.

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From what I have read SWG PRE CU would have been an awsome game because stupid people wouldnt like it, it would be to hard for them, since they would have to think, and do more than push a button. I love SWTOR but I am looking into try the SWGem think that would be awsome. However I do like SWTOR for the story telling and the since of purpose the game makes you feel like you toon has. SWG does not have this feature but still sounds like it was a better game the SWTOR. However my uncle played it and said while it was the funnest MMO he has ever played, that it had alot of bug when it first came out and that is was drove people away before the PRE CU, and then that drove even more people away.
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From what I have read SWG PRE CU would have been an awsome game because stupid people wouldnt like it, it would be to hard for them, since they would have to think, and do more than push a button. I love SWTOR but I am looking into try the SWGem think that would be awsome. However I do like SWTOR for the story telling and the since of purpose the game makes you feel like you toon has. SWG does not have this feature but still sounds like it was a better game the SWTOR. However my uncle played it and said while it was the funnest MMO he has ever played, that it had alot of bug when it first came out and that is was drove people away before the PRE CU, and then that drove even more people away.


Questing and lvling in SWG was the worst of the worst. And even die-hard fans agree. The only reason it had success(Which wasn't much), was because of the player-base economy. And most of the players just sat around hanging doing nothing..

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Questing and lvling in SWG was the worst of the worst. And even die-hard fans agree. The only reason it had success(Which wasn't much), was because of the player-base economy. And most of the players just sat around hanging doing nothing..


That and the fact that it was star wars. If that game didnt have a star wars skin, the game would have died a long time ago.

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I believe elders from swg should get a special robe and crystal in this game.


Fluorescent pink robes and a rainbow crystal. So they can really stand apart from everyone else, and everyone else can look at them and say, "Wow, there goes someone suffering from a bad case of I'm still butt-hurt and raging about the NGE!".



Now then, in general how far before the Combat Upgrae do the Pre-CU fans want it?

Or do they just want their mindshots, TK knockdown spams, and ALPHA-Jedi back????


Vanilla was a borked mess that shouldn't have been released when it was. Between release and the CU, it was still broken to be honest. 32 professions was a foolish and ridiculous mess too. Whilst it needed trimming down, hacking it down to 9 was overkill.


Jedi (pre-NGE) was a mistake as well. Even after the revamp in favour of the Holo grind.


JTL was a good and needed addition, but still should have been something that the game was released with. Unfortunately, it suffered from one glaring drawback. Gear, aka Spaceship Components. Everything from weapons to engines. Actual player skill at piloting, dogfighting, power management, it meant little compared to gear.

Further expansions introducing prequel-based ships that outshone the other craft and didn't receive any sort of "fixes" until almost three years after the NGE "event"... wow.


Crafting... Yes it was complex, but perhaps overly so in some ways.

The individual areas of crafting were ok, but a fair number of it all contributed too much to the real bane of PvP in my opinion -> Buff Wars!

It came and went so many times over SWG life time, and was truly ridiculous every bloody time.



Personally SWG needed to be more like post-NGE at the beginning (not identical mind you), and then built upward from that.

The freedom of choice was nice, and the later additions of themepark content was enjoyable, and neither the sand-box or theme park elements clashed.


The only reason SWG had any form of success, or lasted as long as it did (even limping on to December last year), was solely down to the IP. Take out the Star Wars part and replace it with generic sci-fi IP created by SOE, throw in all the different changes that were made in a two-year space of time, and it would have been shot in the head much earlier.

Then again, perhaps if it hadn't been a Star Wars game, it might have been given a proper time for pre-release development to take place.

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Fluorescent pink robes and a rainbow crystal. So they can really stand apart from everyone else, and everyone else can look at them and say, "Wow, there goes someone suffering from a bad case of I'm still butt-hurt and raging about the NGE!".



Now then, in general how far before the Combat Upgrae do the Pre-CU fans want it?

Or do they just want their mindshots, TK knockdown spams, and ALPHA-Jedi back????


Vanilla was a borked mess that shouldn't have been released when it was. Between release and the CU, it was still broken to be honest. 32 professions was a foolish and ridiculous mess too. Whilst it needed trimming down, hacking it down to 9 was overkill.


Jedi (pre-NGE) was a mistake as well. Even after the revamp in favour of the Holo grind.


JTL was a good and needed addition, but still should have been something that the game was released with. Unfortunately, it suffered from one glaring drawback. Gear, aka Spaceship Components. Everything from weapons to engines. Actual player skill at piloting, dogfighting, power management, it meant little compared to gear.

Further expansions introducing prequel-based ships that outshone the other craft and didn't receive any sort of "fixes" until almost three years after the NGE "event"... wow.


Crafting... Yes it was complex, but perhaps overly so in some ways.

The individual areas of crafting were ok, but a fair number of it all contributed too much to the real bane of PvP in my opinion -> Buff Wars!

It came and went so many times over SWG life time, and was truly ridiculous every bloody time.



Personally SWG needed to be more like post-NGE at the beginning (not identical mind you), and then built upward from that.

The freedom of choice was nice, and the later additions of themepark content was enjoyable, and neither the sand-box or theme park elements clashed.


The only reason SWG had any form of success, or lasted as long as it did (even limping on to December last year), was solely down to the IP. Take out the Star Wars part and replace it with generic sci-fi IP created by SOE, throw in all the different changes that were made in a two-year space of time, and it would have been shot in the head much earlier.

Then again, perhaps if it hadn't been a Star Wars game, it might have been given a proper time for pre-release development to take place.


it would just turn out to be the matrix.

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SWG Sucked. Its been sucking and it had what a good 6 months and then it began to fall. It wasn't nearly as successful as SWTOR. It had a cap of about 350,000 subs, SWTOR had 1 million boxes sold on the first day. A total of 2 million the next week and its been increasing.


And SWG had no story, no quests, all people did was sit aorund and buy things and hang out in their cities.


just to point this out, since i know that 8 years ago, when swg released, many of the current mmo players were just starting their first year in grade school... but back in the days before WoW 350k subs was considered a very successful mmo.


when people make comments like this, they need to consider the times. its just like when you talk about money and income. earning 20 grand a year is nothing in this day and age, but 20 years ago 20 grand a year was a very good paycheck.


now... that said, swg had its flaws. but it also had its good things. 8 years ago it was an innovative and excellent game for its time, but that was 8 years ago. just like how today swtor is an innovative and excellent game for our time... but in another 8 years it'll be a different story.

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I heard it was just diffrent from all the other games, and that questing and lvl wasnt the main point of the game.


it was a sandbox style game. swtor is a theme park style game. difference is that in a sandbox there is no set of developer created tracks for the player to follow to get from point A to point B.


in a theme park game the developer sets the rules, they design the game to lead the player from one thing to the next and advance along the way. in a sandbox its up the player which direction to take. that can be offputting to ALOT of people, after all, most people prefer to be led rather than lead themselves (the mark of a truly successful developer is giving the player the illusion of control... think Bioshock and its "would you kindly" line).


for current examples... swtor is the epitome of a theme park game, whereas EVE Online is the epitome of a sandbox game.

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it would just turn out to be the matrix.


For the love of god, please let that game die... TMO was a good idea but horribly implemented.


Galaxies PreCU was amazing. While I'm sad that this is not Galaxies PreCU, I'm not gonna cry that it's not. We probly won't see another sand box style MMO. There are two many people who play MMOs nowadays that are used to being spoonfed easy content or they whine until the content gets dumbed down so a 5yr old could do it... To me, there is a difference between difficult content (which I enjoy) and buggy content.

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I loved it. Played from the first week until the server closed. Really enjoyed the classes,crafting ,gathering resources and community spirit.

The holo grind was funny as anything...countless hours especially when I got merchant :eek:.

I tried swemu and it was ok so im waiting for it to be hopefully finished at somepoint as I will play it.

Pre-cu would work if they changed it a little to modernise it and tweek out any problems. Was a real shame the way the game went as it was an awesome mmo which gave me hours/months and years of sleepless nights anger and joy all in one!!

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