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The game has been out for a month and the devs are taking everything into consideration and working towards making it a better experience.


It is not a fair comparison to compare a several year old WOW, to a new mmo release. Many of the people complaining never played WOW at release. If they did they would realize it had many huge game issues and character balance problems. It was not until after the first year that things started to get better. Furthermore there was no arena, and pvp was basically being one shot by a mage or never being able to kill a soul link warlock.


Any game of this magnitude is going to have its share of launch issues, give the developers a few months to get things smoothed out before passing judgement. There has never been a single mmo that has launched without its fair share of issues. If its too big of an issue for you go back to playing WoW, personally after reading the latest IGN article on how blizzard is now catering it towards kids, and the Asian market it has become a non option for me and I am more than content with SWTOR.

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WoW has more features.


That it does, it's the main reason I never delete my Warcraft account when a new MMO releases. I try them but in the end i go back to World of Warcraft.


Maybe it's just how much effort i have made through the years on my character

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That it does, it's the main reason I never delete my Warcraft account when a new MMO releases. I try them but in the end i go back to World of Warcraft.


Maybe it's just how much effort i have made through the years on my character


Agree on your last point. I've spent a ton of time playing WoW.. that is definitely a huge factor.

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Its not a fair comparison to compete with a game that has had 7 years to fix bugs, balance classes etc. unless you want an extremely long beta that samples hundreds of thousands of players which in itself is not cost effective
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Weather it is fair or not does not matter.


Swtor was released unfinished with many bugs.

People get fed up of this and cancel their subs.

Swtor doesn't make enough money to become great.

Game slowly dies.


Game developers are smart people and surely by now they know that if you release a game in the state that Swtor is in, it will can only follow this path. So I think they never planned for this game to be huge, they planned to make some profit and move on.


If any MMO is going to take off massively it has to be better than all the competition in their current state, Not how it was 7 freaking years ago!

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I agree that they pushed it out too soon, but had they waited longer it would of had an even worse launch. EA had a decision to either release early to gain extra sales during the holidays, or wait till the first quarter and compete against Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2 in March
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It is not a fair comparison to compare a several year old WOW, to a new mmo release.

Absolute rubbish, of course it's a fair comparison. My decision isn't between playing WoW 2004 vs. SWTOR 2011, it's about playing two games that have the same subscription model in early 2012.


Many of the people complaining never played WOW at release. If they did they would realize it had many huge game issues and character balance problems.

I wouldn't deny for a moment that SWTOR has had a more successful release than WoW did seven years ago, but frankly that comparison is completely irrelevent to anything that matters to me.


...give the developers a few months to get things smoothed out before passing judgement.

Judgement shall be passed whilst EA/Bioware are charging a subscription fee for the game.


Until MMO developers and their apologists stop crying about 'unfair comparisons', the same launch issues are going to happen over and over. SWTOR had probably one of the largest development budgets of any MMO, they certainly had enough money and time to learn from other MMO failures. They didn't.

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The funny thing is that people who say you can't compare TOR to WoW at release insist on comparing it to some mythical bug-free present WoW where everyone is happy.


In other words, they never played it.


After 6 years of WOW i will never go back. BW please take your time and make the changes/tweeks you need to there. are many of us who don't mind waiting longer than a week.

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Weather it is fair or not does not matter.


Swtor was released unfinished with many bugs.

People get fed up of this and cancel their subs.

Swtor doesn't make enough money to become great.

Game slowly dies.


Game developers are smart people and surely by now they know that if you release a game in the state that Swtor is in, it will can only follow this path. So I think they never planned for this game to be huge, they planned to make some profit and move on.


If any MMO is going to take off massively it has to be better than all the competition in their current state, Not how it was 7 freaking years ago!




It did release with bugs. Pretty sure every game still has bugs.

Some people did cancel their subs.


The rest of this is utter nonsense.

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Weather it is fair or not does not matter.


Swtor was released unfinished with many bugs.

People get fed up of this and cancel their subs.

Swtor doesn't make enough money to become great.

Game slowly dies.


Game developers are smart people and surely by now they know that if you release a game in the state that Swtor is in, it will can only follow this path. So I think they never planned for this game to be huge, they planned to make some profit and move on.


If any MMO is going to take off massively it has to be better than all the competition in their current state, Not how it was 7 freaking years ago!


So are you saying the the current version of wow is bug free? This is unlikely..


WOW started with just as many bugs and glitches but somehow survived the initial onslaught of criticisms leveled at it for being that way this game will weather the storm of BS just fine. Oh and WOW was not the first mmo people seem to forget this.

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It IS a fair comparison though.


SWTOR isn't competing with vanilla WoW, but current/present WoW.


Just because it's COMPETING with modern WoW, doesn't mean it's fair to COMPARE it with modern WoW. I don't care what year it is, MMOs take time to develop and grow AFTER release. You can't expect the game to have 5 years worth of post-release content at launch. And they don't even become aware of a lot of bugs and such until they have a million players actually in the game hammering the systems.

Edited by DarrkLore
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For the record, I do agree, that you have to compare the MMO of today than with the MMO of the past.


So it has to be today's SW vs. today's WoW.


WoW does have 7 years of development behind it and a lot of experience. They know what the are doing. Nobody, should, argue that.


But I find their graphics laughable. I can't play a Jedi in WoW. I can't have a Lightsaber in WoW. I love Voice acting and can't get that in WoW. Etc, etc. There are a LOT of things I cannot get from WoW that I want in a game.


Simply put, while you must compare the two games (Apples to Apples), for some of us, the strengths of WoW are irrelivent. I don't care about what it does right. It does not give me what I want. Swtor does. So they get my money.

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Simply put, while you must compare the two games (Apples to Apples), for some of us, the strengths of WoW are irrelivent. I don't care about what it does right. It does not give me what I want. Swtor does. So they get my money.


Agreed, I never understood the wild appeal of WoW to begin with. Even if SWTOR is behind WoW in development stages, I still enjoy this game far more. I just hope enough people stick it out through the rough patch so that TOR can really get into full swing.

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I am sorry but if you are dev for 7 years I sure as hell would be taking notes on what those other mmo's are or aren't doing and adding their new features that were developed over the years.


How do you think products stay competitive in the real world?


Ford makes a truck that does xxxx


Chevy that does xxxx also but also does xxxx


Its called building and expanding on old technology not copying it then trying to expand it after the product is done.

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Nope, those factors are determined solely by SWTOR itself :D


No, they are determined by yourself. Your desperate need to be heard. To be agreed with. I mean if Swtor burnt down your house and killed your kids and dog, i would totally understand and support you against it.


But it's a game. A game that you've taken so personally as to constantly attack it. Presumably because it didn't live up to your expectations.


There is zero reason for you to continue posting bile, except for your own ego.


So get over yourself, stop posting and go play a game that you actually enjoy.

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Just because it's COMPETING with modern WoW, doesn't mean it's fair to COMPARE it with modern WoW. I don't care what year it is, MMOs take time to develop and grow AFTER release. You can't expect the game to have 5 years worth of post-release content at launch. And they don't even become aware of a lot of bugs and such until they have a million players actually in the game hammering the systems.


I agree with your last point about bugs, but unfortunatley, everyone DOES compare tor to WoW.


Everyone compares every new MMO to WoW, because right now it's king. This is a big reason why new MMOs 'fail', it's because people set the bar too high in terms of expectations.

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No, they are determined by yourself. Your desperate need to be heard. To be agreed with. I mean if Swtor burnt down your house and killed your kids and dog, i would totally understand and support you against it.


But it's a game. A game that you've taken so personally as to constantly attack it. Presumably because it didn't live up to your expectations.


There is zero reason for you to continue posting bile, except for your own ego.


So get over yourself, stop posting and go play a game that you actually enjoy.


Or, I can do both :eek: , mind boggling, I know.

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I am sorry but if you are dev for 7 years I sure as hell would be taking notes on what those other mmo's are or aren't doing and adding their new features that were developed over the years.


How do you think products stay competitive in the real world?


Ford makes a truck that does xxxx


Chevy that does xxxx also but also does xxxx


Its called building and expanding on old technology not copying it then trying to expand it after the product is done.


Part of that process, is to try something new and different. Story was their main hope. They clearly put a LOT of effort into that area.


The thing is, you can't please everybody. I don't like Fantasy MMOs too much, so WoW can't really hook me. But I love SW and I love the story, so it wins. For me.


So Swtor does Story and that story works for me and many people I know.


Whether it will work for enough players, I dunno. But it does bring something new to the tired MMO industry.

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