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Looking for new laptop!


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Hello all!


Requesting some help from the computer people out there. I am on the hunt for a new laptop for the wife, something that can run the game nicely and that is not going to break the bank.


Sorry to be asking this, but I have no idea about specs and where to even begin. I also figured there are a few people out there in the community with some knowledge on the subject and that don't mind helping someone out.


Thanks in advance!

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For laptop you will need to significantly exceed the 'minimum' requirements for the game since laptops are generally considerably slower than a PC even with the same 'numbers'.


Also, you will want to make sure the laptop has a 3D video card. (a gamer card if you can find one with that).

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Specs for systems are subjective. Do you want light and portable, or do you want "let me whip this thing out?" Also what is your price range? Just by going through the basics on the Dell website I was able to get a decent laptop for about $1400.
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When purchasing a laptop its a good idea not to go the cheap route or you will just end up wanting to replace it once the next big game comes out doesn't run well with our hardware.


I would suggest getting one of the laptops that have the 560M in it but they are a tad pricey

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Now you are getting into the AMD/Intell and Nvidia/ATI war. Personally I do not like either AMD or ATI products. I know people out there swear by them but i have always had problems with mine when I go that route.

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Now you are getting into the AMD/Intell and Nvidia/ATI war. Personally I do not like either AMD or ATI products. I know people out there swear by them but i have always had problems with mine when I go that route.



He wasn't trying to start the age old debate he was commenting on the price to performance ratio or at least that the way I read it.

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Now you are getting into the AMD/Intell and Nvidia/ATI war. Personally I do not like either AMD or ATI products. I know people out there swear by them but i have always had problems with mine when I go that route.


A tad sensitive, are you?

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My main suggestion would be to NOT get a Dell laptop (like I did, unfortunately). It heats up so much during gameplay that I have a small desk fan beside it to keep it cool. I also have a laptop cooling fan that my laptop sits on, which seems to do absolutely nothing.


My game performance & graphics display are above average...quite nice actually. But freezing my butt off while I play kinda stinks. It's not just SW:TOR that has griefed me with a piping hot laptop. I've had this with WoW, Dragon Age 1 & 2, Allods and a few others.


Also, don't go cheap on a laptop. They are expensive to repair and upgrade.


Good luck :)

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I am on the hunt for a new laptop for the wife, something that can run the game nicely and that is not going to break the bank.


It depends on your means. A desktop that can run the game nicely is unlikely to break the bank, a laptop that can do so may very well break the bank.


I would think long and hard before buying a laptop for gaming.

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Hello all!


Requesting some help from the computer people out there. I am on the hunt for a new laptop for the wife, something that can run the game nicely and that is not going to break the bank.


Sorry to be asking this, but I have no idea about specs and where to even begin. I also figured there are a few people out there in the community with some knowledge on the subject and that don't mind helping someone out.


Thanks in advance!



Never buy a Dell!

I bought this last week http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834158058

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