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Is there a threat display that I'm not aware of?


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For all the talk about addons-vs-no addons, I've noticed that very few players have mentioned a threat display as one of their top arguments. Tanking, currently, is quite difficult with a geared group, especially since I have no way of knowing if a particular mobs is about to peel off of me until it actually happens. I have made the simple decision that I'm not going to run hardmode flashpoints until this is added, simply because it's just not fun.


In the era of WoW that TOR mostly models after, Omen was the single most important addon anyone had, to the point where any player without Omen was considered bad and unfit for heroics, let alone raiding. Which, unfortunately, describes the majority of players I have grouped with, whether by their own lack of skill or the limitations imposed on them by the UI.


Yet nobody seems to mention this cardinal necessity. I would rather have threat meters than health meters. Is there a display option that I'm not aware of?




I appreciate the response that this thread has gotten.


I would like to add that the majority of players opposing a threat meter (though not all) oppose it because they oppose addons. That is fine. I would rather the threat meter be a baseline part of the UI than an addon.

Edited by theothersteve
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Threat meters aren't really a necessity. I'm a tank and I enjoy the game without them. Forcing people to follow a kill order and not break CC's is something that should be built upon, not tossed away. Threat meters will lead to elitist DPS characters blowing up everything and yelling at tanks to get more threat.
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Then you're an idiot.


OP: There is no threat meter. Addons are coming though, so it'll be available eventually.


Source: http://torwars.com/2011/05/03/bioware-says-no-addons-in-swtor-at-launch/


"This statement indicates nothing more than that there will not be addons at launch. Nothing more, nothing less.”


But someonehow you take that like they are definitely coming? lol.


Many games are great and successful without threat meters. WOW tanks are just used to ezmode.

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Am I one of the only ones who prefers not to have a threat meter?


Part of the fun in tanking, and arguably the main difference between a good tank and a bad tank, is having the situational awareness to see which mobs are likely to peel off of you sooner than others and prevent them from doing so. Or to rush to grab/taunt/force push a peeler to keep him off your healer. Adding a threat meter would be easy mode and take all the fun out of tanking.


I don't mean this to come off as me saying "I'm an uber tank! LTP!". I'm just saying that I think adding a threat meter would make playing a tank significantly less fun.

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Then you're an idiot.


OP: There is no threat meter. Addons are coming though, so it'll be available eventually.


Source: http://torwars.com/2011/05/03/bioware-says-no-addons-in-swtor-at-launch/


Which does not say that they are eventually certain to come. Not in at launch, nothing more, and nothing less. In other words -- not in now, and don't know if they ever will be (maybe yes, maybe no).

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It used to be that if DPS pulls threat, it's the DPS's fault. This sentiment got changed during the threat buffs during Cataclysm, but that's not the model TOR is following. Therefore we need to return to the old mantra.


Yea, how does dps know he is about to overaggro without some indication? It used to be that way because we had KTM/Omen...

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If an enemy is beating you in the face, congratulations, you have 100% threat.


1. stop attacking

2. pop your anti threat ability (if applicable)

3. CC/interupt/slow (if applicable)

4. run towards your tank!!!!


I'm not gonna say threat displays are useless, but IMO they take away some key fun from a fight. The ability to adjust and actually USE the tools and abilities that have been given to you.

There's been a lot of complaining about certain UI mods and things that aren't in the game, and I suspect most if not all will one day make it in, but threat display is among my least fav.

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If the tank is losing aggro on the main target, or the DPS are pulling enemies they aren't supposed to, someone is doing something wrong.


Don't really need a meter to tell me if I am pulling aggro, usually the giant monster charging me gives me a hint. :p

Edited by Supahhappy
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While I do like having a threat meter it really isn't necessary in TOR. The endgame is so easy and forgiving that it doesn't really matter if DPS pulls aggro. They can survive long enough for the tank to recognize and taunt back. Unless content becomes more unforgiving there isn't a need.
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Man, reading all the advice on this thread makes it pretty painful how obvious that people didn't read my post. I am a TANK. I need to know how much threat I have on things. I am well aware of what should happen when DPS pulls threat on something. I am well aware of what DPS is supposed to do when they pull threat, though they typically do not.
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Well the thing is, if I have a huge threat lead, I would want to contribute more to DPS than to high threat abilities. However, I have no idea how huge of a threat lead I have, so I have to continue doing high threat abilities with lower damage because I don't know if I have a huge lead or barely any lead at all.


On another note, another problem I've had is that sometimes I'm not aware if a boss is doing a randomly-targeted ability, or if I've lost aggro. So I always taunt to be safe. This means I'm probably taunting way more often that I really need to, and in the event I really do need a taunt, it may be unavailable. There really at least be some kind of indicator that I'm not the target with aggro, much like what Rift did.

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Am I one of the only ones who prefers not to have a threat meter?


Part of the fun in tanking, and arguably the main difference between a good tank and a bad tank, is having the situational awareness to see which mobs are likely to peel off of you sooner than others and prevent them from doing so. Or to rush to grab/taunt/force push a peeler to keep him off your healer. Adding a threat meter would be easy mode and take all the fun out of tanking.


I don't mean this to come off as me saying "I'm an uber tank! LTP!". I'm just saying that I think adding a threat meter would make playing a tank significantly less fun.


I'm on the fence. I don't want one because of the reasons you have described. I do want one so I can see which of my abilities are actually the quickest threat generators overall, so I know what to use in what situation and when. I like being efficient. Also, having a threat meter on DPS burn fights is really, really useful for me to make sure my threat is "keeping up" with the amount of DPS that needs to be done.

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For all the talk about addons-vs-no addons, I've noticed that very few players have mentioned a threat display as one of their top arguments. Tanking, currently, is quite difficult with a geared group, especially since I have no way of knowing if a particular mobs is about to peel off of me until it actually happens. I have made the simple decision that I'm not going to run hardmode flashpoints until this is added, simply because it's just not fun.


In the era of WoW that TOR mostly models after, Omen was the single most important addon anyone had, to the point where any player without Omen was considered bad and unfit for heroics, let alone raiding. Which, unfortunately, describes the majority of players I have grouped with, whether by their own lack of skill or the limitations imposed on them by the UI.


Yet nobody seems to mention this cardinal necessity. I would rather have threat meters than health meters. Is there a display option that I'm not aware of?


Are you serious? No one needs a threat meter LAWL.

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It'd be nice to know when my Gunslinger is about to generate enough threat to pull off the tank, but this can be avoided by periodically lowering threat by using Surrender, or cycling through lower threat skills.

A meter would be a luxury, but is not necessary.

Edited by bsmolke
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Yea, how does dps know he is about to overaggro without some indication? It used to be that way because we had KTM/Omen...


I think that's the flaw in the threat meter argument. Why SHOULD dps know he will over aggro? It is the tanks job to hold the aggro and the dps's job to pour out the damage. Each role has nuance and thought behind them. Being able to react when things change is not only part of the game, it makes the player actually LEARN to be better at their job.


As a sniper, I can sit behind a rock all day popping the tanks target like a monkey pressing the space bar. But when the mob breaks away and starts heading for me, it's exciting and gives me the chance to use 1 of my MANY tools for dealing with the situation. THAT's fun!

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I'm just saying that I think adding a threat meter would make playing a tank significantly less fun.


I'll admit that yes, chasing adds down as they peel off can be a lot of fun. In many fights, that is a cornerstone of what makes a good tank.


That being said, I don't think situational awareness is going to help you determine which of the five mobs is getting hit by the blaster fire from the idiot Smuggler. A lot of the time you can figure it out by health bars.


Above all, though, the fun is limited to trash packs and farm content. Hardmode bosses without a threat meter aren't fun at all. Once you're wiping on someone more than a couple times, realizing you're being limited by information that isn't displayed in the UI is quite frustrating.


Aisar, did you actually play before Omen was out? That was, like, early vanilla. People waited for five sunders before attacking back then. People sure as hell don't wait for five sunders in TOR.

Edited by theothersteve
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