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Is SWTOR the victim of WOW burnout?


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^ All better in TOR, I've played WoW for 2 years so... And killed LK heroic 25, been there, done that.


Subjective at best, bald-face lies at worst.

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So because THIS game doesn't have the features from ANOTHER game, THIS game is now worse for the wear.


Target of Target is hardly a necessity, and most other "addons" or "features" that people are demanding are just convenience and not necessity.


Thank you for your opinion, but I would like to remind you that it is just that... an opinion, and not even the popular one.


Target of target, addons, UI customization, dungeon finder, et al. are not just there for convenience. They are absolute necessities.


Players need the options to tailor the UI to their tastes.

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Sure , I agree to an extent to the OP. For me , and a few other friends the thought of grinding 30 or 40 kills over and over again is the thing that killed it for us, mmo burnout happens all the time, its best to just venture into different types of games I guess.


However at the same time, we felt that this game didn't have many of the basic features that have become so widely accustomed to in mmo's over the past few years.

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So because THIS game doesn't have the features from ANOTHER game, THIS game is now worse for the wear.


Target of Target is hardly a necessity, and most other "addons" or "features" that people are demanding are just convenience and not necessity.


Thank you for your opinion, but I would like to remind you that it is just that... an opinion, and not even the popular one.


It doesn't have anything in place of the features. It's a shameless clone of another game with LESS than what the game it's ripping off had.


If SWTOR had some original and innovative features of its own, then everything would be just swell. But it doesn't. All it brings to the table is voice acting of widly varying quality and cutscenes that play out like some kind of amateur movie with the awkward hand movements that came with Mass Effect

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Target of target, addons, UI customization, dungeon finder, et al. are not just there for convenience. They are absolute necessities.


Players need the options to tailor the UI to their tastes.


UI customization is far from a necessity, I mean, haven't you people ever played console games?


And dungeon finder wasn't really that great. You'd get these terrible people that'll refuse to do anything and you couldn't kick them.

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Story - Even

Combat - WOW, not even close

Endgame - WOW, but it's early yet for TOR

FP's - WOW, but it's early yet for TOR

VO's - TOR absolutely

Questing - TOR

PvP - WOW, not even close


^ All better in TOR, I've played WoW for 2 years so... And killed LK heroic 25, been there, done that.



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The problem is tho, that even Bioware promoting trailers were saying that they were working on give player stuff that "other mmo's" wouldn't do because they listen to the communty.

To give you an example, they even mentioned the fact that they will focus a lot on PVP to make it balanced, something that in other MMO's has been a major issue because the other game developers won't listen to players feedback.


Now when you make statements like this you are directly attacking the big brothers, aka. the mmo games that are actually leading (ie WoW) and placing yourself in a position that say "hey, my game is better than yours" thus making it official that they are entering the competition and challange the top.


By doing that, posting trailers and keeping strong that we dit this and that, people are seeing it and slowly they move from their usual played game to Bioware's (which is what they want) because they see that the game has potential.

Now, when they came from wow, rift or you name it, they have an "expectation" of what an MMO STANDARD should be.

Actually, when you see that the things are different, with stuff stock UI, no macros etc just, naming some they feel dissapointed. I'm not protecting wow, not saying that it is the perfect game, but I also felt fooled by the things Bioware said about the game and were not true. You will want proof?


And now the game fails on one for their most strong features, pvp, Ilum... on the first major patch!!!


There is your proof.


My point is... when you enter a competition you are constantly fighting against the best and if you are not able to keep up you will fail and a good start is to have some standard and basic thing implemented already. Which they are not.

I like game and I want it to be at the top, yet it does not deliver that standard mmo requirements.

Why am I not tolerant? Changegle interface. I don't want blue layouts all over the place on my screen. Give me the ability to design my own layout. Addons, yes they exist for years, yet, Bio can't fix it in 2012.

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Target of target, addons, UI customization, dungeon finder, et al. are not just there for convenience. They are absolute necessities.


Players need the options to tailor the UI to their tastes.


Target of target - Agreed

Addons - No, they're for the lazy/unskilled

UI customization - Agreed

Dungeon Finder - No. I'd prefer an official global LFG channel.


I never played WoW, so never needed addons. Needing them is a handicap and quite sad to be honest.

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UI customization is far from a necessity, I mean, haven't you people ever played console games?


And dungeon finder wasn't really that great. You'd get these terrible people that'll refuse to do anything and you couldn't kick them.


This isn't a console game. Controllers don't even have the necessary elements to take advantage of a fully customized UI. This is a PC game and an MMO at that. Let players have what they need to produce UI features that the community wants. Things like recount, action bar addons, adjustable buff/debuff icons, cooldown timers, etc. All of these things improve the quality of life of the MMO and the enjoyment of the player. A comparison I would draw is TOR is a car without any of the options and players want the pimping stereo, leather seats, and cup holders to be included.


And dungeon finder may not be perfect but it beats the heck out of spamming general chat at the fleet station.

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Target of target, addons, UI customization, dungeon finder, et al. are not just there for convenience. They are absolute necessities.


Players need the options to tailor the UI to their tastes.


Target of target is totally NOT needed, its something to have the game play for you.


UI customization, again not needed. But who cares there working on this.


Dungeon Finder I would have to kind of agree with, as long as its YOUR server only and not mass servers. That kind of dungeon finder just ruins the community.

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I can live with bugs but lack of key features is more difficult to get used to. And bugs are usually taken care of faster than lack of features.


I dunno. I suppose I have a different definition of key features than people in this thread. Most of them are things that I'd categorize as "nice to have but far from necessary."


The only one I've seen here that I'm kind of hardcore on is target of target. They do need that.

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The players are burned out on games *like* WoW. I myself played it for more than six years and the experience did get stale. I only played a few weeks of Cataclysm before I just got fed up with the whole "grind to max level, gear up in dungeons, raid, do dailies, etc." design that I was permanently turned off from it. WoW's population has been in decline since Cataclysm so I would wager to guess that there are others who are of the same opinion as me.


BioWare had an incredible opportunity on their hands. They had an opportunity to deliver a truly innovative and fresh take on the MMO genre - a take barely, if at all, reminiscent of WoW. Instead what the players got was WoW surgically removed from Azeroth and transposed into the Star Wars universe.


I hold nothing against the players and their expectations for something more. In fact I sympathize with them.


Dude, it was clear from the very start of this project as soon as it was official that this was :not the droid you were looking for:... you should perhaps just educate yourself on matters before you fling out money and buy a game you think is for you, instead of sounding disappointed and as if bioware needs to give you your money back..

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I shouldn't have to look beyond the flaws. Flaws should not exist in any quality released product to begin with.


Flaws exist in every product. There is no such thing as this mythical "perfect, flawless game". It only exists in peoples' imaginations.


And I simply do not hold any stock in the argument that something is worthwhile because it's fun or it's worthwhile because that's your opinion of it. TOR has brought nothing new to the MMO table. Even voice acting has already been done in Champions Online. They have not innovated a single thing except maybe the crafting system but I think that's a terrible design so whatever.


So I can't find something worthwhile because I enjoy it? I'm glad that your opinion dictates the value I place on a product. Please, give me a rundown and a review of every game, movie, product, and service I will be purchasing in the next 50 years, so I know which ones to buy and which to avoid, based on your input, o' sage. :rolleyes:


At its core, TOR is still the dime-a-dozen MMO where you kill 0/10 spiders and collect 0/6 bear tongues on your journey to level cap where you can grind out raids and dailies. This *kills* its replayability. Absolutely *kills* it. I am in no way inclined to roll an alt for its story (1/10 of total quests) if I have to replay the same "side" quests (9/10 of total quests) in the same areas, with the same voice acting, and the same feeling to it all.


For you, perhaps. I enjoy the storylines. It makes each character experience new. Same with companions. Again, for YOU it might kill replayability. For me it does not. Clearly, our opinions differ.


It's fine that you disagree. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But the moment you start stating that your opinion is a FACT ("the game is bad because I don't like it", for instance), that's where it starts veering off into the wilds of "spoiled gamer" territory.


So again, if you dislike it, find something you prefer. I'm curious to see where they take the game in the next few months. If I get bored, I'll move on.

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This isn't a console game. Controllers don't even have the necessary elements to take advantage of a fully customized UI. This is a PC game and an MMO at that. Let players have what they need to produce UI features that the community wants. Things like recount, action bar addons, adjustable buff/debuff icons, cooldown timers, etc. All of these things improve the quality of life of the MMO and the enjoyment of the player. A comparison I would draw is TOR is a car without any of the options and players want the pimping stereo, leather seats, and cup holders to be included.


And dungeon finder may not be perfect but it beats the heck out of spamming general chat at the fleet station.


I'm not saying UI customization is a bad thing, but I've had no problem adapting to the default UI in any game I played. I played WoW for 5 years with the default UI and I hear most people hated it. I just don't see the big deal.


And personally, I prefer spamming general to a dungeon finder, but then again I always find groups fast.

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It's Human nature to complain... even if this was the most perfect game where everyone ran perfect FPS, the graphics was dead spot on perfect, the pvp was perfect, the pve was perfect, many many people would STILL complain... it's human nature... I know what this game is capable of and it's up to bioware as well as the players to make it into what it is... instead of coming on to complain all the time people should just post a suggestion/bug report and be done... instead they want to cuss out bioware and tell them how much of a fail game it is...
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