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Battlemaster Commendations


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Wait, what? I thought you were guarenteed a BM commendation in the bags? Are you just getting Champion commendations instead? Perhaps I read it all wrong.


Yup, still full RNG reward system in effect, but don't have to worry about duplicates anymore.

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It's a vast improvement from the unassembled pieces, then again people will always complain even if the system is better.


@alement: no, you are guaranteed champ comms with a CHANCE (like champ pieces from champ bags) of a battlemaster comm. 1-3 BM comms for a piece of gear.

Edited by Exaro
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It's a vast improvement from the unassembled pieces, then again people will always complain even if the system is better.


@alement: no, you are guaranteed champ comms with a CHANCE (like champ pieces from champ bags) of a battlemaster comm. 1-3 BM comms for a piece of gear.


Gotcha. Thanks for the update. I'm only valor 50, so another week or two for me :(

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And I heard it's any number between 0-3... so if you get 3.. you get a weapon


you only get 1 bm comm per bag (if you win the RNG game).


costs; 1 for off pieces/relics, 2 for set pieces and 3 for weapon/offhand.

Edited by Exaro
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And I heard it's any number between 0-3... so if you get 3.. you get a weapon


Everyone I know who got something only ever got 1.


The system now is MUCH better, don't get me wrong, but with no method of buying bags with the Warzone tokens and restricted to the daily/weekly quests only it is not great and can be better, if anything we should be able to upscale the other tokens so at least you know you can work towards them if you get unlucky with the Bag RNG.

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I didn't think I would need to vent about this with the change made... but about 10 Battlemaster boxes in and not a single Commendation and yet I will need several for an item/weapon, whoever is getting good luck to balance my bad... I hate you!


patch released couple days ago


you can get 2x bag per day


that means you need 5 days to get 10x bag unless you kept the weekly


but assuming form your silly thread you wouldn't think of keeping the weekly quest..


i think you are lying

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patch released couple days ago


you can get 2x bag per day


that means you need 5 days to get 10x bag unless you kept the weekly


but assuming form your silly thread you wouldn't think of keeping the weekly quest..


i think you are lying


I did say about 10 (wasn't keeping a total count) and I did keep the two weekly quests, so it is 8 to be exact then, I should have just traded them in for a direct gear chance rather than the luck I've had.

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This needs seriously looking at now... 14 boxes later I still only have 1 single commendation, the drop rate on those has to be adjusted and blind RNG luck is bad.


Why not add the ability to purchase them with 1000/1000 and you will also then give more reasons to get people into Warzones than just getting their dailies out the way.

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0/20 on bm bags here


already bought 2 champion relics with the champ comms i got


unsubbed few days ago


That sucks dude. I know some people who have opened their first 2 boxes and got 2 comms.


The stupid thing they did was make the items being purchased require more than 1 Comm, which I first understood why, but having such bad luck on comms, you should be able to get any item with 1 comm.

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I didn't think I would need to vent about this with the change made... but about 10 Battlemaster boxes in and not a single Commendation and yet I will need several for an item/weapon, whoever is getting good luck to balance my bad... I hate you!


Oh well...here's my story :)


War Hero with 1 Centurion/2 Bm/rest Champ items



Edited by YamamotoRo
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They need to add the option to buy battlemaster bags with tokens, I'm constantly sitting at 1000 merc and warzone commendations with nothing useful to spend them on. I basically just log on now do the dailies and maybe a couple extra WZ's for fun but really there is nothing to work toward. Hell maybe if I could buy Champion gear for my other companions it would be mildly worth worth while but currently with 4 full sets of champion gear I have 0 use for these champion tokens. And yes the % chance to get BM tokens sucks, but given the fact that PvP in this game is getting boring as hell with long que times and no enemy players in Ilum I guess they have to keep people playing, getting 20 bags with nothing in them is one way.
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its not the fact its better now , its the fact: its retarded to reward *luckyness* over effort , like REALLY retarded.


some people on my server hit rank 60 after me and have more pieces than me just because of rng .

its just stupid to not reward Effort.

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I've gotten a bag for every daily and weekly since the patch... and I'm at a whopping... 0 Battlemaster Commendations out of around 15-20 bags; let us trade our champion commendations in for battlemaster commendations or something, I don't care if the rate is something like 50-100:1, at least let me know I'm working toward an item instead of this being stupid blind luck.
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It's really not bad now, you can save the BM tokens for gear. 3 pieces for a weapon, it's going to take no time to get full BM.


Maybe for you. I'm nearing 20 BM bags and have jack to show to for it. Since Ilum is dead on our server we only have the warzone daily to progress, making things slower. This is assuming I can A, play enough that day and B, win the warzone matches within the time I have. So at my current rate, 1 token is 1 months work, depending on RL and game events.


I guess its not so terrible, i may even be progressed by next expansion.

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I just hit valor rank 60 this morning PST and did not get Battlemaster title and I've poped 4 battlemaster box's and have not got a single thing! Just CHAMPION commendations, witch are completely useless to me since I'm already full Champ gear. My guild mate got Battlemaster last night just before the patch though and he at least got the title. So basically all of you out there that where looking forward to getting BM gear at Valor Rank 60 like ALOT of other people did just a week or so ago, forget about it. You'll be lucky to get ONE commendation towards a piece of gear that cost 3-4 commendations A WEEK. So if the odds are in your favor, you may get ONE piece of BM gear a MONTH. Meanwhile others got theirs within days of hitting Battlemaster. Also BioWare said nothing of this change in the patch notes from last night. So if you find something please post.
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