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So 6 month subscribers


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<-- 6 month subscriber here, as is all of my guild! (There's only 6 of us but still).


They are fixing things fast enough for me, sure a lot of annoying bugs but think where this game will be in 3 months at this rate of development?


Excited to see where they take it!

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call me a moaner..but why should we be happy about things that should of been in the game from the start.No guild bank is just criminal.:mad:


Where is the group finder for pve instances?

why can't we have a homing device for our ship to pick us up?

Why would empire ruled areas be hiden?? don't they have maps or sat nav?

Why is there no guild station or ship so we can all meet up on our own guild base?This could be further explaned into guild battles defending and attacking enemy stations and ships...the bigger the guild the more armour and turets you can upgrade.You could have weekly goals and missions aswell as defending your base when it gets attacked.Everyone could have a alarm and it allows you to hyperspace directly to your base.

Why is in game pvp so naff?

Why are quests so hard to find?Ithink i must of spent half my time running or driving around just hoping to find more quests.

Why are most of the planets boring and dull and dingy?

Why can we not fly our ships in free roam and have pvp fights?

Why no tdm?

Why am i a maxed out healer who runs out of force fighting 1 boss?

Why is a sith lord so naff with a sabre...ok i am a inquizitor but i still would be a expert with a sabre compared to dumb aliens and trainees.

Why does khem constantly babble on in his own language?? he can talk english!!!!!

why is AH hiden away like some dirty secret?? i still think half the people hav'nt even found it.

Why is it so hard to store stuff? i only found one storage place away from my ship.Plus no map help.

Why does every quest seem to be 100 yards from the last quest you done, forcing you to kill the same mobs over and over.

Why have humoids not invented a short cuts in space?? you can see your destination on a local area map but it makes you drive 200 miles round a mountain to get there.

Why is my tank naked?call me a traditionalist..but aint tanks meant to wear ****loads of armour?his armour is an extra ****** ring.

Why is the general chat just people spamming LFG?I have had hours of fun chating and making friends on gen chat.But on swtor it's now the LFG channel.


Why have i spent this long typing this message when i could be playing....Simple because i canceled my subscription to wow because i was blackmailed into subscribing to swtor before the free month started.

maybe after 3 or 4 expansions swtor will be all that it promised to be.

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I love this game, sign me up!

What people don't realize is its a new game, and your meant to enjoy the content as you level so by the time you hit max level the bugs are fixed to a certain degree...which a lot of people didn't do and went on 72 hour no sleep times.


Regardless of a buggy patch I know that BW is trying, they constantly update us and if you look in the past you can see that most MMO's have had a worst start and even weeks of downtime.


+1 for SWTOR, especially with friends and family, nothing is more fun than pimp slapping your grandpa jug in PvP with your grandmas help lol

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I see so many fanbois in this!


Are you guys blind???

Bugs and game breaking issues like class quests, Ilum, non lootable bosses, Ui, ability delay, no credit for Daily warzones, missing credits and mail, broken AH, porrly optimized engine which makes 20 vs 20 into a slideshow on high end rigs, non-exist costumer support AKA Droids, Valor exploiters do not bother you?? ... I can go on and on but in the end of the day I just don't want to play this game anymore!

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I selected a 3 month subscription at the start, and I've been billed for it. I am enjoying the game so far, and I think Bioware is doing an okay job of listening to the community and implementing changes based on community feedback.


End Game is currently fairly weak, but I expected that to be the case in a launch title. I would absolutely love to see much more character customization (like the ability to change the colour of crafted armour), and I have a feeling that the "bolted to the rails" feeling of TOR (from character creation on up) is the only thing that could make me reconsider remaining a long-term subscriber.

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Six months here. Stlll haven't reached 50 on my first character, have seven more to play - so I figure six months is the minimum for me.


I don't expect miracles from Bioware - as long as they know about the bugs and such and address them, which they are doing, everything should be fine. It's the price all early-adopters pay for being the first to anything - you get to field test the thing so the second and third generation products are better.


I'll look forward to saying in a few months "Back in the day, I remember when Tatooine's sky was green..."

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I thoroughly enjoy every moment I play of this game, buying the CE, I think, was one of the best things I could have done...


But it's not for everyone, and I know a few people who don't play it... some people are just jaded or spoiled (from WoW or any other MMO), so it is what it is...

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Six month sub and proud to be. The way Bioware is listening to the community and working through the bugs and exploits rather quickly is something to be admired.


I am looking forward to the legacy system and all it has to offer as well as the UI upgrade that will come in the following months.


Also guild banks is another thing to look forward too and more content.


As it stands right now I have 8 chars on the one server. One of each and none of them have reached 50 yet and I am proud of that fact. I have took my time and enjoyed the game and all its offerings and look forward to more in the future.


The reason why I got eight chars.. I wanted to experience all the storylines first hand. My two highest are Jedi's so I have a lot of content to go yet.


So here's to the future and it is bright.. now all the naysayers are gone we can all stay and have fun.


May the force and BioWare always be with you.

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I didn't buy the 6th month subscription but I renewed the normal 15/mo, I will 100% be here a lot longer then 6 months because I love the game so I hope my opinion counts here :3.


I can't wait to see the legacy system. My main is already Legacy level 12 :D. That and guild capitals/banks, more FP, OPS, WF's. Once they polish Illum and alot of the bugs this game is going to be absolutely amazing, its just a matter of time and patience :D.

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I see so many fanbois in this!


Are you guys blind???

Bugs and game breaking issues like class quests, Ilum, non lootable bosses, Ui, ability delay, no credit for Daily warzones, missing credits and mail, broken AH, porrly optimized engine which makes 20 vs 20 into a slideshow on high end rigs, non-exist costumer support AKA Droids, Valor exploiters do not bother you?? ... I can go on and on but in the end of the day I just don't want to play this game anymore!


So you responded to a thread asking for who did a 6 month sub with that?


Are you blind??? You're in the wrong thread!

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call me a moaner..but why should we be happy about things that should of been in the game from the start.No guild bank is just criminal.:mad:


Where is the group finder for pve instances?

why can't we have a homing device for our ship to pick us up?

Why would empire ruled areas be hiden?? don't they have maps or sat nav?

Why is there no guild station or ship so we can all meet up on our own guild base?This could be further explaned into guild battles defending and attacking enemy stations and ships...the bigger the guild the more armour and turets you can upgrade.You could have weekly goals and missions aswell as defending your base when it gets attacked.Everyone could have a alarm and it allows you to hyperspace directly to your base.

Why is in game pvp so naff?

Why are quests so hard to find?Ithink i must of spent half my time running or driving around just hoping to find more quests.

Why are most of the planets boring and dull and dingy?

Why can we not fly our ships in free roam and have pvp fights?

Why no tdm?

Why am i a maxed out healer who runs out of force fighting 1 boss?

Why is a sith lord so naff with a sabre...ok i am a inquizitor but i still would be a expert with a sabre compared to dumb aliens and trainees.

Why does khem constantly babble on in his own language?? he can talk english!!!!!

why is AH hiden away like some dirty secret?? i still think half the people hav'nt even found it.

Why is it so hard to store stuff? i only found one storage place away from my ship.Plus no map help.

Why does every quest seem to be 100 yards from the last quest you done, forcing you to kill the same mobs over and over.

Why have humoids not invented a short cuts in space?? you can see your destination on a local area map but it makes you drive 200 miles round a mountain to get there.

Why is my tank naked?call me a traditionalist..but aint tanks meant to wear ****loads of armour?his armour is an extra ****** ring.

Why is the general chat just people spamming LFG?I have had hours of fun chating and making friends on gen chat.But on swtor it's now the LFG channel.


Why have i spent this long typing this message when i could be playing....Simple because i canceled my subscription to wow because i was blackmailed into subscribing to swtor before the free month started.

maybe after 3 or 4 expansions swtor will be all that it promised to be.


This isnt the thread you are looking for

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I don't see why companies bother to actually release the game.


There's so many people willing to pay to beta test the game *and* ravenously attack anyone that doesn't completely adore the company at the same time.


P.T. Barnum was completely right...

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