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UI Customization is about more than just moving a few frames around


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Why should we expect there be more? Bioware has already let us down. They've given us no reason to show faith that this will be implemented in a way that the majority of players will be satisfied.


This is really the heart of it.


I love Bioware games. I love their stories.


But in the month that I've been playing TOR, I see no real indication that they are prepared to run an MMO.


The UI is just one of the little things among many that tell me they don't think like MMO developers, but still are thinking like a single player developer.


The fact that the default UI has only 2 movable and resizable items (chat box and raid frames) shows they seemingly unaware of what other MMOs offer. Now that can't be true, but it sure looks that way.


Tell me - what good is it to let me move my chat frames if I have no where to actually move them TO, because nothing else is movable? Or that I don't have enough spaces on my 2 bottom bars for all of my in-combat abilities?


The little video does not indicate that we will be able to add a 5th hotbar, and does not indicate that we will be able to resize hotbars.


I have no idea why, at this point, anyone would have faith that Bioware is going to add more features than what was shown, based on their brief handling of things in TOR so far. The Ilum fiasco this week, and lack of timely response tells me they're simply not prepared to handle problems well (and that they have some of the worst PvP developers in the history of MMOs).


It's great that we got a new Flashpoint this week, but it wasn't actually needed. The ability to actually know when my long cooldowns are up, however, was functional and now it isn't. My ability delay seems worse (but overall my performance seems better - though I haven't tried a warzone since 1.1) than before 1.1, especially any interrupt.

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I just loled.


We will be able to move every window around and resize it, maybe even more.


And what's the reaction? Complaints!


WoW (as much as I like the game) made the community lazy... and stupid. Evey boss in TOR has been designed in such a way so You can kill it w/o any 3rd party program help. That also applies to other PvE and PvP activities. If You fail to do it, I suggest practice.

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I just loled.


We will be able to move every window around and resize it, maybe even more.


And what's the reaction? Complaints!


WoW (as much as I like the game) made the community lazy... and stupid. Evey boss in TOR has been designed in such a way so You can kill it w/o any 3rd party program help. That also applies to other PvE and PvP activities. If You fail to do it, I suggest practice.

From watching the video everything is scaled together, which is absolutely dumb. Everything should be able to be scaled separately.
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Moving and resizing would be great, but we don't just want to customise the current UI we want more of a UI to customise!

It all depends on how separate bits the current UI is broken down into.

On top addition of rotation, show/hide and allowing the end user to adjust how many fields, rows and columns to use for buffs, action bars and alike.

Also the ability to hide artwork for those who want a more simple UI to look at.

All that might be planned already, only time can tell.

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Allowing UI elements to be moved and resized is at the top two of what was requested of BioWare for pretty much the whole year that the game was in beta test. In addition to just generally allowing users to play the game how they want to a bit more, it will also solve a MAJOR problem with multi-screen gaming. Which even one of their own developers acknowledged was an issue... because HE was a multi-screen gamer, too. That single movable UI element feature will go a LONG way to showing the community that BioWare *AUSTIN* is serious about MMO's. Albiet way too late.
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Playing without addons isn't hard, it's just ugly and poorly organized. Sorry to break this to all these players that think they're hot stuff relative to others because they prefer a default UI. My Razer Naga is a much larger advantage than any addon.


It's just such a grand delusion.

Edited by Excedrin
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why do you think that what they showed in that short video is all the UI customization they are implementing?
Because if they had another feature, even one that only kind of worked, they would have faked up a demo of it.


I mean, that's how demos work; you use smoke and mirrors to over promise what you can actually do currently with the idea that you'll get that functionality working eventually. So if they didn't show it, there's a good chance that it's not there.

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Because if they had another feature, even one that only kind of worked, they would have faked up a demo of it.


I mean, that's how demos work; you use smoke and mirrors to over promise what you can actually do currently with the idea that you'll get that functionality working eventually. So if they didn't show it, there's a good chance that it's not there.


And of course, as I mentioned earlier, the big problem with a BioWare UI change is that it's timescale is much longer: it has to be tested over and over, and it has to work on every system, and it has to not have bugs, and it has to get patched in to the client, etc.


Adding an add-on is much simpler, and BW cedes responsibility and (more importantly) blame for community-created add-ons.

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P.S.: This game also badly needs macros (especially mouseovers for healing)


Ok, first of all its a step in the right direction.You dont NEED mods. if you do you suck. You damn sure dont need mouseover for healing. If you cant heal without mouseover then you are a terrible healer and shouldnt be healing. You aren't getting the crutches you had in wow.


Learn to adapt or quit. No one cares which.

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It is possible to make an incredibly flexible and great UI.


How do I know?


Rift did it, a small time company with a miniscule budget compared to TOR too.


Even though it was not entirely perfect, it was close.


WTB Rift UI!


p.s. SWG, from the get go...an MMO released almost a decade ago shipped with a stock UI capable of being moved and resized. So at this point, I kinda expect better from a modern MMO...ya know?

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I shall reserve judgment until the customization options are official, but I'll consider them to be subpar unless they allow me to set up a row of 18 hotkeys on the left side of the screen, set up different windows for different chat channels, and let me see my cooldowns numerically.


....so yeah, I'd prefer mods, but at this point I am not very hopeful.


I thought you could already creat different windows for chat channels. Can you not drag your Guild chat from your Party chat?

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If you cant heal without mouseover then you are a terrible healer and shouldnt be healing.

So, if someone can't drive a manual transmission, they are a bad driver and shouldn't be driving? What about those people that can drive both, but just don't WANT to drive a manual? Are they bad, too, even though they can do it but choose not to?


Yeah, I'm glad people like you are not in positions of influence or I might have had to run you over with my horse-and-buggy.

Edited by Kasperion
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As I mentioned in the original post: it depends strongly on what capabilities are exposed via the add-on API. World of Warcraft, especially early on, exposed too much power to mods. BioWare could easily make things like Recount, Deadly Boss Mods, etc impossible just be limiting their API.


And then people would complain that making mods is pointless because they can't do anything. I really hope that they do not take the same route as Blizzard with UI mods. I hope that it's highly restricted and only allows for appearance modification and simple macros.

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I don't think he's saying that at all (and, in fact, I happen to agree with him).


True customization (i.e., allowing people to modify the UI however they see fit, and not just via the options Bioware gives us) can eliminate a lot of (and probably most) usability issues.


Personally, I'd love to see an API as open as *cough* that other game's *cough*. The user community can have some really great ideas, and could come up with stuff Bioware would never think of on their own.


except that would require them to open the game up to mods and addons which even if you liked those woudl also mean it is opened up to be more easily hacked.

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I'd love to see add-ons. But if BW is going to start by just letting me move around the things I have and change the size, I'll take it. Fortunately the cool down shading thing didn't affect me for some reason.


after a fight or two you get use to it and it works well then

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not only customization but the last update that add color in the abilities CD wasnt the good choice, now always failed to hit the correct time the ability cuz im thinking is the right time but the CD has 1 more sec before be available, result to loose the chain reaction of my abilities and finally loose the fight.


not good indeed

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I believe UI mods need to be heavily restricted. All players should have an equal playing field against each other whether or not one has mods or the other does not have mods. Saying, "Just go download the mod" does not cut it. Both should have an equal playing field.


If the default UI is 100% adequate and allows you to achieve optimal performance, then there is no advantage granted to somebody else using an alternative, unless the default UI is NOT 100% adequate and does NOT allow you to achieve optimal performance.

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why do you think that what they showed in that short video is all the UI customization they are implementing?


Considering with the forums... That everyone was asking for server specific forums... Only for bioware to say "we've listened to your feedback, here is a pvp forum... With a half assed effort, you have to tag yourself" i wouldn't be surprised if this is bioware has to offer.


If they listened to any feedback from beta, to the forums issue, people wouldnt be complaining. How an you mess up making server forums. Anyway, Bioware are probably doing another half assed effort like they have done for everything in the past month by offering resize able frames when it's probably not what everyone is asking for. That's not listening.

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